Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 216: 216

Thousands of miles away, the capital of the great Zhou Dynasty is Chaoge City, and the royal family of the great Zhou Dynasty is in a very simple and quiet boudoir.

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"Cough..." a light cough came, and a beautiful girl on the bed woke up. On the girl's forehead, there was a piece of ice as big as a palm.

"How do you feel, Cher?" A deep male voice, out of thin air, resounded in the quiet boudoir.

On the bed, the beautiful girl felt dizzy in her head, and her body just about to sit up fell on the bed again. What is puzzling is that there is no scar on the body except the bruise on the forehead. But in the cold eyes of the beautiful girl, there are two lines of tears flickering at the moment.

"Xueer, do you remember being a father?" With the previous low male voice came again, the boudoir suddenly blowing a breeze. A middle-aged man in a Dragon Robe and a crown appeared out of thin air.

"Father The beautiful girl lying on the bed was slightly stunned. Two lines of tears in her eyes forced her back. Then, the beautiful girl opened her mouth gently, and her voice was cold.

"Xueer, what's the matter? Tell your father one by one, and he will decide for you!" The middle-aged man in the Dragon Robe is no other than Jifa, the saint of the Zhou Dynasty. Ji Huang slowly steps forward to the edge of Ji Ruxue's bed and asks in a soft voice.

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"Ah Ji Ruxue just wanted to recall what happened before, and her mind was as painful as to burst. Then a scream, cold roar, cold sweat on both sides of the forehead will brush DC and down.

"Cher!" Seeing this, Ji Huang quickly shakes the sleeve of his robe, and a fragrant red pill is delivered to Ji Ruxue.

"Thank you, father!" Ji Ruxue endured severe pain and took huohongdan pill with her teeth. Immediately, Bata threw it into the mouth and swallowed it in the stomach with a movement of the throat.

As soon as huohongdan pill enters the body, Ji Ruxue feels relaxed for no reason. The constant cold sweat gradually subsided, and the pain of headache was also reduced.

"Father, I can remember what happened a year ago. But I can't remember anything in a year from now! " Ji Ruxue's face is full of thinking, and her hands are holding her head, which is extremely painful. With the turbulence of emotion, the whole person seems extremely unstable.

"Cher, you really can't remember anything?" After hearing Ji Ruxue's words, Ji Huang's eyes flashed a strange look. But Ji Huang still low voice, to Ji such as snow again open mouth to confirm.

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At the moment, Ji Ruxue's words seem to contain some magical power. Unexpectedly, Ji Ruxue couldn't show any disobedience at the bottom of her heart, so she had to tell the truth unconsciously: "father, I really don't remember anything in the past year. All I know is that my heart aches. I seem to want revenge, but I don't know who to take revenge like

"Hoo After listening to Ji Ruxue's words, Ji Huang was relieved. A trace of spiritual power disappeared in the boudoir. Ji Huang touched Ji Ruxue's forehead with a smile.

"Xueer, there are two thieves who break into the second prince's house without authorization. I want to steal the treasure, but I didn't expect to be hit by your second brother. As a result, these two rebels dare to hurt your second brother. "

"At that time, you happened to be in the second prince's house, and unfortunately you were injured by the two thieves. But fortunately, Ji GongDan arrived in time and saved you together with your second brother! "

"But because of the need to save both of you at the same time, the two thieves escaped. Now, my father has issued a reward warrant. I believe that the murderer will be brought to justice soon! " Ji Huang light a smile, a full face of love to Ji Ruxue said. It seemed that this was the way it was, and it was imperceptible.

"Oh Ji Ruxue answered gently, but there were still some doubts in her heart. Why can two thieves get close to their second brother, and why do they appear in his house. And what happened in the past year, and why I always feel depressed in my heart. Moreover, the pain in my heart is clearly caused by sadness. But why he can't remember anything, which also makes Ji Ruxue extremely confused and uneasy.

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"Keke..." the more Ji Ruxue thought, the more headache she had, and the more headache she had, the more unable she could concentrate on remembering. All over the cold sweat again overflow, the whole person's breath is also more and more unstable.

"Xueer, you should have a good rest. If you can't remember, don't think about it any more. It's up to you to be your father. " Ji Huang slightly frowned, and his long sleeves shook gently. A breeze fell on Ji Ruxue's body. Ji Ruxue only felt a sense of sleepiness, which surged up in an instant."Plop!" Ji Ruxue fell down and fell asleep on the bed. The whole body uneasy breath gradually calms down, the whole person like ice beauty general fell into a deep sleep.

"Well, it's good that Xueer's life is safe. How can I deal with you Ji Huang snorted coldly, and her solid body turned into nothingness again. There was no Xuanli Qi, and the whole person of Ji Huang disappeared out of thin air.

King song, a quiet courtyard in the suburbs.

A feather dragon dressed in purple, with a sad face of Liu Shuanger, goes straight to the door of a room and knocks on the closed door.

"Hualong, it's hard for you!" A hoarse voice came out through the closed door. People in the room as long as a pair of perspective eyes in general, easy to guess out of the door.

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"Adoptive father, I've brought you people!" Yu Hualong's face is solemn, bows to the door and gives a heavy gift. Then, he motioned to Liu Shuanger behind him and gave a blessing to the door.

"Well, let her in!" Hoarse voice again, tone not happy not sad light out.

"No, Long'er is leaving!" Hearing this, Yu Hualong bowed solemnly again. He turned his head and nodded to Liu shuang'er, then quickly retreated out of the courtyard.

"Bata!" In front of the eclosion dragon, the door of the closed room opened in a flash. Then, a strong wind blows from inside the room, wrapping Liu Shuanger's delicate figure outside the door. It turned into a streamer and rushed into the room again.

"Bang!" A heavy ring, cold reverberated in the quiet courtyard. The door is closed tightly again, and Liu Shuanger has entered the door without knowing it

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