Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 199: 199

In the strange fire forbidden area, the flames are burning wantonly. In the distance, surrounded by layers of fire, a tall and ethereal shadow appeared and disappeared.

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"Plop!" With a light sound, the sword is nameless and sweating all over the body. The water in the body decreases rapidly, and the whole person falls into the sea of fire in a trance.

"Old demon, I'm afraid I can't do it! If I die, you will occupy my body! Perhaps, you still have a chance to live... "Traceless spirit a trance, looking at the body in front of the illusory red virtual shadow pale smile. Then, Wu Chen's arms spread out and his body fell back heavily, and there was a trace of unwilling color in his slowly closed eyes.

"Ha ha, silly boy, what are you talking about! You and I are one, and you are the leader. If you die, demon master, I will never survive again! " Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying smiles and shakes his head, as if he and traceless are the only two left in the world at the moment.

"Brush!" A strange red light flashed away and rushed into the almost fainting body of no trace. And in the demon zunhuoxiao into no trace body, occupy no trace consciousness moment. No trace of the whole body are suddenly trembling, a fire red light along the pores of no trace skin around the body.

Tengteng, Tengteng

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"Ah With an old and thick voice coming out, the scarlet body suddenly stood up from the ground. At this time of no trace, but gives a very strange feeling. Traceless appearance is still traceless, but the momentum of the whole person is as calm as the master of one side of the world.

"Hoo! It's so comfortable to have the feeling of body I saw no trace deep breath, Jun Lang's face with a strange smile. The evil smile and the strange red awn all over the body give people a more overbearing illusion.

"Brush!" Two cold awns burst out, and the originally bright and thorough eyes of traceless had completely turned into a red. The blood red twinkling eyes seem to be able to see through all the time, which is even more strange in the sea of fire in the strange fire forbidden area.

"Boom!" It seems to feel the momentum released by the demon zunhuoxiao who occupies the traceless body, and the dark shadow wrapped by layers of fire in the distance suddenly trembles. A trace of black air around the black shadow is all restless, and faintly begins to compete with the surrounding flames.

"Suddenly“ Suddenly“ Suddenly

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A series of terrible and hot heat waves suddenly and violently swept away. In the void of heaven and earth, all the abnormal fire from heaven and earth surged violently, turned into countless flames, and the Dragon rushed to the traceless body which had been occupied by the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Gee, gee, gee. This, this strange fire makes me feel familiar. How, how is it like being born with my blood? " Demon respect fire Xiao stares red eyes, can't believe staring at everything in front of me. The flames of different fires turned into countless dragons, and they rushed to the traceless body. But originally extremely hot flame, but at this time gives demon zunhuoxiao a very familiar feeling. It was as if these strange fires were born to be part of his body. All the hot and dry feelings were swept away. But instead, it is a very comfortable feeling.

"Brush!" Demon zunhuoxiao slowly opened his arms, and there was no fiery red attack in the area set off by the red awns around him. And the sword, who was about to faint, opened his eyes, grew up and looked at the scarlet body with fear.

One by one, the flame that turns into a fire dragon rushes forward. The eternal Heaven and earth in traceless's body never turns on its own. With the air of Hongmeng Chaos Rising in Wuchen's body, countless dragons transformed by different fire between heaven and earth instantly boil up. The flaming dragons seemed to be drawn by some force, and ran wildly to the traceless body.

At this time of no trace, the whole body is eroded by the flame of the dragon. All over the body, the original bronze shining skin has now completely turned into red.

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"Ah A roar of joy, resounding deafening like heaven and earth. At this moment, the traceless body is like a vortex with great suction. The fire and flame around the world are all like crazy, turning into a long dragon and plunge into the traceless body.

The air of chaos in the traceless body accelerates to surge, and quickly dissolves with the different flames that rush in. And after the re integration of the flame of different fire, unexpectedly into a red, light scattered. And all these flaming flames compete in the bloodless veins of the bloodless body, but eventually they rush towards the indentation.

With the strange fire dragons running away, the momentum of the strange fire around the world gradually weakened. In the distance, a shadowy shadow trembled more violently, and a trace of black air appeared between the heaven and the earth."This, this is power! It's my lost strength Feel the change of the essence of the fire in the body, and the voice of the demon who is shocked by the fire. At this time, in Wuchen's body, Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, which had been completely integrated with the remaining power of the strange fire, began to repel the control of the demon zunhuoxiao.

In a twinkling of an eye, the flame of the strange fire in the forbidden area disappeared most of the time, and the demon zunhuoxiao, who was in full control of the traceless body, was strangely completely stripped out.

"Brush!" A strange red awn flashed out of thin air again. The demon respected the fire sky, and the red shadow was full of disbelief. Looking at the strong figure in front of him who had been completely engulfed by the fire, there was an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

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"No, no trace..." in the red light of no trace's body, Jian Mingming was shocked to find that his discomfort completely disappeared. And the burning fire between heaven and earth seems to have completely lost interest in it. It is still the only remaining flame dragon, making the last round of impact towards the traceless body.

"I, I'm still alive..." with a faint murmur, almost fainting traceless regained consciousness again. And wake up after the no trace was surprised to find that his body has completely disobeyed his command. And the eternal Heaven and earth in the body will automatically operate, and absorb all the different flames of the surrounding heaven and earth into the body.

The feeling of burning and boiling is surging up and down the whole body. No trace seems to have been completely burned from the inside out, and the meridian blood in the whole human body is ignited and boiling.


As the fire in this space slowly weakened, a cold wind blew. In the distance, a shadowy black virtual shadow floats and moves towards the direction of no trace and others< br>

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