Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 200: 200

"Roar!" A heartrending low roar burst out from the uncontrollable traceless mouth of the body. With the disappearance of the last trace of fire in this strange fire forbidden area, the consciousness of the whole body unconsciously recovered again.

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Tengteng, Tengteng

A red flame ignited on the traceless skin, and then all the familiar intruded into the traceless body. And the red skin of no trace all over the body has gradually faded away its fiery red color. Originally bronze skin, but now inexplicably more than a trace of red awn. From a distance, it looks more robust and attractive.

In traceless red eyes, the two flames faded away. However, after leading the body again, there is a kind of unspeakable happy feeling in the heart.

"PATA!" Traceless body, originally suspended in mid air, falls to the ground smoothly when the strange fire disappears. At the moment, all around the world lost the decadent space covered by strange fire, full of ashes, even in the barren soil. Then, fresh green things spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and the bright red flowers bloom quickly.

Gulu, Gulu

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Looking at the sudden scene in front of them, Wu trace and the sword nameless who had just recovered from the shock, they both spit hard unconsciously, and they wipe their eyes with force. Looking around at the vast green space, I can't help but feel the waves surging in my heart.

"Old, old demon, what's going on?" Traceless extremely shocked blinked his eyes, some dumb opened his mouth. A hasty and even some flustered question came into being in traceless heart.

"Ha ha, I don't know exactly what the situation is. However, you can be sure that this strange fire has been taken into your body. But the feeling of this strange fire is always very familiar. It's like blood, a part of my body Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow full face, for the first time a serious to no trace talked about just happened feeling.

On one side, the sword nameless slowly carries the unparalleled Epee behind him, looking at the blankly no trace nearby. Then, the sword nameless did not disturb, but quietly chose to protect the Dharma for no trace.

After all, the Epiphany between heaven and earth is hard to meet in ten thousand years. Who knows if Wuhun has experienced the just life and death disaster. For the demon with outstanding talent, sword nameless, he knows that the mysterious chance on the way of Wu Dao Yi can be met but not sought.

"Sasa, how noisy! What the hell are you two doing? Are you going to let me sleep well? " A burst of hustle and bustle of huff and puff sound, at the same time echoed in the heart of no trace and demon zunhuoxiao. Little earthworm's lazy posture suddenly appeared on the spot.

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"Damn it

"Flower eraser!"

Two exclamations, at the same time from no trace and demon respect fire Xiao mouth blurted out. I saw a figure bigger than an adult python, perched on the ground and reflected in the eyes of the public.

At the moment, the original skin color of the little earthworm, the whole body even up and down a strange red awn. In addition, in the middle of xiaodilong's triangle head, there is a fire red mark as big as a fire stick.

On the belly of the little earthworm, the third claw, which had been looming and flickering, had turned into a solid state. A red and strange red claw swung quietly.

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Today, the little earthworm triangle head on a red flame mark is particularly obvious. The three claws under the abdomen have all been transformed into solid form. One claw is ashes, which is a rigid talent. Two claws are green, which is a delayed attack. The three claws are red, but the specific effect is not very clear.

"Old demon, this, this little earth dragon, how big, big change!" No trace stammered open mouth, in the heart of panic and demon zunhuoxiao ditch channel.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! Little master, I am the real dragon resurrection. How can I be slandered by the common people like you Small earthworm shook triangle head, extremely not angry vomited the red core in vomit mouth. With the swing of the head of the little earthworm, the fiery red flame imprinted between its eyebrows seemed to be alive in an instant. Although, the flames of the fire flash away, but it is still clearly caught in the eyes of the people present.

"Is this, is this time Demon zunhuoxiao screams repeatedly, staring at the little earth dragon shaking his head and tail in front of him, spitting in horror.

"How long?" Traceless slightly a Leng, suddenly thought of the original memory of a legend. In other words, a snake can become a python only after a hundred years of cultivation. The boa can only be changed after a hundred years of cultivation. And it took thousands of years to practice, and it turned out to be a walking dragon. After the Zou Jiao has practiced for more than a hundred years, he can survive the calamity. After the calamity rises, he can turn the shark into a dragon and soar into the sky"No trace boy, I think you are really a blessing in disguise this time! This little earthworm is really a real dragon! No wonder, on weekdays, he just absorbed the Qi of Hongmeng chaos, and even felt that Xuanqi was deficient. It turns out that he's going to turn into a real dragon and fly to the upper world! " Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow excited tremble ceaselessly, looking at no trace excited to rush to say.

"Well, I'm a good boy. I didn't expect that this guy could be a dragon! It seems that I can't call him xiaodilong in the future, maybe I can call him Xiaolongren... "After listening to the words of yaozunhuoxiao, it seems to confirm some conjectures of traceless. Therefore, no trace the whole person also appears a little excited, eyes staring at the little dragon greedily out of the saliva.

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"Damn, what an ugly name, master! You are a pervert!" Small earthworm triangle head force a bu Leng, a red flame imprint into a flame again cut through the air. Then, I saw the huge and burly body of the little earthworm turned into a golden light in an instant, rushed into the traceless body and disappeared again.

"Ha ha, Bruce Lee, I'm so talented!" See the little dragon fled, no trace is heartless burst out laughing.

"Well, it seems that I think too much!" One side, originally thought no trace into the enlightenment sword nameless, at this time the face helplessly rolled his eyes, very sad sigh.

"Eh!" As soon as the little earthworm entered the body, he felt that the Xuanli Qi in his body had risen several times. The tired feeling in the body with many scars was swept away, and the whole person felt refreshed and refreshed.

At this time, on the inner Dantian of traceless body, the outer Dantian, which was originally occupied by little earthworm, is now strangely surrounded by a faint layer of strange red awn. And this layer of strange red awn is closely connected with traceless blood. It seems that it is a part of his body. It is completely integrated into traceless Dantian without any adverse reaction of rejection and discomfort. So far, traceless has not found this strange and mysterious change in his Dantian< br>

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