Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 207: 207

"Suddenly." The cold wind whistled above the void, and all the raindrops burst out. The violent air waves in the upper layer of the sky, the whole space is shaking.

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On the center of the spot where the sword burst, a black awn shone out. The four dark and shining wings trembled slightly, and the mysterious man's tight body gradually stretched out.

"Mole ant, is this your full attack?" A look of disdain flashed in the mysterious man's eyes, and a trace of coldness flashed over his cold, pale face. The words full of enchantment float into the ear of no trace, and there is a faint desire to yield in the heart of no trace.

"Damn, I almost hit this guy's way again!" No trace body of a burning gas suddenly flashed, the mind just sprouted in the mind was quickly abandoned. A cold sweat down the whole body, no trace hope to the void in the shadow, face more dignified up.

"Mole ant, take out all your strength, let me see your ability!" The mysterious man's dark and deep eyes flashed a touch of splendor, staring at the traceless rather playful Lang Lang.

"Hum, since you want to die, I'll be with you!" After listening to the words of the mysterious man, the fire of war in Wu hen's heart was quickly ignited. No trace and the silver sword breath in his hand gradually merged into one, and the whole person stood as proud as a magic sword.

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"Willow style nine swords, flying leaves falling!" A silver sword light trembles, and a sword Qi flies out like a floating leaf.

The Qi of feiye sword goes up and down, left and right, fast and slow, which makes people unable to find out its real dynamic. And just a few breath between, this flying leaf sword Qi unexpectedly uncanny appear in the mysterious man body before five meters away place.

"Whoosh!" A cold light flashed away, and the speed of flying leaf sword Qi increased several times in a flash. Just after a flash, the flying leaf sword's spirit was full of horror, and it stabbed the mysterious man's chest.

"Oh, it's a success!" Below, pinch a sweat of no trace, this just long relaxed breath. But no trace still dare not have the slightest carelessness, the silver sword in the hand shakes again. The endless sword spirit rises around the whole body.

The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword cover in the south of the Yangtze River, and the two kinds of sword moves are rising up. Within a few meters around the no trace as the center, all of them are now covered by the Jiangnan misty rain sword, and all of them are controlled by the no trace divine consciousness.

"Mole ant, you are too weak..." at this time, a cold and low voice came from the top of no trace's head again. With the four dark wings shaking slightly, the flying leaves inserted in the mysterious man's chest turned into pieces of broken light and disappeared in the endless sky.

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"Damn it, my feiye Sha has no effect on it?" No trace heart exclaimed repeatedly, the silver sword in the hand with no trace mood changes slightly tremble. A few meters around the body surging with the rain, Jiangnan sword artistic conception of the power once again rising, will be no trace body shape tightly wrapped in the wind.

"Jie Jie, Jian Yi, let me try your strength!" In the middle of the sky, the mysterious man was suspended. One of the four dark wings suddenly moved, and countless golden awns flashed up in a flash.

With the golden awn on one wing arm, the breath of golden Xuanli in heaven and earth rises violently among Turks. The breath of Jin Xuanli turned into a little black feather, pointing straight to the traceless body below like a sword.

"Damn, what kind of ghost is this guy? How can his wings control the invisible Xuanli and jinxuanli?" No trace heart a while over the river and over the sea, looking at the void behind the mysterious man shaking a wing is a surprise. The fierce black feathers gallop down all over the sky, like a pouring rain, flying up and down towards the traceless body.

"Alas, between heaven and earth, it is made up of Xuanli Qi. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements are the basic forces of the world. Wind, rain, thunder, electricity, and fog are the five elements. And on the basis of these mysterious forces, it is natural to breed rough martial spirits, but it is also inseparable from the mysterious forces of heaven and earth in this continent. And the evolution of some special or variant spirits is closely related to the mysterious forces of heaven and earth on this continent. "

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"Tianzun, every wing behind him, represents a mysterious force between heaven and earth. Now his four arms are shaped, at least he has mastered four forms of Xuanli. In addition, if you want to overcome it, it will be even more difficult for you to stay in the realm of Dan soul. " Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice is full of sadness, it seems that he thought of the scene of fighting with Tianzun at the beginning. However, these words fall into the mind of no trace now, which is no less than the fact that many heavy bombs are ignited and ignited at the same time.

Poop, poop, poop

All the dark feathers, kneeling between heaven and earth, turned into pure Jin Xuanli's Qi, which flew all over the sky, and bombarded the whole body within a few meters.The dark feathers are wrapped in the air of Jin Xuanli and pierce into the artistic conception of Jiangnan misty rain sword. One third of the dark feathers are forced to plunge into the space of Jiangnan misty rain. With the strange appearance of the golden light, all these dark feathers burst at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom

A dull sound, like a burst, burst out in the Yanyu Jiangnan sword space. The terrible Jin Xuanli and the endless rising sword spirit collide and counteract each other, and in an instant, he breaks the sword spirit defense that no trace is proud of.

"Brush!" A white awn flash away, no trace holding a silver sword to run away. With the terrible Jin Xuanli colliding with the remaining sword Qi in Jiangnan Jianyi, the original boundary of Wuchen quickly turned into yellow sand and scattered all over the sky.

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"Mole ant, you are so weak!" Another enchanting voice came out. In the void, another arm behind the mysterious man suddenly felt cold. The icy cold turned into sharp ice cones. The ice cones flashed cold, and then ran down to the traceless stab.

At the bottom, Wu Chen's body was suddenly stunned. He felt the terrible chill above his head. Wu Chen only felt that the temperature of the world around him had dropped a lot in vain. Looking at another black wing full of frost behind the mysterious man in mid air, Wu trace felt a sense of fear for the first time in his life.

"The first wing is the mysterious power of gold. The second wing, the mysterious power of ice... "The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao was not slow, just at the right time.

Smell speech, no trace from trance gradually back to God. No time to think about it, no trace teeth bite the tip of the tongue, an unspeakable sense of pain suddenly surge to the whole body, making the mind that had been shaken once again firm and strong< br>

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