Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 206: 206

"Suddenly A cold wind blows, and the strange black air gradually converges towards one place. A blur of human form virtual shadow, at the moment even in front of no trace not far away gradually gather shape.

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"Brush!" A strange and mysterious breath suddenly burst out from the gradually formed figure. A whole body exudes black awn, looks and mysterious man's body shape, strange appeared in front of no trace body not far away.

"Damn it, incarnation. When it comes to aftereffects, do they have such terror power? What a terrifying state of self-cultivation No trace looked at the man with a funny face in front of him, and he couldn't help turning the river and the sea in his heart.

Not far from the opposite side, the mysterious man's eyes are full of playful color, and his four arms are fluttering behind him. And the man's whole body, which has just been molded, even exudes the strength momentum of the later cultivation level of the soul realm.

The black air in the surrounding air gradually drifted away and completely fell on the man's body. The black awn of the man's whole body is bigger, and his momentum is firmly locked on the traceless body.

"Hum, it's just a part of the remnant finger. I see how much you can do!" No trace cold hum, the whole body momentum suddenly soared. The air of Hongmeng's chaos lingers around, and a strange red awn appears on the traceless body.

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"Brush!" A shadow gallops out without trace. The whole person feels like a fierce God of war. In the hand fist awn above the golden light suddenly a flash, a fist then impartial heavy bombardment in the opposite man's body above.

"Boom!" A punch out, the opposite man's head suddenly collapsed, the upper part of the body is quickly transformed into a dark air. Seeing this, Wu Chen quickly took back his fist, and his body quickly flew back. After dodging dozens of meters away, Wuchen felt more secure.

"Suddenly Another cold wind was blowing, and the black air gathered. Before the collapse of the man's head black awn strange flash, the whole body again intact recovery as before.

"Er, this guy..." seeing this, Wu trace was surprised. He quickly took a few steps back again and looked coldly at the man who was smiling in front of him.

"Jie Jie, mole ant, you should die!" A burst of strange smile seeped from the opposite man. Then, I saw a black awn flash out, and the man on the opposite side suddenly appeared in front of traceless.

"Bang!" In a hurry, no trace rushed to fight. There was only a dull sound in the air, and the two figures quickly separated towards their respective rear.

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No trace retreats with the help of force, and there is a dark air around his arm. And in the whole body covered with the air of Hongmeng chaos lingering, the dark air was all scattered and destroyed.

The opposite man obviously suffered more resistance, and his whole body swayed a few times. The whole body is filled with strange black air, staring coldly at Wu trace.

"Ha ha, this tough body, and the power to compete with me. You still say that you have nothing to do with yaozunhuoxiao. Do you really think that Tianzun is a three-year-old child? " The mysterious man with four wings and dark arms burst out laughing, as if he had completely seen through the secret without trace. After hearing the voice of the mysterious man, the man opposite Wuhen walks slowly towards Wuhen with a smile.

"Well, his grandmother's. Why don't you come here? I can't help you? " No trace bit his teeth hard, and the silver sword in his hand suddenly lifted up. The air of Xuanli all over the whole body soared, and the whole person's momentum suddenly locked on the man coming from the opposite side.

"No trace, give him to me!" Just as Wuhen was ready to attack with all his strength, a more fierce sword Qi flew away directly against Wuhen's body. An extremely indifferent voice, impressively appeared in the ear without trace.

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With the fall of the cold voice, the sword steps forward without name. The shadow of the matchless Epee lingers all over the body and stops the man in front of him.

"Hum!" A sword galloped out, followed by an Epee shadow. The sharp sword first pierced into the opposite man's body, and it seemed that without any hindrance, it pierced the man's body and flew away. Then, after the shadow of Epee shot into the man's body, it stayed in the man's body without any sound. With the passage of time, the sword's awn from the shadow of Epee gradually weakened, and finally disappeared.

"Well, this guy can ignore my sword spirit, but he doesn't dare to resist my sword intention. It seems that I can still hurt him with the sword Sword nameless cold face on a smile, seems to be talking to himself, and seems to be explaining something to no trace.

"Ha ha, nameless, let's see who will kill the opponent first!" Firm sword nameless, full of self-confidence, no trace heart all of a sudden also full of confidence. With a slight shake of the silver sword in his hand, the whole man turned into a silver light and went straight to the mysterious man with four dark wings."Er Deng, mole ant..." opposite, the mysterious man's four dark wings trembled slightly, and his whole body quickly flew toward the sky. And the silver of no trace crossed a long shadow on the ground below, and it was empty on the spot.

"Unparalleled Epee, sword cutting!" At the same time, the nameless cry of the sword in the distance rises in vain. The virtual shadows of the flying and circling Epee suddenly burst out, and the virtual shadows of each Epee rose at the same time. Dozens of empty shadows of Epee are like the fast wind. In the blink of an eye, they are all over the place, and they go to the opposite man's body.

On the other side, the man with a funny face suddenly changed his face after he felt the sword Qi released by the roaring shadow of the epee. The black air all over the body surges wildly, and the man is ready to face the crazy attack of the unknown sword.

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"Liu style nine swords, the sword rain is flying!" At the same time, no trace body shape quickly, the whole body sword gas rushed out. His body is as quick and nimble as a swimming dragon, and he flies towards the top of his head.

Every sword gasifies into rain, and every rain contains endless sword Qi. In the blink of an eye, the mysterious man was blocked in the air.

Poop, poop, poop

The sharp sound of sword Qi collision reverberated in the sky for a long time. In the mysterious man's position, countless sword rain ignited self explosion.

For a moment, the bright sword in the sky was full of strange red awn, and they rushed to bombard a dark body. However, the dark shadow who was surrounded by the sword Qi didn't make any response, and let his countless sword Qi ignite around him.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out from under the black figure, holding his head high and looking at the burst sword Qi above his head. I don't know why the sword Qi clearly hit the mysterious man, but I was even more nervous in my heart... < br > when the sword Qi hit the mysterious man, I felt more nervous

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