Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 198: 198

Boom, boom

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One after another, the sound of terror exploded, and a momentum of death swept across the turbulent sky. The fury of Xuanli quickly ignites the continuous drizzle in the field of space. In an instant, the air wave of destroying the sky and destroying the earth engulfed the mysterious two elders who had no time to dodge in mid air.

Hua La, Hua la

The continuous drizzle was scattered like a thunderbolt, hitting the wall of fire rising below, with a trace of rising water vapor. A road of fragmented flesh and blood fragments, no sign of scattered out of thin air.

At this moment, the spirit of teacher Yanyu's life has already died. And the breath of the two old men of xuanming also completely disappeared in the void.


The wind is blowing, and the boundless sea of fire is gathering. Will be the original tragic silence empty, all covered in one of them.

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After a big war, Su Ji and Yanyu all died. The two masters of xuanming, who were both masters in the early cultivation of infant soul realm, and Wang Feihu, the leader of the contemporary royal family, were all buried in the endless sea of fire.

In the forbidden area of strange fire engulfed by the raging flame, a dark shadow is galloping fast. On the two hands of the burly shadow, no trace and no name sword were held in their hands respectively.

In the vast sea of fire, the organ puppet urged him to run with all his strength. There is no destination, and you can't see the road in the distance. There is only one shadow struggling to travel in Sichuan, running as far away as possible.

After a long-distance attack for half an hour, the puppet's pace gradually slowed down. At this time, even the bamboo hat and coir raincoat around the puppet were gradually burned by the hot flames around him.

"Dong!" With a dull sound, the organ puppet's burly body suddenly fell down, and fell on the ground on both knees. However, the Wu trace and the nameless sword in the hand of the head runner were steadily protected by his heavy arms.

"Brush!" A strange red awn came out of his arms. Yao Zun's fiery red figure shook and looked around with a dignified face.

"Cough, no trace, this sea of fire is so terrible. I'm afraid I can't stand it any longer!" Sword nameless breathing more urgent up, repeatedly run for life to make the body more weak. Fortunately, with the full protection of the running head, Jianming shared most of the pressure of the flame. Otherwise, just relying on the unknown self cultivation of the sword, I'm afraid it will turn into ashes as soon as I enter the strange fire forbidden area.

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"Cough, no one is insisting. My body can last for a while On the other hand, the situation of no trace is much better than that of no name sword. After all, after the eternal Heaven and earth determined to harden the meat, the no trace behind is obviously stronger to resist the different fire.

"Master, I can't carry it!" The organ puppet's body, which is as hard as iron, has been completely covered by the burning flames around him. The whole body was red and hot, and the momentum of the puppet gradually became weaker than traceless.

"No trace boy, quickly, quickly take back the running head! If it goes on like this, it will explode and die! " Demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow a face anxious, toward no trace urgent urge way.

Smell speech, no trace dare not delay more, hasten heart read a move. The red organ puppet in front of him turned into a streamer again and entered the storage ring in the hands of no trace.

"Suddenly“ Suddenly

As soon as the puppet disappeared, the scorching heat of the surrounding world came from all directions.

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The scorching air wave is extremely terrifying. One wave is higher than the other, and it beats on the whole body of traceless and sword nameless. No trace and sword nameless two people's whole body up and down surging sword gas gradually weakened, in the face of the terrible flame of gas unexpectedly also can only do a moment of struggle.

"Hum!"“ Hum

The two sounds of the sword were heard in the roaring flames. Epee matchless into Dao Dao sword shadow, the sword nameless and extremely weak body shape to cover in them. The fury of the sword rose to the sky, blocking most of the flame.

Another white sword flashed out, and a long silver sword sent out bursts of sword spirit. It turns into a sword light, which keeps the traceless body firmly in it.

"Teng!"“ "Teng!"

Countless flames and waves, as if by endless provocation general boiling up. The stormy heat of terror came from the shop, destroying the sword Qi protected by traceless and nameless swords.

The matchless epee and the silver sword seemed to be extremely unwilling. Continue to urge the whole body of the sword force, for no trace and sword nameless two people do the last dying struggle.

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A wave higher than a wave of hot air surging up, endless flame heat wave as if endless. The Qi of the whole body of the unparalleled Epee sword and the silver long sword gradually decreased, and even the luster of the two sharp swords slowly weakened.In the distance, under the cover of layers of flames. A strange red awn cloud curled up, and a vague shadow, like the shadow of a mountain, appeared and disappeared.

Indistinctly, all the flames around us were all trembling. As if by some strange traction in general, coincidentally toward the road looming, ethereal high virtual shadow direction rushed away.

"Pa!"“ Bang

Two slight to imperceptible sounds, in vain, sounded on the body of no trace and sword nameless. The light of the unparalleled epee and the silver long sword dissipated, and the two long swords fell on the bodies of no trace and no name.

"No trace, I'm dying, people say that before I die, I can see the illusion..." the cold eyes of the sword's nameless and sharp closed slowly, and the shadow of the distant high-rise shadow was still hovering in my mind for a long time.

"Cough, nameless, hold on, we can go out, we have to avenge for teacher Yanyu!" It is a strong pungent heat wave, inhaled in the breath, no trace just feel dizzy in my mind. In front of my eyes, the towering shadow suddenly seemed to be much closer to me, and the whole person even began to enter the state of fainting and feigning death.

"No, it seems that I can only do it! Within ten breath, can I escape from this strange fire forbidden area? " On one side, demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying was slightly stunned, and his deep eyes were full of dignity. At this time, the demon zunhuoxiao seems to be a different person. He doesn't look like he's just hanging around. Instead, he's domineering and brave. He's as determined as a peerless master

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