Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 180: 180

After a short silence, the crowd around the empty space exploded again. At the end of three matches in a row, two people from Dazhou college have entered the next round. Moreover, all the advantages are obvious, obviously there is a lot of spare power to deal with the next duel.

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In the two forbidden spaces, only a fight between Ji Ruxue and Dayan youth is left.

But the sword nameless one face is indifferent, the body back Epee matchless, silently stood in a corner of the forbidden space. After all, Ji Ruxue will never get involved in her fight before she agrees. This is not only to believe in Ji Ruxue's strength, but also Jian Mingming's pride as a swordsman.

"Lethal soul lock gun!" A roar burst out from Dayan's mouth. I saw a golden light flying out of the air, turned into a long dragon, and quickly turned to Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue, who is in the cold ice array, frowns slightly, and the air of Xuanli rises in an instant. A blue force of ice, piercing Yin cold, toward the curling around the Golden Dragon fierce attack and go.

Click, click

A clear sound, suddenly from the ice around the ring.

The Golden Dragon's body melted by the steel gun quickly condensed into ice, and the horror of Xiao Sha gradually weakened before it started. It was obviously completely resisted by the power of the cold ice array.

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"Broken!" Ji Ruxue's whole body is full of Xuanli Qi, and the power of cold ice Dharma array has increased several times. Golden spear instantly all into ice soul frozen, with Ji Ruxue's power and into pieces of ice to break a ground.

"With my soul, burn out the lock soul!"

Just as everyone was attracted by the Golden Dragon turning into broken ice, an extremely ferocious and hoarse voice resounded.

See, opposite big Yan youth whole body suddenly ignites a raging flame, the air of Xuan force in the body instantly soared several times. The terrible power spread throughout the empty space, and the breath of Dayan youth at this time obviously exceeded the cultivation momentum of the later martial arts in the spirit realm.

Boom, boom, boom

The young man of Dayan suddenly moved. His arms were like two long guns. He turned into golden light and rushed out, bombarding the cold ice array.

Immediately after that, the sound of broken ice spirit comes up. Ji Ruxue's cold ice Dharma array is under the crazy attack of Dayan youth, and the cracks are broken.

"Shit, no! Burning spirit, is this guy crazy? " The traceless face of the outside world was suddenly surprised, and an uncertain premonition rose in his heart.

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"Ha ha, the longer the spirit burns, the greater the harm to itself. It seems that the little guy is also driven by the cold ice array, and he is eager to break the array! " Demon zunhuoxiao is very resourceful. He can see through Dayan's mind at a glance.

"Whoosh!" While others exclaim repeatedly, Ji Ruxue makes a choice quickly. The whole person's figure retreated quickly, and gave up the cold ice Dharma array protected by him for the first time.

"Hey, lock soul lock!" On the other side, the young man of Dayan, who had already broken the ice array, had a bright look in his eyes and a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Suddenly A dark wind blows, Ji Ruxue feels that the ground under her feet suddenly becomes soft and collapses.

"Brush!" I saw a golden awn flash out from the ground under Ji Ruxue's feet, turned into a golden rope, strangely tied on Ji Ruxue's delicate body.

"Poof!" Just at the moment when the golden rope trapped Ji Ruxue's body, Ji Ruxue's spirit of Xuanli weakened rapidly.

Not only that, the air around contains Xuanli Qi, but also Ji Ruxue's absorption to exclusion. Ji Ruxue's Xuanli Qi is weaker and weaker. It seems that the golden rope has the strange power to imprison all the forces.

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"What kind of soul is this?" Ji Ruxue, who had been completely bound by the golden rope, became even colder. Looking at the young man with a bloodthirsty smile coming slowly from the opposite side, he asked in an extremely cold voice.

"Haha, my martial spirit is a special kind of martial spirit. It can imprison the accomplishments of the same level warrior and make him unable to use the spirit. It's bad luck for you to meet me, Hu Xia. If you give up now, I can spare your life! " The young man of Dayan, named Hu Xia, smiles coldly, and the flame of burning martial spirit on his body gradually weakens and dissipates. The momentum of the whole human body also weakened obviously, and the ferocious face began to become pale and powerless.

"Ha ha, the taste of burning spirits must be extremely expensive for you! As long as I hold on for a while, I believe you can't even stand steady without my hand! " Ji Ruxue smiles coldly, and the air of Xuanli in her body rises several times. However, the strange golden rope and the golden light flickered one after another, which dissipated the mysterious power of Ji Ruxue."Ha ha, in that case, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel!" Hu Xia, a young man in Dayan, burst out laughing, and his weakened momentum rose again. The whole person is like a ferocious beast, ferocious toward the bound Ji Ruxue step by step.

"Like snow, do you need my hand?" An abnormal cold voice, quietly reverberated in Ji Ruxue's ear. Sword nameless hand Epee unparalleled hilt, eyes fixed on the distance of Hu Xia.

"Thank you very much. I can deal with him alone!" Ji Ruxue has a smile on her cold face and whispers to Jianming.

At the same time, Hu Xia, who was full of momentum, flew in with a lunge. He turned his arms into two sharp long guns and ran straight from the left and right sides to attack Ji Ruxue's delicate body.

"Like snow!" In the distance, without trace a exclamation, the air of Xuanli in the body suddenly burst out. The whole person turned into a streamer and rushed straight to the forbidden empty space in the distance.

"Dong!" A muffled sound came from outside the forbidden area. No trace hit with all his strength, but he couldn't shake the ban above the empty court. The whole person stupefied a Leng, then completely blocked by the forbidden empty field.

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Brush, brush, brush

At the same time that Wuchen wants to rescue Ji Ruxue, six figures flash out at the same time. The deans of the six colleges showed their displeasure on their faces, and in a twinkling of an eye, they locked Wu Chen firmly.

Six strands of terrible pressure spread out, no trace only feel the whole body up and down. The whole person is breathing more and more quickly, and the blood in the body seems to be boiling and bursting, which is unbearable.

"For the first time, let you go. Next time, I will clean up the door! " A voice of displeasure rang out coldly. Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, shakes his sleeve and adds a mysterious force to his body. Immediately, no trace just felt the pressure of the whole body gradually reduced, and the whole person gradually recovered some consciousness.

Seeing this, Qi Qi, Dean of the other five colleges, glanced at Ji GongDan. Although they had some words, they didn't say much.

Around, the onlookers were all jumped by the sudden change, and cast puzzled and surprised eyes on the traceless body< br>

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