Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 182: 182

The big competition of the six colleges went on to the third day in a row.

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At noon, outside the city of King capital Chaoge, it is adjacent to the edge of Wuzhou holy mountain, one of the nine forbidden areas. The crowd of black onlookers swarmed in, and even some princes and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty all came to watch the contest.

The students of the Six Dynasties colleges are divided into six directions in the open field. For today's competition for hegemony, in addition to tianque college also has a glimmer of expectations, the other major Dynasty colleges are completely reduced to foil.

Brush, brush, brush

There are six terrible mysterious forces, which rise up from the open space without any obscurity. Layers of strange power of prohibition sprang up, once again dividing the open space into two groups.

In the open space, four young figures are opposite each other. They are divided into two groups, each standing in its own regiment.

Tengteng, Tengteng

Suddenly, the four mysterious forces rose at the same time. In the later stage, the cultivation of the four part soul state spread out and collided with each other fiercely.

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"Hum!" There was a loud and clear sword sound, a white faced sword with a cold face was nameless, and he stood up with an unparalleled Epee in his hand. His breath was connected with the unparalleled Epee in his hand. The whole person seems to turn into a peerless sword, looking straight ahead with fierce eyes.

Not far in front of the sword's nameless body, a silver light came out of the mountain. Then, there was another sound of the sword. He was dressed in green and had a handsome face. He was holding a silver sword with a smile on his face and gently arched his mouth to the sword nameless.

"No trace, the greatest respect for the opponent is to beat him with all his strength! You and I will do my best. Next, you have to be careful! " Sword nameless cold eyes suddenly burst out two cold light, the hand Epee unparalleled heavy sword body suddenly slightly trembled. As if the Epee matchless is also very excited in general, Sisi Xiaosha sword gas slowly spread out along the body of the epee.

"Ha ha, I don't know your character! It's no use saying more. I promise you'll regret fighting me! " No trace roared with laughter and swung the silver sword in his hand. Dao Dao sword flowers, like misty rain, quietly turn into pieces of catkins and linger around the body.



Two roars came out from the mouth of no trace and no name sword at the same time. Two terrible momentum skyrocketed up, blowing a burst of dust and smoke above the surrounding empty field. Countless sword light scattered all over the sky, splashing, crazy collision in the void.

Boom, boom, boom

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Bright sword light flying splash, a white and a green, two figures anxious fight in a place. All the swords hover around, only guarding the unknown shape of the sword. However, Wuchen's whole body is always protected by the sword Qi like catkins, and the silver sword in his hand is like a snake, running through the clouds and flowing water. On the whole body of the nameless sword, it turned into silver rays and stabbed repeatedly.

At the same time, in the sky rising sword gas, no trace and sword nameless in full swing of the anxious struggle in one place.

In another battle group divided by the power of prohibition, two distinct breath quickly rose together.

A dazzling blue awn rose up, and Ji Ruxue's indifferent face showed under the blue awn. After several times of sketching at Ji Ruxue's feet, the cold ice Dharma array of Yin cold and terror in the breath gathered again.

Ji Ruxue's cold and gorgeous face has no emotion. With the rising of Qi in the body, the whole person feels colder and colder.

On the other side, Mei zhunv, the beautiful daughter of heaven in tianque college, suddenly shakes her broad Taoist robe. A red awn flying out, shares of hot waves will surge out of thin air.

Dozens of flaming red lotus fire seal characters appear quietly, turning into red fire snakes circling out. The fiery flame is burning, and the figure of female Taoist Mei zhunv is closely guarded.

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The blazing flame is extremely hot, which is in sharp contrast with the air of ice in the cold ice array.

Not only that, among the dozens of fire snakes circling and wrapping the guards, Mei zhunv once again shakes her broad Taoist robe, and several mysterious runes containing the power of thunder punishment emerge out of thin air.

Several runes with the power of thunder and punishment galloped out of the flame and fire snake, and in the twinkling of an eye, they surged to the sky where the cold ice array gathered.

"Suddenly."“ Suddenly A few cold winds are blowing in vain, and the cold light in the cold ice array suddenly shines. In the void, the cold air rose up aggressively, and in an instant, the blue awn covered several thunder penalty runes above the cold ice array.

Yilala, yilalaA sound of water fire compatible explosion sound, from the air above strange spread. The blazing flame that had covered the mysterious Rune before resisted the flying blue awn in an instant.

"Click, click..."

Immediately after that, the moment when the fire was extinguished by the cold in the cold ice array. The power of thunder comes down from the sky according to the time gap, and faces the cold ice array impartially. Ji Ruxue, who is waiting for him, splits away.

"Hum, it contains two kinds of mysterious forces: flame and thunder punishment. You really have two brushes for the seal script charm that adds power to it! " Ji Ruxue, who was standing in the cold ice array, did not move. She was as steady as Mount Tai. A strange smile appeared on her cool and beautiful face.

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"Ha ha, do you think you are the only one who can use the thunder power of the charm?" Ji Ruxue eyebrows slightly pick, the momentum of the whole person is more chilly. Immediately, see Ji such as snow right arm suddenly a lift, right palm quickly spread out. Closely following, see a dazzling strange thunder light, unexpectedly along Ji Ruxue's palm will split out.

Click, click

It is a fierce impact sound to ring out again, the sky thunder that releases in Ji Ruxue's palm and the thunder punishment force that falls in the mid air hit fiercely in one place.

The golden lights are scattered in all directions, and the power of thunder and punishment counteracts each other in the void. However, the blue awn in the cold ice array soared again, driving away the remaining power of thunder punishment.

"Why, palm thunder? I didn't expect that your attainments in the array were so high! Now that it's as follows, let's try my Zhuan Fu with your array... "On the other side, Mei zhunv, wrapped in the flame and fire snake, was dazzled in front of her eyes. There were two strange Zhuan Fu marks on her palms. Meizhu girl looks at Ji Ruxue in the cold ice array, and her fighting spirit is instantly aroused.

Similarly, Ji Ruxue in the cold ice Dharma array is looking forward to it, and two tiny Dharma arrays in the shape of sky thunder appear on her palms.

Gulu, Gulu

All the tutors and students in the six academies were attracted by the wonderful fighting in the two regiments. And the crowd and forces of all sides were silent, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. All of them stared in horror, and were stunned on the spot< br>

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