Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 221: 221

In mainland China, the six dynasties have been in command for a hundred years. Behind each dynasty, there is a strong miniature of sect.

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Today, on the mainland of China, there are numerous sects. Among these sects, the most dazzling one is the top eight sects in mainland China.

Jiange, zhenbaozhai, animal temple, Bixia palace, tianyunzong, jiangshadao, mifuzong, guimengzong are the most powerful forces in mainland China, and they are called eight sects by all the people in mainland China.

Among them, Jiange specializes in kendo, and the rest of the main soldiers are also trained in martial spirit, which can be called the most powerful sect in attack, and there is no one.

Zhenbaozhai is famous for its Dao, magic weapon and puppet techniques. He is good at defense. His disciples are all over the mainland of China, and his combat power can not be underestimated.

Most of the animal temples are dominated by the barbarians. They are savage in nature and have great power. They mainly focus on the physical body and attack all the way. Even more, they are always accompanied by spirit beasts, which greatly increases their combat power. Often every disciple of the beast temple will be followed by a beast of his own life.

Bixia palace, located in the hinterland of tianque Dynasty, is a mysterious fairyland on earth. It is said that all the disciples of this sect are women, and each of them is like an immortal. The martial spirit attribute of Bixia palace disciples is mainly feminine. In the sky and under the water, birds, fish, the variety is endless. As for the top sects in mainland China, if they can marry a Bixia palace disciple, it will be the envy of everyone. It is enough to satisfy their vanity beyond martial arts.

Tianyun sect is most famous for its divination. It is said that it can be known five hundred years ago and five hundred years later. It can judge one's gains and losses, and it can also win the national fortune. The inner part of Tianyun sect is divided into various temples, each performing its own duties and guarding its door. Otherwise, it would be enough to make other sects jealous. Without some special means to protect their lives, this clan would not have become one of the top eight forces on the mainland.

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He is rigid and good at controlling corpses, and all his disciples practice Yin evil Qi. This sect claims to be spontaneous, but its reality is often ugly. As long as it's about the practice of men and women, this sect will spare no effort to promote the practice. Therefore, the rigid evil way has also become an alternative school abandoned by the other seven sects.

Buddhists all over the world belong to this sect. The Buddhist temples in mainland China are all branches of Buddhism. However, the true Buddhists of the Esoteric Buddhism, regardless of the world affairs, devote themselves to practicing martial arts and studying Buddhism all day long. Only when there is a real crisis in mainland China, or when there is an unexpected event in the world. The Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists.

The ghost sect is the most mysterious sect besides the Buddhists. His disciples specialize in the art of ghosts and demons, and have no scruples. They often take personal likes and dislikes and ignore the laws of the mainland. They either fight with their swords or kill their enemies. Although sometimes it is too drastic to win the hearts of the people, the killing method is too bloody. As a result, the evil reputation of the ghost and demon sect has become more and more serious, and no one in the mainland of China is willing to take revenge and complain with it easily.

The eight top sects in mainland China recruit their disciples once every ten years. The minimum threshold is also below 50 years old and above the initial stage of cultivation.

And anyone who can go to prepare for the sect examination is a young generation with excellent qualifications in mainland China. Apart from other things, the location of the eight sects alone is enough to kill more than half of the worldly people who have no access. Of course, there are also some young people with strong minds who come here with their strong will to explore. But the probability of this kind of person is very rare, it is rare in the rare.

This is the day before the eight great sects opened the mountain gate to recruit disciples.

In the border area of the Zhou Dynasty in Zhongzhou and Penglai Dynasty in beizhou, it is like a fairyland in the mountains.

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A towering mountain, as if directly to the sky, stands out among the mountains and clouds. Under the mysterious mountain, a straight blue stone ladder seems to fall from the sky. Along the mysterious mountain spread and down, has been from top to bottom to the foot of the mountain.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, the crowd has been waiting for many days. Looking at the straight and towering bluestone steps in front of us, we all sighed.

Tianyunzong, a top sect that has been ringing through mainland China for thousands of years. At the moment, as long as you climb the bluestone steps and step into the mysterious mountain, you can leap thousands of miles to become the outer disciple of Tianyun sect. Such temptation, for all the young talents who came to participate in the assessment, the state of mind at this time is even more excited than words.

What's more surprising is that a few days ago, the bluestone steps leading to the heaven were clearly visible in people's eyes. Although it is more and more difficult to distinguish, the shadow of bluestone steps can still be seen in the shadow.But now, there is still one day to go before the opening of the apprenticeship examination. The blue stone steps in front of us are now completely covered by a strange mist.

Not to mention the towering bluestone steps in the distance, even the first few bluestone steps, which were placed in front of the public and just a step away, were completely covered by the strange fog at the moment, which made the young talents who came to take part in the examination and training say it in a daze. Looking at the shadow of the misty bluestone steps, they all murmured at the same time.

"Damn, this is the ladder in the legend of Tianyun sect!"

"Ha ha, if you want to enter tianyunzong, this ladder is the only assessment standard. It is said that the ladder has a total of 999 steps, which will be comprehensively evaluated according to the qualification, mind, self cultivation strength, Xuanli attribute and other elements of the examiners. As long as the higher the steps are, the greater the potential is. Thus, the chance of entering tianyunzong is naturally increased. "

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"Hehe, it's said that only one person can take the last thousand steps of the 999 bluestone heaven step. And that man is the founder of Tianyun sect. It is said that he is the master of the first generation of Tianyun sect. "

"Well, don't mention the 999 heavenly steps. If I can boast a hundred heavenly steps, I'll be happy when I reach the entry standard!"

"Hey, hey, I'm going to boast about two hundred heaven steps!"

"Bah, I want to reach the three hundred steps of heaven!"

"Fart, it's up to you. If you can boast about the three hundred heaven steps, I can cross the four hundred heaven steps!"

"Ha ha, a group of local leopards are so confident. Can't I step into the 500 level heaven level?"

"Ha ha, then I'll be seven hundred!"

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"Bah, I'm still eight hundred!"

"Damn, I'm super qualified. I'm sure I can reach the nine hundred level of heaven!"

A burst of boiling in the crowd, to participate in the assessment of young people who are not arrogant. When they heard someone shouting and shouting, they all began to fight with each other.

For a moment, everyone's fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high in front of the ladder, and everyone's eyes were all hot, and they were secretly fighting with each other.

Among the noisy crowd, however, a slovenly young man in green shivered his robe covered with yellow sand and dust.

"Tianyunzong, I'm here!" It is full of loess and dust, which makes the crowd around disgust and avoid. However, the young man in green turned a blind eye to the reaction of the people in front of him. He still looked at the 999 sky steps in front of him. With a touch of bright sunshine slanting down, hit in the Qingyi young handsome company. The young man in Tsing Yi yawned and then showed a sign of harmless smile of livestock

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