Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 220: 220

A gust of wind gently blowing up, the sky filled with yellow sand, two stubborn young figure standing alone, look at each other. Then, they both showed two bright smiles at the same time, and their hearty laughter echoed in the long desert for a long time.

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For a long time, sword nameless, this just put away the smile on the face. Then, he took a deep look at Wu Chen, and slowly spoke out and asked tentatively, "Wu Chen, if I am right, this should be the border between Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou and Dazhou Dynasty in central Zhou. Out of this desert, we can reach the boundary of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou. What's your plan next? "

"Ah, before my death, master Yanyu wanted me to practice in Tianyun sect. Now, I want to go to master Yanyu's ancestral home, practice there, and use my martial arts to avenge master Yanyu! " Traceless gently sighed, my mind again recalled the familiar figure of Yanyu. And involuntarily think of Yanyu's life dying instructions, the heart is a burst of sadness.

"Keke, no trace, Tianyun sect is one of the top eight sects in the mainland. If you go there, you can't go wrong in the future! However, I'm afraid I can't go with you... "Jian Ming's cold face was full of struggling color, and he calmed his head and whispered to no trace again.

"Ha ha, nameless, sword Pavilion, maybe more suitable for you!" No trace lightly smile, seem to have expected the choice of sword nameless. Then, no trace walked forward slowly, gently raised his hand and patted the sword's nameless shoulder. I can't help but feel warm when I think of the scene when they first met in the jungle.

"No trace, you don't blame me..." sword nameless calm head, like a child who did something wrong in general, low voice to speak again, but always dare not look at no trace eyes.

"Ha ha, the swordsman is nameless! If you don't go to the sword Pavilion, you can't go there! That's where you should go. Only by cultivating the heart of the sword can you make greater achievements in kendo. In the future, if you are the first to step into the realm of transforming the soul, I will point to you and take me back to the great Zhou Dynasty No trace obviously doesn't mean to blame the nameless sword. After all, you have to choose the most suitable path to practice martial arts. If you let Jianming follow you to tianyunzong, I'm afraid it will affect the cultivation of Jianming.

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"Ha ha, do you have no confidence in yourself? You are a demon who can subdue the strange fire. How can a small soul stop you from moving forward! " Sword nameless loud laughter, the whole face look obviously a loose. As if a stone in the bottom of my heart down, a burst of unprecedented relaxed moment surge edge sword nameless body up and down.

"Ha ha, let's have a look and see who gets to the soul realm first! As long as one side has reached the realm of transforming soul, he will go to the sect of the other side to find it. Then, we will fight back to the Zhou Dynasty to avenge ourselves. How about that? " Traceless and hearty laughter floated up, looking at the sword nameless eyes, there was a clear sense of war rising. In his tone, he did not hide the intention of provocation. It seemed that he wanted to make an agreement and fight each other fiercely.

"Well, it's a deal! He made an agreement to transform the soul into the realm of cultivation, and vowed to kill him back to the great Zhou Dynasty, so as to make an end for him in the past! " Sword nameless touched his chest, to no trace solemn incomparable promise way. Then, a strange mist rose. On the nameless and traceless chest of the sword, a little blood awn floated respectively. Two blood drops hit one place quickly, and the strange fog in the air turned into a blood red color in a flash.

Blood red fog slowly into the air, blood red air instantly turned into a red awn, soaring up. Just a moment later, the red light flew into the distant void and disappeared.

"Well, blood is the alliance, and the oath of heaven is automatically generated?" On one side, the originally happy demon zunhuoxiao was suddenly shocked. Looking at the blood red in the dark sky, he was shocked for no reason.

On both sides, Wu Chen and Jian Ming seem to be unaware of this. After looking at each other, they burst into laughter again.

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"No trace, I didn't go to the sword pavilion just to practice. There, maybe you can make Wushuang come back to life Sword nameless silently touched, the back is full of rust, like scrap iron like Epee unparalleled, thoughtfully whispered.

"Why, the sword Pavilion, is there such a magic place?" Smell speech, have no trace facial expression tiny a meal, some don't believe to see again to sword nameless affirmation way.

