Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 183: 183

On the open field, the air of terrifying Xuanli in the two regiments rose.

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In one of the regiments, the golden sword and silver sword light were interwoven and painted, and the fierce fight was smooth.

No trace holding silver sword, body shape into a gorgeous silver. The whole movement is like flowing water. Silver sword light comes down from the sky and assassinates the sword inside the Epee's unparalleled guard.

"Matchless, broken!" A cold voice, as if from a distant sky. A sword with a cold face in white is nameless, and the golden light all over the body suddenly blows. In front of him, the virtual shadow of Epee whirled slightly, and the unparalleled figure of Epee flew out.

"Brush!" A sword Qi splits out in the air, and the Epee has no double empty shadow, which cuts through the sky in a moment. Where the sword Qi passed, the silver sword awns scattered from heaven and earth quickly disappeared.

With a single blow, the sword will break through the traceless group moves. Then, I saw a snow-white shadow in the virtual shadow of the flying epee.

"Bang!" The body of Wushuang Epee suddenly trembles. The sword is nameless and steady. Hold the Wushuang Epee in the palm of your hand. Then I saw that the sword was nameless, holding the sword in both hands and slashing fiercely. The Epee was like a mountain, and then it came towards the top of the head of no trace.

Feel the terror from the top of the head, and the upper and lower bones of no trace are rattling. The blood in the body was surging, as if it would explode at any time.

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"Go No trace bit his teeth hard, holding the silver sword in both hands, the universe in his body would run wildly, and he would fight hard to keep out of his head.

"Boom" can be heard in the ear With a loud noise, the ground in the whole forbidden space area trembled three times.

There was dust all around, and countless golden lights and silver sword Qi collided with each other. In the dust filled with depression, the two figures quickly separated after a short touch.

"Whoosh," "whoosh," there's no unnecessary nonsense, and there's no difference between the two. In terms of strength alone, traceless is more likely to win. However, in terms of Kendo power, it seems that sword nameless can take advantage of it.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of stuffy sounds, a hundred and two successive violent collision in one place. The sword light all over the sky splashed down again, making the people watching the battle dazzled.

At this point, in another regiment.

The air of Yin cold ice rises up in the sky, and the air of Yin cold turns into a blue ice dragon. It roars and pours on the opposite side, and collides with the burning flame.

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"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.

Several surging flames seemed to come back to life in an instant and turned into fire snakes. A flame fire snake breathes the red core, runs to the blue ice dragon, then madly bumps up.

One dragon vs. snakes, this is a fight between ice and fire. The air source of cold ice in the cold ice method array is continuously injected, which makes the blue ice dragon more powerful. The power of the spell attached to the flame snake also soared. The snakes and the ice dragon fought fiercely and ate each other on the spot.

"Ha ha, it seems that you can't take my red lotus fire charm for a while." The plum bamboo girl under the flame rising package sneers coldly and says faintly to Ji Ruxue, who is concentrating in the cold ice array.

"It's just a war of attrition. When the mysterious Qi contained in your charm is exhausted, my ice dragon can easily freeze you." Ji Ruxue's face is indifferent, and her voice echoes coldly.

"Ha ha, for you, I have prepared hundreds of seal characters." After hearing Ji Ruxue's words, Mei zhunv suddenly smiles. The broad Taoist robe shakes slightly, and then there are ten more charms. The virtual shadow disappears in a flash.

"Well, no matter what, you can't beat me!" Ji Ruxue snorted coldly, and the air of Xuanli was released without reservation.

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In the cold ice method array, the blue mang suddenly made a big splash, and the blue ice cold suddenly perked up under the siege of the blazing flames and snakes. The cold and heavy long tail was thrown in vain, and the nearest flaming fire snake was shot away.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, the flame snake was eroded by the cold air. A charm that gradually lost its red awn drifted away towards the ground below.

At this time, dozens of other incantations of the flame snake are all excited. A flame snake is not lethal, general fly out, a swarm of bees toward the blue cold body on the kill.

Boom, boom, boom

All the fire snakes choose to explode at the same time, and the fire light in the sky turns into countless fireballs.In the blink of an eye, the ground of the forbidden space was full of flames, and countless flames were completely blocked by the surrounding prohibitions.

Look at the center of the flaming fire snake's self explosion, a blue ice dragon's body began to weaken.

After a few breaths, the cold blue body turned into drops of water, pouring out a pool of water on the burning ground below.

"Why?" Mei zhunv watched dozens of charms disappear in front of her eyes, and her heart was full of pain. After all, the raw materials needed to depict seal characters are extremely expensive, and these dozens of charms also represent a great loss.

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"I have a reason to win this contest!" Ji Ruxue's Xuanli Qi gathered again, and a faint blue cold virtual shadow gradually solidified into a solid form under the cover of the blue awn of the cold ice array.

"Why, are you doing it for them?" Plum bamboo female complexion slightly one coagulates, absentmindedly saw a decisive color from Ji Ruxue's eyes. Turning around and looking at another battle group full of sword Qi, Mei zhunv had an incredible idea in her heart.

"Well, not for them, but for us!" Ji Ruxue's face sank in vain, and a touch of warmth appeared on her cold and gorgeous face. In an instant, the warmth on the face disappears in a flash, and is replaced by endless indifference and Xiaosha.

"Well, it's interesting. It sounds enviable, but I won't let you get what you want! " Meizhu female smile, eyebrows with a smile in the eyes flashing two cold light. Then, dozens of seal characters emerged out of thin air again, and dozens of flames burned hot on the spot again.

Gulu, Gulu

The students and tutors of the six colleges were looking at the two gunpowder regiments. Each of them was very excited and looked at the two regiments with interest. All around, the onlookers were shouting and cheering for the four people in the battle group< br>

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