Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 179: 179

Poop, poop, poop

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The golden steel gun turned into a streamer, and a terrible mysterious force burst out at the tip of the gun. And the opposite plum bamboo female hands suddenly strive to beat the waist, a white awn will stand out from the waist jade belt.

"Ouch!" A roar like a seeping man resounded through the open field. A snow-white animal body was fearless and rushed straight to the steel gun from the opposite side.

"Bang!" Only heard a fierce dull sound came, white beast body and fierce steel gun fierce impact in a place.

Boom, boom

There was another series of explosions, ringing through the void. The broad Taoist robe of Meizhu girl shakes quickly, and dozens of seal characters with five thunder elements come out with the power of thunder punishment.

Pa Pa, Pa Pa Pa, a series of slight sounds reverberated in the empty space. Originally, he was also very fast in recruiting younger brother. His figure was quickly hit by the five thunder seal characters.

The power of thunder comes from the seal characters and paralyzes the whole body of Zhaodi.

"Ouch!" With another roar of excitement, a white shadow got rid of the entanglement of the steel gun, and his body shape changed direction one after another. In an instant, he went around to the rear of the recruit brother who had already been recruited.

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A clear gnawing sound sprang up, followed by a cry of surprise. The white fierce beast was extremely agile and quickly attacked again.

Only a few tens of breath, recruit younger brother by thunder punishment force numb body, but, has become bloody, sweat blood dripping up.

"Hum!" A cold hum, plum bamboo female figure suddenly appeared in front of recruit younger brother. Meizhunv raised her hand, and there was a magic mark on the palm. Immediately after that, I saw a terrible air of Xuanli burst out from the palm of meizhunv like a flood of beasts.


There was another roar, and the terrible air of Xuanli burst out in an instant. Zhao's body, trapped by the power of thunder punishment, is like a kite with broken line. He is straight and straight, and is thrown out of the forbidden space by Mei zhunv.

"Plop!" With a dull sound, Zhaodi fell heavily outside the empty area. In the void, a steel gun gradually lost its luster, and then the body of the younger brother fell on the ground.

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All around, the teams of major colleges were in a burst of exclamation. On the one hand, the people who watched the noise were all stunned. They couldn't believe that they were staring at meizhunv who won the game.

Just now, the plum and bamboo girl put the array power on her palm. The terrible blow that burst out was absolutely comparable to the full blow of the late cultivator who transcended the spirit realm. Moreover, the breath released by the body shape suddenly killed before is obviously not the spirit of martial spirit.

This plum bamboo girl is not only good at using seal characters, but also can gather in the palm of her hand. And she is guarded by fierce beasts. The most important thing is that she hasn't shown her martial spirit power.

Looking at Mei zhunv with a Taoist robe in front of her and a peach wood sword in her hand, Wu trace had to re-examine her opponent in front of her. In her bright eyes, an inexplicable sense of war sprang up in vain.

"Ha ha, I won!" Plum bamboo female faint smile, arm gently wave. On one side, the white fierce beast that has shown its true face is a white wolf with snow-white body.

"Ouch!" See plum bamboo female wave, white wolf indignant toward no trace low roar a. Immediately, the White Wolf's body was in a flash, and he turned into a white awn again and got into the jade belt of Meizhu girl's waist.

"Ha ha, you are very strong. In particular, this seal script, charm, its power can be called a unique! If you have a chance, I really want to try your power of zhuanfu! " No trace full face is normal color, to plum bamboo female light a smile way.

"Well, I hope you don't regret it then!" Plum bamboo female cold hum a, white eye opposite not far without mark. It is obvious that no trace provoked dissension before, making it almost into a crisis. This sorrow is still in Mei Zhu's heart. Immediately, Meizhu girl did not look at traceless one eye, swaggered a shake on the body Daopao. The whole person walked leisurely and quickly out of the forbidden area and rushed to the position of tianque college team.

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"Hey, hey, little sample, let people dig it, you really think you are loved by everyone!" The sarcastic laughter of demon zunhuoxiao rings out slowly and reverberates in traceless mind for a long time.

"Bah, old rascal!" No trace turned his eyes hard, turned around and strode out of the empty space. Then, he floated back to the team of Dazhou college and looked into the remaining forbidden battle group.

In another forbidden empty field, the sword stands without name, and the Epee is unparalleled. It is always crazy around the sword without name, and the virtual shadows of Epee are as dense as copper walls and iron walls.

Around the sword's nameless body, the bright light of the sword flickered continuously on a white figure. Dao Dao's sword Qi is like dense raindrops. He rushes to the empty shadow of the Epee in front of his nameless body."Your sword can't break my sword!" Under the light and shadow of the sword sprayed like raindrops, the nameless voice of the sword echoes coldly. Then, in the shadow of the hovering Epee, a heavy long sword suddenly appeared.

"Matchless, cut!"

"Brush!" A thick shadow of the sword flashed out and split the countless sword lights in the void. Then, a fierce intention of killing burst out from the heavy shadow of the sword, and the white shadow, which was flying and retreating, came in the air.

"Boom!" The white figure suddenly fell heavily towards the ground. And in the mid air, a bright sword, is unparalleled with the Epee, hard hit together.

Click, click, a subtle sound, strange sound. Two terrible and surging sword Qi soared to the sky and gradually spread to the surrounding space.

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There was a crack on the long sword in mid air, and then the crack spread quickly and became clear,

Hua La, Hua la

The sword broke apart in a flash and became a broken sword scattered on the ground. However, epee Wushuang didn't stay in the same place, but after circling in the air, he flew back to the back of the unknown sword.

"You lost!" Sword nameless, the empty shadow of the whole body Epee gradually dissipated, looking at the young man who was seriously injured in the opposite light said.

"Why?" On the ground, white shadow struggled to sit up, and his eyes were dim. He asked the sword nameless.

"Oh, because my heart of Kendo is stronger than you! At the moment of the duel, your heart was shaken. When you no longer believe in the sword in your hand, you will be abandoned by your sword The sword nameless sighed a tone lightly, the right hand silently touched to touch the Epee behind, matchless.

"Hum!" Epee matchless as if there is a general induction, sword body slightly tremble, seems to be in response to the sword nameless caress.

"I've lost, I've been taught!" The seriously injured young man in white struggled to get up and clasped his fist at Jianwu. Then, some of them threw away their broken swords and strode towards the team of Penglai university without looking back

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