Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 217: 217

One month later, the storm of the six colleges competition gradually subsided. For the people of the Zhou Dynasty, the disappearance of the strange fire was just a conversation after dinner. People are still living the same life as usual, and Wang Du's Chaoge has returned to the prosperous scene of the past.

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Far away from the royal capital Chaoge, it is located in the border area between Zhongzhou Dazhou Dynasty and beizhou Penglai Dynasty.

The yellow sand flying all over the sky, blocking the sky and the sun, generally covers this space area all year round. In the hinterland of this desert, there are two sculptured figures of teenagers, far apart, kneeling in the vast desert.

Endless yellow sand flapping on the bodies of the two teenagers, they are still sitting in the same place like wood and stone sculptures. And in the slowly yellow sand, there are two faint waves of air gradually convoluting and rising, and in these two waves are mixed with a number of different Xuanli air, respectively, toward the two figures like clay sculptures.

"Hoo A nervous wheezing sound, strange from the yellow sand blots out the sun. Yao Zun's fiery and healthy virtual shadow wandered around, and his eyes unconsciously wandered back and forth in front of the two figures.

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It turns out that as early as the third day when Wu Chen and Jian Ming stepped into this desert area, they both felt the sense of heaven and earth at the same time. Then, they break themselves with the power of the vast Yellow sand, and unexpectedly all enter into the state of epiphany.

Helpless, demon zunhuoxiao had to exert the power of prohibition, while always watching the movements around, while kneading sweat for the insight of no trace and sword nameless.

"Teng!"“ Boom

In the yellow sand all over the sky, two strange loud noises suddenly came out. Immediately after that, the yellow sand splashed all over the sky as if it had been hindered. Unexpectedly at the same time in the no trace and sword nameless body ten meters in front of the scope, Qi brush's out of thin air suspended on the spot.

Two invisible force field areas, respectively, from the no trace and sword nameless body. At the beginning, it was just two weak rudiments, but only a few breath later. Two more bright and as strange as the physical state of the breath, around the two people respectively within the scope of 10 meters, gradually formed two mysterious field force. In addition, the field power formed by the two people is quite different, and these two forces are also mixed with several pure metaphysical forces in different heaven and earth.

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The sword is nameless, and the whole body is fierce. It is perfectly combined with the power of the field released by the left and right sides in front of him. Among the forces in this field, there are five completely different kinds of mysterious forces, namely, gold, wind, thunder, electricity and fog. In addition, Xiao Sha's force, which is mainly composed of upright sword Qi, forms an invincible force.

On the other hand, there is no trace on one side. At the moment, the continuous rain and sword Qi in the south of the Yangtze River often accompany the whole body. Within the scope of ten meters of Wu Chen's body shape, it is full of the most basic Qi of the five elements, namely, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and so on.

The continuous sword spirit surges out, and perfectly integrates with the Qi of the five elements Xuanli. It seems to form a natural protective barrier, which completely envelops the whole person without trace. Let the wild sand whistling and dancing all over the sky, but in any case can't get close to the no trace body shape within 10 meters. It seems that no trace of the field of power means to protect, naturally isolated from all external threats and crises.

"Hum!" There was a loud sword sound, which was earth shaking. Around the sword's nameless body, countless golden awns sprang up in a flash. All of them contain the meaning of sword and the mysterious force of gold, wind, thunder, electricity, fog and five different breath, thus forming a new field of killing and cutting force. In this vast area of yellow sand, the wild and violent killing rises.

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On the vast void, a terrible thunder and lightning appeared in vain. It lingers in the area of ten meters around the sword. At the moment, everywhere is full of the power of the terrible golden cutting, strangling all the vast Yellow sand in this area.

And outside this area, the yellow sand blowing all over the sky is even more fierce. It seems that he is unwilling to stop here and wants to break through the confinement area of the killing force again and again. However, no matter how hard Huangsha roared, it was still unable to shake the only cutting power in the world.

"Brush!" Two cold and fierce eyes suddenly flashed out in the endless cutting power. The momentum of Xiaosha in the whole body of sword nameless tends to be stable gradually. The whole person seems to be a little incredulous. He opens his mind and feels the qualitative change of his internal strength.

"Hum!" Heart thought a move, a flash of the golden light of the killing force will be out of hand. It turns into a streamer, wrapped in a violent killing intention, and pours on one side, indulging in the traceless state of Epiphany cultivation.

"Bang!" A deafening dull sound echoed coldly in this silent void. The yellow sand scattered all over the sky, and the golden cutting power stayed in the first ten meters of Wuchen's body, and its momentum and power gradually weakened. After a few breath, it disappeared.At the moment, on the edge of the ten meter area of Wuchen's body, there is a mysterious mask containing colorful light and shadow. Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, it seemed that it had never appeared. Once again into the surrounding scene of wild sand, so that others can not detect the strange state it has appeared.

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"Eh!" Sword nameless gently exhorted a, feel the body surging with the power of terror. Once again, within the scope of ten meters, there was a smile on the cold face.

At this time, he is totally addicted to the power of guarding the field, and has no trace of his perception. He has no idea what just happened. Even the exploratory strike of Gangjian nameless is due to the self generation of its subconscious consciousness of prevention.

However, only a tentative strike can not give us an idea of the real fighting power of the two sides. However, the only thing we can be sure of now is that Wu Chen and Jian Ming are two people. Now they are in a real and down-to-earth field. The power of the field that can be met but not sought by all those who are in the level of spirit and soul!

"Ha ha, who is stronger in killing and guarding?" A strange false shadow of the red awn floated around the body of Wu trace and the unknown sword. Yao Zun's Huoxiao virtual shadow face is full of joy, and the top two teenagers who are growing rapidly are filled with emotion< br>

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