Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 215: 215

Boom, boom

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Just after the breakthrough of Jianming, a violent shaking of the earth and mountains followed closely. Along with the location of no trace on one side, the strange blue smoke rises within dozens of miles.

The misty blue smoke blots out the sky, and in an instant, it envelops both traceless and nameless swords. As the green smoke covers more and more areas, the mysterious force of the strange flashing green light is also coming from the ground in all directions.

The blue awns rise up and form a natural Dharma array with strange patterns. It seems that the place where Wuchen and Jianming are located is the center of the strange blue awn.

"Damn, old demon, what's the situation?" Traceless in the hand can not see five fingers of smoke fog, the heart of the mood more nervous.

In a trance in the distance, Jian Mingming flew to grab something from the ground, then rushed to the side of no trace who was on guard.

"Eh, how can there be such a strong power to transmit the Dharma array here! Is it hard to say that this array was originally here as a way to trap the demon? " Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying is slightly stunned, and feels the breath of the Dharma array in the blue fog.

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"Brush!" Just as the demon zunhuoxiao was thinking about it, he saw that thousands of green lights rose up in the sky. All the rising fog is wrapped in the nameless body of no trace and sword, and the power of a terrible and turbulent teleportation array is faintly fluctuating.

"Well, no, this array is about to start!" Demon Zun Huoxiao's red body suddenly moved and plunged into the traceless body.

At the same time, a strange red awn galloped out of traceless body. The red awn is like a strange red line, which connects the sword nameless tightly in another fog package. Mixed with a trace of hot breath, there was a kind of bright traction between the two fog packages.

"Boom!" Another movement of the position, followed by the shaking of the mountain, reverberated through the sky like a dull sound. The green awn in the cyan Dharma array below is gradually weakened, and the rising fog in the Dharma array is gone now.

The empty field is full of mess, and countless quicksand rises with the inexplicable air waves. This place, which was originally full of vegetation, suddenly turned into a decadent wilderness again.

The sound of turbulence lasted for half an hour, and then it gradually became quiet. And just as the space in this area has just returned to calm, there are more than a dozen figures galloping from all directions at the same time.

These strong people all walk in the air, and keep a certain distance from each other. But when several groups of people appeared in this area, they were all stunned on the spot.

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"Eh, the abnormal fire disappeared this day?"

"Damn, the treasure in the fire must have been taken away!"

"Send it back to Wangdu as soon as possible!"

"Cough, check, give me a thorough investigation, recently, there is no expert into the fire area!"

The voice of a dignified Herald came from the void. At the same time, all the powerful people below started to walk, only a moment later, they disappeared in the dead space again.

At this time, ten thousand miles away from the forbidden area of the nine forbidden areas, the forbidden area outside the Shenshan mountain is a desert area full of yellow sand.

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"Dong!"“ Dong Accompanied by two strange dull sounds, the two figures appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky. As the two figures are thrown out of the void, they all shake and fall in the fierce space.

Under the boundless dark desert, the two figures were immediately submerged by the yellow sand. However, the turbulence of the space above the endless void gradually weakened, and the desolate desert around it was restored to the dead silence.

In the desolate desert, two figures are flying through the vast Yellow sand. It's been three days and three nights. It's been weathering for many years. In a natural cave formed naturally, he stopped to stabilize himself.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh The two men, who were already full of sand, did not speak much to each other. They just looked at each other and stepped into the weathering cave at the same time.

Inside the cave, it's extremely dark. Yellow sand covered the world, the sun was burning, but only some weak light could penetrate into the cave.

One after another, they found a relatively clean place to sit down in the cave. At the same time, I saw one of the young men in Green's hands of the storage ring flash, then out of nowhere more than two pots full of spring water came out.

"Brush!" Just as the boy in Green took out the kettle, another strange red light flashed out of the boy's body.A rough, burly and flaming man with a smile on his face, floats and falls beside the boy in Tsing Yi. But the young man in white on one side was not aware of this, still self-care and self love, stroking the heavy iron full of rust in his hands.

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"Come on, nameless, drink some water!" The young man in green is no one else. He was supposed to be in the outer area of Wuchen mountain thousands of miles away. The young man in white who sits down and drinks from the kettle is the nameless sword of the swordsman.

"No trace, if my inference is correct, this should be the border between the Zhou Dynasty in Zhongzhou and the Penglai Dynasty in beizhou. Here, it is covered and attacked by wild sand all year round. Therefore, this is a famous no man's land. It seems that the teleportation array sent you and me here by mistake and helped us a lot! " Sword nameless put down the kettle in his hand and comforted the worried traceless one side.

"Nameless, what do you say about Ruxue?" No trace hesitated again and again, or biting his teeth and murmuring in a low voice.

"No trace, such as snow. At that time, his head was badly injured, but his breath was still alive. In addition, he was rescued by Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou University. I believe that he should not worry about his life! " Sword nameless slightly frowned, cold face flashed a touch of perseverance.

"Well, that's right! After all, Ruxue is the ninth Princess of the great Zhou Dynasty. How could the emperor Ji let her have something to do! Furthermore, our brothers rushed into the area of abnormal fire, and now they are still alive! What's more, Ruxue's talent is no less than you and me. Where can she be so vulnerable to crisis? " No trace heavily nodded, to the sword nameless smile. Then, traceless words became more and more positive, like the sword nameless and more like persuading himself.

After hearing the words of no trace, Jian Ming didn't reply. And after talking to himself without trace, the bottom of the heart is obviously not very enough. The whole dark cave fell into silence again, only the location of the outer entrance could be heard whistling and yellow sand flying all over the sky from time to time< br>

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