Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 185: 185

"The door of seal!" A voice of indifference without any emotion reverberated in the open space.

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A door shadow looming, quietly stands in front of Ji Ruxue. The door is always covered with strange fog, so that people can not really see its true face.

"Brush!" With Ji Ruxue's cold voice, the mysterious and strange door is surrounded by misty fog, which rolls up in vain. The strange misty air seems to be everywhere. In a moment, it will occupy the whole empty space and cover all the blooming peach blossoms.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" Not only that, the strange and mysterious door opened slowly from the middle to both sides. A strange sound came up gently, and a simple breath came out of the mysterious door.

The simple and mysterious atmosphere seems to come from outside the country and from ancient times. Just the breath released by the door made all the people present have the idea of giving up resistance.

At this time, in another battle group, the sword light flying all over the sky, the intense impact in one place. Suddenly, the sword light between heaven and earth all stagnated, a green and a white figure quickly flew away.

Traceless, sword nameless, two people at the moment also aware of the strange mysterious atmosphere in another regiment, coincidentally stop fighting, looking at Ji Ruxue in another regiment.

"Suddenly A strange cold wind blows in the empty field. Around the surging of the strange mist, a head of the crazy scratch.

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The mysterious and strange ancient door seems to have some magic power. In the door open a gap, an invisible suction wild like absorption.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

With the opening of the strange and mysterious door, the terrible suction swept the whole forbidden space in a flash. The peach blossoms in full bloom on the surrounding ground have no resistance to the crack of the door. And then there was a puff of misty air, and peach blossoms were uprooted without any resistance.

Peach trees poured in the air crazy circling, a rush into the mysterious strange door opened by the gap.

"The door of seal, seal!" Ji Ruxue's indifferent voice rings out again, and the cold momentum of the whole person is even colder.

The whole forbidden space around seems to have become the world controlled by Ji Ruxue. As the mysterious and strange door gap gradually closed, the suction around it became more violent.

At this time, the peach long sword, which is in the center of the suction vortex, has no resistance to the strange and mysterious door.

"Whoosh!" With the disappearance of the last peach blossom wood branch, there is no sign of peach blossom spirit in the whole empty field. And the peach long sword, which is always swaying in the wind and rain, finally moves with the wind at the last moment and flies into the mysterious and strange door gap.

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"The art of escape, run away!"

After a exclamation, another corner of the Forbidden Space in the distance was Mei zhunv, who recovered from the shock. See plum bamboo female ruthlessly bite the tip of the tongue, a bright red this life essence blood suddenly spurt out. Bright red Benming's essence and blood are extremely accurate. It's hitting on the peach long sword that has been buried in the door of the seal.



At the moment when Benming's blood essence was sprayed on the peach long sword, the peach long sword, which had already given up its resistance, was full of blood.

On the handle of the end of the peach long sword, a streamer quickly broke away from the peach long sword. Immediately, the streamer ignited the blood essence of Mei Zhu's daughter. In a flash, it flew out of her body and disappeared.

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"Hoo The pale and bloodless plum bamboo girl breathed a long sigh of relief, and the air of Xuanli around her body quickly weakened and dissipated.

With a plop, Meizhu's body was shaking. The whole person imitates the Buddha's hand and has no power to bind a chicken. He gasps heavily and sits on the ground.

"Ha ha, it's so dangerous. Fortunately, the spirit of martial arts escaped back! What the hell is that? How can it be so terrible! " Meizhu girl showed a helpless smile and touched her chest like a lingering fear. Think of just peach blossom soul into the body of the moment, as if they are almost by the strange suction to seal to another world.

"PATA!" A strange dull sound came from the forbidden space. The strange and mysterious door closed tightly in one place, and then the mist rose again. All the strange and mysterious doors were wrapped up and moved slowly towards Ji Ruxue's body.

At this time, no matter the students or tutors of the six colleges, as well as the various forces and fighters watching, all of them were stunned. There was a silence in the crowd of thousands of people in the huge open space."Cough..." a cold cough broke the dead silence of the scene. At this time, Ji Ruxue only felt a burst of pain all over her body, as if every move would be painful to the bone marrow.

"You are defeated!" Ji Ruxue's voice is still cold and cold, and her beautiful eyes are sharp and sharp. Staring at the distance sitting on the ground has no power to fight back Mei Zhu female, word by word slowly said.

"Hum, you've ruined my magic weapon Taomu. How dare you pretend to be a good man with me here! Even if I don't have the strength to fight again, I believe you don't have the extra strength to kill me! " Meizhu's face was bloodless and she was extremely weak. But the mouth is still not willing to give in, toward Ji such as snow cold return way.

At the same time, Meizhu girl used up her last strength to clap the jade belt around her waist. A white light and shadow appeared in front of Meizhu girl.

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In the distance, in another regiment, Wu trace and Jian Ming, who had just recovered from shock, were once again startled by the fierce white wolf.

After all, Ji Ruxue is now at the end of her rope. If she only fights against Mei zhunv, she still has a certain chance of winning. But with the fierce beast level white wolf, I'm afraid it's no different from being slaughtered by others.

"Ha ha, since you want to win or lose so much, I'll let you see my cards, too!" Ji Ruxue, who is extremely weak, smiles coldly and takes out a transparent jade pendant from her arms.

"Ouch!" With a low roar, the snow-white protective beast White Wolf flashed out. At the same time, the White Wolf suddenly moved.

A white streamer pierced the sky, and a sense of horror swept the whole forbidden space. The boundless power of Xiao Sha soars to the sky, and the fierce White Wolf rushes to Ji Ruxue like lightning and flint

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