Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 184: 184

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The incantations burning with burning flame fly out of thin air without any sign. In the middle of the sky, it was lit up by the fire light, and the terrible flames turned into flames. The snake rushed straight to the ice array.

Boom, boom

The terrible sound of explosion rang out one after another. The cold blue just gathered in front of the cold ice array collapsed again under the bombardment of the burning rune. And the cold ice array, which was affected by the flame Xuanli, was suddenly shaken violently.

In the cold ice Dharma array, the air of the invading flame is instantly engulfed by the surrounding blue awn. However, Ji Ruxue's body of the cold ice array suddenly shakes. It is obvious that the pressure brought by the burst of the flame spell has also caused a certain amount of influence on her.

"Hum, thunder in the palm of my hand!" Ji Ruxue's face suddenly sank and her palms quickly waved. The two blue lights in Ji Ruxue's palm flash away, and dozens of terrible thunder come out.

Click, click

A flash of lightning pierced the sky, and dozens of thunder burst out of the cold ice array. In the blink of an eye, they came to meizhunv. In the panic, Mei zhunv quickly sacrificed two magic spells containing the power of thunder punishment, but she quickly fled to the rear.

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"Boom," "boom."

Countless mines burst apart in the air, like bright fireworks. The great Xuanli's aftereffects spread all around, overturning Meizhu's body for a week.

Ji Ruxue, who is standing in the cold ice Dharma array, is shaking all the time. The blue light around the cold ice Dharma array is flickering and darkening, and it seems that some of them can't bear the collision power of the terrible sky thunder and the power of thunder punishment.

Whoosh, whoosh

In the middle of the sky, the power of thunder punishment and sky thunder gradually dissipated, and the two figures quickly changed their directions.

Ji Ruxue stepped on the ice array, and her body turned into a white awn, then she flew out. A chill came out and locked the plum bamboo girl who dodged in front of her.

At the same time, Mei zhunv, who is locked by Ji Ruxue's breath, is not willing to be outdone. Her broad Taoist robe shakes quickly. There are dozens of runes coming out of the air, and they are going to attack Ji Ruxue.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

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Dozens of runes bombard the flying blue awn. Ji Ruxue, who is escorted by the cold ice array, moves much slower. Just after Ji Ruxue resisted dozens of Rune burst powers, the figure of Mei zhunv in front of her had disappeared.

"Hum, where peach wood is going, kill evil spirits and demons!" A cold hum, suddenly cold from Ji Ruxue behind. A peach long sword, which seems to be ordinary and has no intention of killing, is inserted into the cold ice array.

"Poof." A slight to imperceptible sound came. The peach long sword was not affected by the cold ice array. Even as if no one in general, so light and gentle into the ice array.

"Bang!" A bright light burst out from the tip of the peach long sword. As the light gets brighter and brighter, the whole cold ice array is filled with the smell of peach long sword.

"No!" Ji Ruxue in the cold ice array feels the most strongly. The peach long sword breath around seems soft and ordinary, but there are endless murders hidden everywhere. As a result, Ji Ruxue made a decisive decision and gave up the cold ice array at the first time.

"Whoosh!" A mountain of white shadow, endless cold spread from the white shadow. Ji Ruxue flew out of the sky several meters away with one arrow step, and a violent roar came out from behind.

Boom, boom

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Countless blue ice smears are flying all over the sky, covering the whole person in the forbidden space with a layer of blue awn. In the place where the cold ice array burst, an ordinary peach long sword seemed to be nothing, flying slowly back to the palm of meizhunv's hand.

"Peach tree refers to, ten thousand flowers bloom!" Meizhu girl had a smile in her eyes, and her peach long sword came out again.

A long sword of peach wood floats leisurely, and there is a breath of martial spirit in it.

Brush, brush, brush

Where the peach long sword passes, there are layers of vitality on the ground below. In addition, countless branches and vines come from the ground below.

The branches and vines propagate rapidly and become peach trees. The branches and leaves are connected. And every peach tree is surrounded, and Ji Ruxue is trapped in it.

"Eh, the power of martial spirit? The plant is the breath of martial spirit Ji Ruxue's face is unprecedentedly dignified. She steps on a small ice array. The body is always changing its position.But the speed of peach blossom blooming around is too fast, and the space left for Ji Ruxue to escape is becoming more and more narrow. Finally, Ji Ruxue had no choice but to escape to a corner of the space.

"Brush." The peach long sword that just disappeared appeared out of thin air. Just a few meters in front of Ji Ruxue's body, the peach long sword easily penetrated into the small ice array again without any effort.

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"Well, you forced me!" Ji Ruxue at the foot of the pace of successive retreat, the whole person has been completely forced to the edge of the empty place. The power of prohibition on the rear empty field is looming. I'm afraid Ji Ruxue will lose the fight if she takes a step.

"Ha ha, you are still the first one to force me to use my martial spirit. To show my respect, you'd better give up! " Plum bamboo female big mouth big mouth is panting heavily, on the face of rising red obviously excited incomparable. The air of Xuanli contained in the whole body burst out in an instant, and the body of the peach long sword on the opposite side suddenly trembled slightly. The peach blossoms in the surrounding empty field are in full bloom at the same time, and countless peach blossom breath all rush into the peach long sword.

"Poof!" At this time, the peach long sword has obviously become an invincible and powerful weapon. Just the momentum and power emitted from the sword will destroy all the Yin and cold Qi gathered by the surrounding small ice array

Not only that, just a few breath, the peach long sword will be instantly golden. The horror of killing out of the crazy, straight straight will have no place to escape the Ji such as snow all over the body to firmly locked up.

Soon after that, when Ji Ruxue was cold all over. On the other side, a dazzling golden light flashed.

An unprecedented sense of crisis, the moment yongbian Ji snow up and down. Ji Ruxue only felt that the vitality in her body began to weaken, as if she had been absorbed by the golden light in front of her.

Seeing this, Ji Ruxue didn't have time to think about it, so she quickly gathered Xuanli's Qi all over her body. Snow white teeth bite the tip of the tongue, so that his mind can maintain a trace of soberness.

At the same time, a strange breath of martial spirit rushed out of the body. A mysterious door shadow appeared in front of Ji Ruxue's figure just like the sky< br>

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