Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 181: 181

In the forbidden empty space, the horror of Xiao Sha spread out. It was at the critical moment when Hu Xia, a young man of Dayan, was killed. Ji Ruxue, who has a cool face, has a strange smile on her beauty face.

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"Seal!" A slight to imperceptible cold voice, faint from Ji Ru snow mouth slowly spit out. Then, the blue awn in Ji Ruxue's body suddenly rises. In the blink of an eye, she swallows the golden rope bound on her body.

In the dazzling blue light shining, there is a mysterious blue door flickering away.

Not only that, but also in the moment of blue Mang's work. A very cold force of ice, along Ji Ruxue's body suddenly burst out.

Hu Xia turned into two golden awns, and was blocked by the power of the extremely cold ice. The air of frightful ice diffused along the reflection of blue awn, and immediately froze Hu Xia's shining golden fists.

And the most shocking thing is, with a flash of blue. The golden rope just tied on Ji Ruxue's body has disappeared quietly at this time.

"This, this how possible, you unexpectedly broke my lock soul martial spirit! You, you monster! What about my soul? How can I not feel its breath at all Hu Xia, a young man in Dayan, looks frightened. He stares at Ji Ruxue, who is full of Xuanli.

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Hu Xia's arms were covered with gold awn, but he had been frozen on the spot by the cold air. The whole person's Xuanli Qi melted away quickly, his face was pale as paper, and his breath was extremely weak.

"Cough, old demon, what is the shadow just in front of Ruxue? It looks like it's going to the door, but it doesn't look that simple! " No trace has completely forgotten the crisis he just experienced, but in his mind quickly communicate with the demon zunhuoxiao.

"That should be her martial spirit, and it's a very mysterious special kind of martial spirit. It seems that this little girl's martial spirit is good at some kind of seal force. Only in this way can she release the locked soul martial spirit quickly! As for the whereabouts of the soul locked martial spirit, I don't know the demon master. I'm afraid only the caster himself knows its final destination! " Demon zunhuoxiao ponders for a long time, this just opens mouth again, light voice reply way to no trace.

"Ha ha, can you seal each other's soul? It's as bad as snow See Ji Ruxue safe, traceless, this just show a smile. After regaining his sense, he scratched his head awkwardly and quickly returned to the team of Dazhou college.

"You lost!" Within the forbidden space, Ji Ruxue's voice rang out coldly. Then, the frozen ice on the arms of Hu Xia, a young man from Dayan, gradually receded, and the whole person suddenly sat on the ground with faint breath, shivering and paralysis.

"I give up!" Hu Xia, the young man of Dayan, was unwilling to speak, and his voice was very weak again. At the same time, the dean of the six colleges outside the forbidden space, Qi Qi, flashed into the forbidden space. With the entry of the six figures, the prohibition in the forbidden space was removed layer upon layer.

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Hu Xia, a young man from Dayan University, stood up and went to Dayan University step by step. But Ji Ruxue is the whole body blue awn gradually dissipates, and behind the sword nameless both stand in the forbidden space area.

"Liu Wuchen, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue of Dazhou college, Mei zhunv of tianque college, and four of them will compete together in the final of the six colleges competition." Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, has a red face and a loud voice. The rest of the college presidents look very ugly, but only Yuehua fairy, the dean of tianque college, can look a little better.

No matter what the outcome of the war is, at least tianque college has persisted to the end. In terms of comprehensive evaluation, Dazhou college will no doubt lock in the first place, but tianque college has always been like the existence of the mat, this time to get the second place of the six colleges, for them, it is over fulfilled the task.

"Ha ha, next four of you come on stage and start to draw lots in groups!" Ji GongDan smiles and waves his hand around him.

Brush, brush, smell speech, no trace and plum bamboo female, two people shake body shape to come forward one after another. One side of the sword nameless and Ji Ruxue are both forward, four people stand side by side in a place.

"Ha ha, those who want to share the same color are a group of people who want to share the same color." After that, Ji GongDan gently waved his sleeve, and the four stones fell into their hands.

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At the same time, the Qi of the four men and four mysterious forces rose, and the four rays sparkled on the Xuanshi. Coincidentally, the power of the two basaltic stones attracts each other, and the sword nameless and traceless are in the same group. Ji Ruxue, who has just won the match, is in the same group as Mei zhunv, who is dressed as a Taoist.

"Ha ha, nameless, I didn't expect that we would fight in this way!" Traceless looking at the hand of the Xuanshi Leng Lengshen, looking at the side of the sword nameless laughter."Ha ha, before leaving Dazhou college. It's a matter of my mind to have a good fight with you There was a smile on the sword's nameless and cold face. His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he looked at each other without trace.

On one side, Ji Ruxue's face is still very cold and gorgeous. She looks at the female Taoist Mei zhunv in the opposite direction. Because Mei zhunv has just observed Ji Ruxue's battle, she also attaches great importance to Ji Ruxue.

Just when the four were rubbing their hands and their eyes were full of fighting spirit. With a faint smile, Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou college, waved his hand to the four people and said, "today's battle schedule is over. You can go back to rest. Starting from tomorrow, there will be two fights in a row until the final winner is chosen! "

Hearing the words, Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, Mei zhunv and the four all showed a bitter smile of helplessness. With Ji GongDan's words falling, Ji's fighting spirit just rose and disappeared.

Smell speech, the dean of each big college, all turn around to leave one after another. Mei zhunv smiles at the three of them, then turns around and goes along with Yuehua fairy, the dean of tianque college, to the direction of the team of tianque college.

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Seeing this, Wu Chen, Jian Ming and Ji Ruxue look at each other and smile. They quickly step back and meet with everyone in Dazhou college.

Along the way, many students in Dazhou University and even the tutors in and out of the University were all very excited. In twos and threes, they began to discuss the competition for hegemony.

And no trace and other three people are silent, quietly followed in the tutor Yanyu life and tutor Su has behind. Little girl Liu shuang'er is also excited at this time, her face is red, her fists are clenched, and she follows the crowd like a shadow.

At night, in the Jiangnan other college of Dazhou college, three raging Xuanli Qi rose one after another. The pure air of Xuanli between heaven and earth seemed to be crazy. It turned into three waves and poured into three different rooms.

In the other courtyard of Jiangnan, Yanyu and Su have been standing side by side in the same place. They look at the momentum of crazy cultivation in the three rooms, and they can't help but smile< br>

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