"Ha ha, it's said that if you want to enter the sword Pavilion, you have to search all over the mountains. You can only enter Jianshan when the road turns around. "

"In Jianshan, you can see thousands of peaks. Only those with strong mind can walk all over the mountain. Only after searching the peak of wanjian mountain can we have the opportunity to communicate with the heaven and earth, understand the seven channels of the sword Pavilion, and become the true disciples of the sword Pavilion! "

"Not only that, for every sword cultivator, to be a disciple of the sword Pavilion is the greatest glory of his life. And for every sword Pavilion disciple, only when he really becomes the core disciple of the most evil in the sword Pavilion, can he enter the forbidden area of the sword Pavilion and practice Kendo in the sword tomb. ""Similarly, only when you enter the forbidden area of the sword Pavilion and practice in the sword tomb, can you get in touch with the real sword road martial arts inherited by the sword Pavilion. Sword tomb, the forbidden area of sword Pavilion, is not only the holy land of sword cultivation, but also the place where all the magic weapons and swords in heaven and earth were bred... "Jian Ming searches for useful information about sword pavilion over the years, and talks about it solemnly in front of no trace.

"Keke, if you look for all the mountains, you will have a chance to enter Jianshan. In Jianshan, there are many peaks. Looking for opportunities in Wanfeng, you only have the opportunity to communicate with heaven and earth, get inheritance, and become a member of the sword Pavilion. It seems that the sword Pavilion, one of the eight sects, really deserves its reputation. I'm afraid that the rules of selecting disciples at all levels are enough to stop most of the sword cultivation in heaven and earth! " No trace was shocked. I didn't expect that the selection of disciples in the sword pavilion was so strict. Although all the five elements of Xuanli awakened, he was still a sword cultivator. If you don't want to fulfill your tutor Yanyu's life wish, Wu Chen would like to go to the sword pavilion to take part in the examination and practice of the sect's disciples.

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"No trace, I will definitely step on the sword mountain and find the inheritance of the sword pulse. Not only that, but also I will become the core disciple of the most evil in the sword Pavilion, and set foot in the forbidden area of the sword tomb. Find a way to nurture the sword there, and let the unparalleled Epee become famous in mainland China from the sky! " The sword's nameless and cold face was full of perseverance, and the tone was full of respect, without any selfish thoughts.

On one side, I felt the sword's nameless resolution, and Wuchen couldn't help being moved. Traceless Junlang's face was slightly upturned and nodded to the sword nameless.

Not only no trace, even the demon zunhuoxiao felt the nameless and upright heart of the sword. Yao zunhuoxiao reexamines the boy in white in front of him. Maybe he will become the most powerful swordsman in mainland China.

All those who become powerful are endowed with great fortune. On the way forward, the powerful will have fewer rivals and brothers. Think of here, demon zunhuoxiao heart suddenly open. When I think of those happy days when I once led the demon world to fight in all directions, and those old friends and little brothers who followed me wholeheartedly, the demon zunhuoxiao can't help feeling depressed and bitter.

"Ha ha, no name, let's say goodbye! If we meet again. It's the time for you and me to step down the great Zhou Dynasty! "

"Ha ha, traceless, I will step on the top of ten thousand swords in the sword Pavilion, and then wantianyunzong will look for you before I go down the mountain! If you can surpass me, I'll wait for you at the top of ten thousand swords... "A smile reappears on the face of the sword's nameless thousand year old smile. Then, he arched his hand to Wu trace, pointing to a position in the desert filled with boundless yellow sand.

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"Whoosh." Seeing that the sword was nameless, the air of Xuanli all over his body suddenly rose up, and the whole person turned into a white streamer in an instant. Facing the opposite direction of no trace, without looking back, he galloped away and stepped into the vast Yellow sand sky.

"Ha ha, this son will be extraordinary in the future! No trace boy, the other side is the Martial Emperor master of soul realm. You are just a talent. Are you really not afraid? " Demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow flash from, cling to no trace body shape, full of playful mouth tease way.

"Hum, don't listen to the sound of beating leaves through the forest. Why don't you sing and go slowly. Who is afraid that bamboo sticks and sandals are better than horses? After listening to Yao zunhuoxiao's question, Wu trace suddenly remembered a favorite poem in his previous life. Then, a symbolic smile appeared on Junlang's face, and his voice was full of magnetism, which echoed in the field of protection.

"Bamboo sticks and sandals are better than horses. Who's afraid? I'll live as long as I can. " Demon respect fire Xiao fire red eyes flashed two different look, again pleased to see in front of no trace. Demon zunhuoxiao seems to have an illusion at the moment, as if the no trace in front of him has grown up a lot. Even some of them have grown up to the point beyond his expectation.

"Ha ha, old demon, let's go! Next, we should do one vote! " The ear spreads to have no trace that don't wear the familiar laughter of the tune, the demon respect fire Xiao immediately wake up from the Leng Shen state.

See, a green shadow flash out. In an instant, the power of guarding the field disappeared completely, and the wild yellow sand between heaven and earth swept through again. However, the blue figure seemed to be totally unaware of it. It turned into a green light flying through the vast desert covered by the yellow sand( At the end of Dazhou college, the following is the conclusion

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