Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 186: 186

"Woo Hoo!" At the same time, a deafening roar from Ji Ruxue, a young tiger with the same snow-white body, flashed out of the air.

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When the white tiger appeared, he jumped up without hesitation. And the White Wolf, who was also flying all over the snow, was obviously frightened by the big guy in front of him.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

A series of terrible turbulence, in the mid air in succession resounded. The fierce roar between the two fierce beasts sounded from time to time, and the two white shadows were extremely fighting and separated, and they were all in one place.

"Plop." Just as the two fierce beasts fight in one place, Ji Ruxue shakes and sits on the ground.

And the opposite face ugly plum bamboo female is repeatedly wry smile, toward the opposite distance Ji such as snow gently picked thumb.

"Well, even if we can decide a victory or defeat, I can't fight in the next fight! In this case, it's better to keep the strength! I don't think it's as good as that. You and I will stop here. This is a draw. What do you think? " Plum bamboo female eyes is full of unwilling, the voice is a little weak toward Ji Ruxue ask a way.

"Well, I just want to keep you out of the final! I'm not interested in it. As long as you're willing to stop, why don't you win this battle? " Ji Ruxue snorted coldly and gave a white look at Meizhu girl. Immediately, see Ji such as snow slender white tender arm lightly a shake. In the middle of the sky, the young white tiger, who was fighting anxiously, flashed quickly and came back to Ji Ruxue's body alertly.

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"Ouch!" Also is a unwilling low roar, the whole body snow-white white white wolf also understood the plum bamboo female's mind in the first time. The White Wolf's four hooves flashed and cleverly returned to meizhunv's side.

"Is it worth it?" Plum bamboo female with weak breath, looking at Ji Ruxue who is also exhausted, asks softly. The white shadow in front of Meizhu's body flickers in vain, and the fierce White Wolf hides in the jade belt container again.

"When you meet the right person, you will understand! There's nothing in the world that's worth it or not, only whether you are willing or not... "Ji Ruxue seems to think of something, and there's a knowing smile on her cold and beautiful face. The shadow of the young white tiger disappears in a flash. Meizhu girl just looks at Ji Ruxue, and she is in a trance.

On the fourth and sixth day, the students of the University and the snobs who were watching the battle were all in a daze.

"Brush!" The power of prohibition gradually dissipated. The figure of Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, suddenly appears in the battle group where Ji Ruxue and Mei zhunv live.

"This is a draw, and neither of them has the strength to fight again. The judge decided that they were tied for the third place. Do you have any objection? "

Smell speech, Ji Ruxue calmly shook his head, struggling to stand up. While staggering at the foot of the move pace, while toward another place under the blockade of the power of prohibition in the regiment blinked.

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"Ha ha, meet the right person?" Mei zhunv, dressed as a Taoist, smiles and shakes her head. Then, Mei zhunv also climbed up and walked towards tianque college not far away.

"Brush!" With a breeze blowing, Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, disappeared out of thin air. But in the rear big week Institute troop, all students and even the tutor all excited flushed red face.

Ji Ruxue successfully blocked Mei zhunv's progress, and both sides voluntarily agreed to tie third. This also means that no matter who wins or loses in the fight between traceless and sword nameless, they will become the top one and the top one of the six colleges.

The biggest beneficiary of this achievement is Dazhou University. As a member of Dazhou college, the tutors and students will all receive generous awards from the Dazhou Dynasty

In another battle group, Wu trace held a silver sword and stood up against the sword with an unparalleled epee. Two people see a touch of bitterness from each other's eyes at the same time, but all the fighting spirit that surged around them has disappeared.

"Like snow, hard work!" Traceless deep breath, as if to himself as a low murmur.

"Ruxue, a good girl! No trace, I hope you don't let her down! " Sword nameless cold face on a faint smile, quietly sound to no trace said.

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"Nameless, do you also like snow?" No trace brow slightly pick, solemnly look to sword nameless look.

"You are my only brother, she is my only friend! In this life, my sword is nameless enough to have you two. As for the others, I never thought about them! " Sword nameless gently shake hands, epee unparalleled will suddenly throw. A remnant shadow passed in a flash, and the Epee was once again firmly carried on his back by the sword nameless."Ha ha, what do you want in life? It's enough to have you!" No trace showed a bright smile, and the silver sword in his hand shook. The light of Zhou Tian's sword gradually disappeared, and a silver jade belt was tied to his waist again.

Brush, brush, brush

The students and tutors of the six colleges, as well as those who watched the battle from all sides, were all shocked and looked suspiciously into the forbidden space.

"I give up!"

"I give up!"

A gentle voice, as well as a cold words sounded at the same time. Then, after looking at each other, they both burst out laughing.

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"Brush!" The power of prohibition disappeared. The presidents of the six colleges flashed out together, staring at the two teenagers in front of them, showing a meaningful smile.

"No trace, the winner of this battle must be you. Maybe the name of the first person in the six colleges will make the Zhou Dynasty think more about it!" Sword nameless face again as usual, secretly sound to no trace. Then Jianming nodded to Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou college, indicating that he would give up and quit the competition.

Smell speech, no trace body shape slightly tremble, in the heart can't help surging up a warm current. What Ji Ruxue and Jianming have done for themselves are deeply engraved in the heart of traceless at the moment.

"Ha ha, in that case, respect your decision! This is the end of the competition among the six colleges. "

"The second winner of individual war, Dazhou college sword unknown! The first winner is Liu Wuchen of Dazhou University“ According to the comprehensive evaluation, Dazhou University ranked first, tianque University ranked second, Dayan University ranked third, Jiuli University and Penglai University ranked fourth and fifth, and Daliang University ranked last. "

"Everyone, can anyone have any objection..." with the loud reading of Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou college, there was a silence on such a big empty space.

All the eyes of all the people present gathered at the same time on Wu trace, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue and Mei zhunv. The extraordinary fighting power of the four had already become the real winner in the eyes of the public< br>

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