Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 204: 204

"Brush!" In no trace control of the fire at the same time, endless dark space suddenly hit two flash. The mysterious man who has been closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep suddenly opens his eyes in a flash. The twelve dark arms behind him were bright and dark, and three of them had become solid. And the momentum of the mysterious man also leaped to the extreme of the late cultivation realm of the spirit realm, and there was a sign that he was about to break through and climb to the realm of the Dan soul realm.

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"No trace boy, come on! When the extraterritorial demons break through, it is the weakest time for them! " Demon zunhuoxiao's voice is full of anxiety, clear and rough echo in the mind without trace.

"Jie Jie, presumptuous. Wait, mole ant, don't submit to me At the moment when no trace is ready to start, two black awns suddenly flash out of the mysterious man's deep eyes. And, at the same time, a mysterious voice, which originated from the deep heart and had the power of bewitching, rang out from the heart of traceless and nameless sword at the same time.

"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword suddenly trembled behind the nameless body of the sword. Sword nameless just fell into the lost state of mind, in a moment was matchless Epee call to pull back.

"How terrible The sword, which has always been cold and unusual, is nameless. At the moment, his whole body has been completely penetrated by cold sweat. Sword nameless, the whole body of sword Qi rises again, looking at the mysterious man with a funny smile in the distance, I can't help but have a look of vigilance in my heart.

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"Sa Sa!" With the sound of huff and puff, the eternal Heaven and earth will run by itself in traceless body. The source of Hongmeng's chaos is constantly churning and flowing in Wuhen's body. Wuhen's blood seems to boil up suddenly and inexplicably. No trace the whole person as if to be melted by the flame in general hot unbearable, a pain in the heart will also wake up from the addiction.

"Er, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. Looking at the strange smile of the mysterious man opposite, traceless heart can not help but rise up a creepy fear.

"Mole ant, submit to me. In the future, the world will respect you. As the servant of my God, you are the God who controls the mainland of China... "The mysterious man's deep eyes suddenly flashed, and two extremely strange black awns rushed out. With the voice of the mysterious man full of temptation, the two black awns even hit straight and impartial in the traceless eyes.

No trace body burning flame body shape suddenly trembled, red eyes, there are two black thin as silk lingering out.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood sprayed out, no trace of the whole person's body suddenly trembled. Fiery red eyes in the flame rising, will rush into the black gas in traceless eyes all chase up.

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"Brush!" A bright and dark flame mark appeared on the traceless eyebrow. The sign of the as like as two peas of the dragon's eyebrow. And at the moment when the flame mark appeared, the remaining black air in traceless eyes turned into nothingness and disappeared.

On the other side, the mysterious man with a strange smile and an indifferent expression suddenly became ferocious when he saw the flame sign. Moreover, the fierce momentum of the mysterious man began to become more violent, and the whole person felt as if he had been disorganized, no longer the elegant and noble strange mysterious temperament.

"You, you are it? This, this is impossible. How can it still be alive? " The mysterious man seemed to have gone mad and roared with an almost crazy look. However, with the mysterious man's rage, his rising momentum suddenly broke through the bottleneck and reached the level of the initial cultivation of Dan soul. And behind the mysterious man, twelve black arms shake together. Among them, the fourth black wing, flickering and darkening, also began to gradually turn into a solid state.

"Oops, let the guy break through!" The eyes in traceless eyes are cold, and the flaming mark on the forehead suddenly shines with a red light. And the whole body up and down with the flame quickly out of the body, into a fiery dragon, directly on the opposite naked man's body to run.

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"Poof!" The boundless hot wave will light up the endless dark space around in an instant. And a fire dragon, like momentum, immediately trapped the whole body of the mysterious man and wrapped it in it.

Tearing, tearing

A trace of scorching air waves billowed up, and the pungent smell of burnt paste diffused in the void. Endless black gas is all engulfed by the flame, the crazy rising momentum of the mysterious man suddenly stopped.

"Jie Jie, demon zunhuoxiao, I didn't expect that you were still alive. This is the little guy you selected. It seems to be weak! " A burst of raging laughter reverberates coldly in the silent space. Four dark arms trembled together like black blood, and a dark wind and Yin Qi scattered the fire dragon around.The fire dragon seemed to be scattered by some mysterious force and turned into a sea of fire, which separated on both sides again. In the layer upon layer of flame bath cage cover, a mysterious man with black awn and deep eyes is distributed all over the body. At the moment, is waving behind the black neatly arranged with four long wings, look indifferent appeared in the opposite of no trace, not far away from the air.

"Tianzun, we meet again..." a voice, which seemed to tremble, came out coldly from no trace's body. This is the second time that Wuchen heard the name of Tianzun. For the first time, it was just said by the mysterious man opposite him. For the second time, it was obviously said by the demon Zun. It seems that the so-called Tianzun is the enemy of yaozunhuoxiao. No trace confirms his conjecture more definitely in his heart.

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"Jie Jie, mole ant, answer my question, what's the relationship between demon zunhuoxiao and you?" The four winged wings behind the mysterious man trembled slightly, and his expression was full of indisputable questions. The voice in Wu Chen's heart was not heard by the mysterious man. Otherwise, he would not open his mouth again and ask Wu Chen. So, Wu Chen's heart would be a little more confident.

"Bah, demon zunhuoxiao, what is it? Young master, I hate people telling me what to do. You really have a flat face Traceless spit hard, pretending to doubt rolled his eyes. Then, the flames on both sides of the fire regiment gathered around him again, staring at the mysterious man without trace.

"Bah, demon, I'm not a thing!" A roar of indignation, extremely uneven from traceless heart. His face was grim, and his body trembled slightly, almost laughing.

Smell speech, opposite mysterious man obviously a Leng, obviously didn't expect no trace will so answer oneself. In the deep eyes of the mysterious man, two strange black awns flickered again, like looking at a mole ant, showing a scornful smile towards traceless.... < br > the mysterious man's deep eyes showed a scornful smile

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