Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 203: 203

"Sa Sa!" A never tired huff and puff, resounding in the silent dark space. Little earthworm seems to hate the Yin Qi contained in the air around him, and even began to be particularly irritable.

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"Tengteng!" I saw the huge figure of the little earthworm suddenly shaking, and the third red claw under the abdomen quickly released the red awn. Immediately after that, I saw a rising flame, which turned into a fire like a little earth dragon. One after another, three claws were waving and rising, facing the cut-off finger wrapped by the opposite wind.

Poop, poop, poop

In the air a burst of zizila collision sound, in the dark space appears extremely strange. In the distance, the flames of the road were so fierce that they smashed the dark wind into pieces. However, as the flame goes on, its own power does not weaken at all, and it bombards the black shadow's severed finger in the rear layer of black gas guard.

"Boom!" One after another, the sound of terror exploded one after another. The whole black shadow finger trembled violently under the long flame attack. However, the dark wind and Qi around him now seemed to be alive at the same time, and they all rushed to gather together on the black shadow's broken finger and black shadow.

The dark wind and the dark air gathered on the fuzzy shadow, and all the flames released by the surrounding little earth dragons were swallowed by the dark wind and the dark air. But originally some fuzzy strange black shadow of severed finger, unexpectedly began to suddenly light suddenly dark scattered, sent out a trace of strange black awn.

"Oh, no, it's a gathering of extraterritorial demons. Traceless boy, this severed finger gives birth to intelligence. It must be completely eliminated before it takes shape. Otherwise, with your current cultivation, I'm afraid there will be no way to live! " Demon respect fire Xiao to detect a cut in front of the strange, the first time will speak to no trace loudly command way.

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"Extraterritorial demons?" Feel the front of the dark shadow exudes the breath of terror, traceless heart is no reason for a tremor. At the same time, some powerful swords recovered from the rear, and they stood up and walked with no name. The whole body released an air of awe inspiring sword spirit, and stood side by side with no trace.

"Sa Sa!" At this time, the restless little earthworm suddenly jumped. The whole body was as red as a flame.

The little earthworm was so unabashed that he rushed to the mountain where the black shadow was cut off.

"Boom!" No trace just felt the earth shaking roar in the earrings, and then the flames scattered all over the sky. And in the source of red awn splash, small earthworm triangle head is impartial hit on the shadow of the mountain.

Click, click

With the sound of a clear sound came, the shadow mountain was gradually broken under the burning flames. After countless black fragments fall to the ground, they turn into Taoist Yin Qi again.

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On the original position of Heiying mountain, a dim shadow gradually converges. The weird and terrible Yin Qi below seemed to be endless, rushing towards the virtual shadow.

"Bang!" A dull sound came from the empty shadow under the gathering of Yin Qi. On the other side, the little earthworm screamed and shook his head. The flame imprint on the head suddenly flashed, and the huge figure wrapped in a small earthworm turned into a red awn.

Red awn streamer extremely fast, and even did not give any chance to respond, then abruptly flash away, rushed into the unprepared traceless body.

"Brush!" At the moment when the flowing light of the Earth Dragon enters into the body of no trace, the red awn sent out by no trace suddenly trembles. Closely followed, I saw no trace of the whole body are out of a fiery red light to set off its bronze skin is particularly powerful and overbearing.


At the same time of no trace body change, the opposite Yin Qi also completely gathered in one place. At the root of the gathering, a vague shadow began to merge into human form.

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In the dark space, there is a naked man in central and southern China. There are endless black awns all over his body, giving people the feeling that he is attracted and unable to extricate himself. And, the man's eyes closed, the whole person seems to have some kind of magic. This kind of magic directly points to people's heart and makes people want to submit to him from the heart.

There are countless black spots on the naked man's back. These strange black spots are arranged freely, bright and dark. They are like black wings.

Strange black spots seem to have a certain frequency of flashing, like the black wings live in general, flickering and flapping.

Countless strange black spots flicker, forming a black wing of nothingness. It was neatly divided into six groups, arranged up and down, with a total of 12 black awn wings.The black awn released by the naked man is more and more powerful, but the whole person seems to fall into a state of deep sleep. However, as the momentum of the naked man continues to rise, no trace has no doubt that the other party will wake up from the deep sleep at any time.

After the day, there are nine realms, congenital three realms, moving soul realms, building soul realms, combining soul realms

In the twinkling of an eye, the fury soared all the way, and the breath of the mysterious virtual shadow suddenly rose to the late stage of the soul state. The twelve black arms behind the naked man are more solid now.

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"No, extraterritorial demons are about to turn Qi into form. No trace boy, hurry up and urge a strange fire to destroy it. Otherwise, the mainland of China will not be protected! " Demon zunhuoxiao a exclamation, such as waking up from a dream like galloping up. The whole person empty shadow facial expression is nervous extremely, turn into a red awn then one head plunges into the body without mark.

At the moment when the demon zunhuoxiao entered the body, no trace felt the blood in his body trembled. A feeling of boiling and burning will rush to every meridian of the whole body in a moment, and the whole body's rising flame will climb up several feet crazily.

At the moment, on the elixir field of traceless body, there is a bright red blood essence as bright as a snake. In a flash, it seems that he has come back to life, and there is a feeling of blood connection between him and traceless.

"Old demon, this is your life essence! No wonder as soon as you enter the body, I have a connection with it! Maybe, take me to find the rest of your body, and maybe I can reshape your body for you! " Traceless bright eyes gradually become red up, the whole person wrapped in the flame momentum more soaring. Now the breath released by no trace gives people the feeling that human beings are not human beings and demons are not demons, which is extremely strange.

"No trace..." feeling the terror and oppression brought by no trace in front of him, there was an inexplicable excitement in Jianming's heart. That kind of feeling is like finding a new target, and two rising emotions come out of the cold eyes< br>

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