Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 208: 208

"Liu style nine swords, the sword rises the moon..."

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On the silent and open space, we can see no trace as the center. A white sword light is rising, just like a bright moon.

The bright moon is hanging high, which makes the empty space around tremble. Around the silver moon, there are cold arrows with frost. At the moment is hanging in the air, towards the mid air of the silver moon slowly forced away.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

A full of ice arrow with cold meaning, wrapped in the whistling cold wind flash away. A moment later, the silver moon rising in mid air trembled. A little bit of bright silver light, fragmented oblique sprinkled on the sky.

On the back of the original position of the silver moon, a frost arrow mixed with bursts of chill. Once again the shape, straight to the bottom of the no trace around the body lock and go.

"Liu style nine swords, the sword falls in the morning glow!" With a low call from Wu Chen's mouth, he saw that Wu Chen's whole body was full of red awns. The air of the fire power in the heaven and the earth seems to be ignited by some mysterious power, suddenly reflecting the whole void.

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On this red and transparent void, little silver light slowly gathered in one place. Just like a rising sun, it turns into a scorching sun and radiates hot air in the sky.

In the void, there are frost arrows with cold air. Obviously affected by the red sun, there are some signs of melting.

In the distance, the mysterious man's face was slightly stunned, and his black arms, with a chill on his second wing, trembled again.

A frosty chill quietly into the void, mid air had some decadent frost arrows will be alive again.

"Hum!" A loud and clear hum resounded, and the red sun in the sky trembled in vain. Immediately after that, the flaming flames turned into streamers and flew around, instantly reflecting the whole space. The fiery void is just like the sunset, and the hot streamers fly by. Some of the frost arrows that had just regained their momentum turned into pieces of ice and melted into the endless void.

"Hey, five elements Xuanli, fire Xuanli naturally conquers water Xuanli! This second wing arm's danger, traceless boy, you've also counted it! " Demon respect fire Xiao Lang laughter slowly spread out, full of emotion reverberated in the mind without trace.

"Damn, old demon, you are so proud! This guy still has two arms. Besides, I'm afraid I'm going to use up my sword moves! " No trace was holding the silver sword in his hand. It was obvious that he was not strong enough. Think of their own unique skills, a sword without trace, but also used in the final understanding of the mysterious man to reveal. In looking at the mysterious man behind the two solid black arms, traceless head inexplicably pain up.

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"Unparalleled in the world, unparalleled in the world!" At the same time of thinking about the next step, a very familiar and indifferent voice resounded in vain.

In the distance, the virtual shadow of a huge Epee quickly condenses into a solid form. Facing a dark figure not far in front of him, he cuts away with the momentum of destruction.

"Poof!" The shadow of Epee flashed by, and made a sharp cold in the sky. As the bright light of the sword gradually dissipated, the dark shadow in the air turned into nothingness. The vast majority of black Qi is weakened and dissipated under the pressure of the shadow of epee. Only a small part of the remaining black Qi got away from the area covered by the sword and gathered on the four winged arms behind the mysterious man in the distant void.

"Cough, mole ant, you dare to hurt me..." the mysterious man, who was indifferent, suddenly trembled when the black figure was broken. The whole person's pale face, now looks more pale. The four winged arms behind the mysterious man were obviously flickering for several times before gradually stabilizing.

"Ha ha, it seems that this guy was interrupted by you before, and his state of mind has not been completely stabilized. Traceless boy, take advantage of this is a good opportunity Yaozunhuoxiao's hearty laughter came again, which gave no trace great confidence.

See, no trace hand silver sword, the whole body Xuanli of the gas gathered. The momentum of the whole person is like a sharp sword. The mysterious man who is floating in the air will attack and kill.

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"Ha ha, no trace! This guy is a warrior in Dan soul realm. I'm the only one in this fight! " With the cold voice of the nameless sword, epee drew an arc in the air. Then it turned into dozens of swords, and the virtual shadow stabbed out one after another, and ran straight to the mysterious man on the opposite side to attack and kill him.

"Jie Jie, mole ant, since you want to die! Then try my power of black feather With the mysterious man's voice falling slowly, the other two solid arms behind the mysterious man trembled in vain. Two dark bright black feather arms suddenly bloom, the mysterious force of wood and the mysterious force of earth contained in heaven and earth all tremble at the same time.Hua Hua, Hua Hua

Strange black vines are transformed from the black feather of one of the black wings. The tentacles, like eyes, soared and whipped towards the traceless body.

"Crackling." All over the sky black all over the sky appeared in front of the mysterious man at the same time, blocking the way of no trace attack. And the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand is waving continuously, cutting off all the black tentacles that are blocking his advance in front of him.

But even so, there are still a lot of vine tentacles came into being. And these vines do not know fear, also as if never tired general flying whip.

No trace a strong attack all easy to win, but how is the opponent's formation is too big. Even if the tentacles of these vines are still and let no trace cut them, I'm afraid that no trace must be exhausted to death.

"Shit, this shit!" No trace heart secretly scold a, body shape a flash, then carry silver long sword to return to the original place again.

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In the void, the dark tendril branches swing and dance, protecting the front of the mysterious man's whole body.

"Dong!" At this moment, only a deafening sound came from the void. One meter behind the mysterious man, the Epee is roaring on a dark arm.

On the outside of this dark arm, there was a faint air of the mysterious force of the earth. Just like the wall of iron and copper, the wall of iron and steel keeps the unparalleled Epee out of the arm.

"Ha ha, the power of gold, ice, wood and earth, the power of the four great powers awakens. Fortunately, I stopped this guy from promotion before, otherwise I'm afraid there will be no countermeasures at all! " Demon zunhuoxiao's voice was low, and there was a trace of fluke in his tone.

"Hoo A light call came out slowly from no trace mouth. No trace looked at the mysterious man in the void, his heart could not help but for a time galloping with emotion< br>

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