Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 228: 228

Strange fog shrouded, gray under a hundred steps ladder. There are more than ten shadowy figures, all of which are on the ninety ninth bluestone steps.

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Brush, brush, brush

At this time, under the ninety-nine bluestone steps, all the bluestone steps were quickly covered by strange fog. At the same time, all the people who had been stranded in the bluestone steps below were engulfed by the strange fog.

Below, all the members of the family who gathered around to support the battle were surprised at the same time. All of them secretly spat, and looked slightly flustered toward the blue stone steps rising from the strange fog.

At this time, thousands of steps above the ladder. In addition to the ninety ninth step, the rest of the blue stone steps were all covered with strange fog, so that the people below could no longer see its true face.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The air of Xuanli fluctuates, and countless figures appear in the empty space at the lower end of the blue stone steps of the ladder. These young men and women were all surprised, and looked around in horror. Among the onlookers, some sharp eyed people recognized that these young men and women who suddenly appeared were just those young talents who had just been stranded under the ninety-nine steps.

"Alas, there are five elements Dharma protection hall, spirit beast hall, Dan gate hall, puppet hall, medicine refining hall, carved Fu hall and painting array hall. Among these people, you can choose at will! Leave the rest to the worker hall and the kitchen hall! " In the 18th Hall of the outer gate, a middle-aged man embroidered with the mark of steward's Hall on his long shirt whispered to the other hall owners of the outer gate beside him.

As soon as the words came down, people at the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection hall and the spirit beast hall took the lead in selecting their own disciples who thought they were talented enough. In danmen hall, puppet hall, medicine refining hall, carved Fu hall and four halls, a middle-aged man came out and swept back and forth in the crowd.

In the rear, the master of the service hall and the kitchen hall all had no choice but to wave their hands behind them. In the two halls, there are five steps out of each. They are still in some forced state and the others have not been selected. All of them were pulled to one side and began to quietly divide the people's belonging.

However, there was no movement at the entrance of the Dian FA hall, the Guan Shi hall, the discipline hall, the law enforcement hall and the four halls. After all, the disciples in these four halls are all composed of disciples drawn from other halls. Naturally, these four halls look down on these budding boys.

At the foot of the ladder, dozens of people are busy selecting their children. Only the people in the pre art hall were indifferent, as if all this had nothing to do with them. The master of the pre skill hall led the people under him, still looking at the ninety-nine steps without strabismus.

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In front of baibutai, most of the people on the ninety-nine bluestone steps have adapted to the current momentum. However, none of them took the lead in trying. Instead, they looked at each other warily.

"Ha ha, step on the hundred step platform, heaven's luck will come naturally!" A voice as if there were no, cheap floated into the ear without trace. Stepping on the ninety-nine steps of the ladder, Wu Hun's expression was suddenly stunned, and some of them could not believe that they swept away towards the surrounding crowd.

"Teng!" At this time, a fat figure suddenly stepped out. Little fat Zhen not just in full view of the public, even a step out of the steady stand on the bluestone steps.

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind blew from the top of the hundred steps. A moment of misty and strange fog surged up, swallowing the whole figure of the little fat man.

Everyone knows what happened to little fat Zhen Bucai, but the hundred steps of bluestone really disappeared in the eyes of everyone. And just the cold wind on the hundred bluestone steps after being shrouded made the people present feel a thrill from the heart.

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"Cough, step on a hundred steps platform, heaven's luck will come naturally! Old demon, did you just hear that? " This is the first time that Wu trace has heard the sound of the outside world since he ascended the ladder. And the person who said this is obviously a little fat Zhen Bucai. Is this guy implying that he can't do anything!

Miso, miso

At the same time of thinking without trace, there are figures stepping out. In the twinkling of an eye, dozens of figures around no trace are less and less. On the hundred step platform in front of the fog, there are waves of turbulent sounds coming strangely.

"Ha ha, no matter how much he has, just go up and have a look!" The voice of demon zunhuoxiao's light smile spreads out again, full of playful full in traceless mind.

Smell speech, no trace force of jilt to shake a head, also don't have been to much tangle what. The whole person breathed heavily, stepped out, and then stepped on the bluestone steps.

"Brush!" As soon as he stepped on the step-by-step stage, Wu Chen felt a strange mist beating on his body. Immediately after that, the momentum and pressure released from the body of no trace disintegrated and dissipated. However, the eternal Heaven and earth determination skill in the body still works as usual, but I don't know why I can't mobilize my initial cultivation of Dan soul state."Damn, old demon, my cultivation is gone!" Traceless heart in a flash, some don't know what to do to the demon respect fire Xiao help way. However, after a long time, no response was received from the demon zunhuoxiao.

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At this moment, Wuchen can only feel the flow of Xuanli's Qi in his body, but he can't mobilize his own Xuanli. Even the power of no trace Kendo, and the realm of protection that we have realized, can't be used normally on this hundred steps.

Hua La, Hua la

A strange sound of sand and stone friction, quietly surging up. Originally, the bluestone steps were covered with yellow sand in the sky, and the whole person seemed to be in the vast desert.

All over the sky, the yellow sand is flying wantonly, all running and beating on the traceless body. At this time, around the body without trace, a purple and gold undercurrent quietly emerged. Like the power of thunder and lightning, the whole human body without trace is firmly protected in it.

"Eh, it's amazing. Is this the breath of the mysterious power of earth? It turns out that the test of Xuanli's Qi is on the hundred step stage! It seems that the assessment of the 919 ladder is not only about the cultivation level of the assessment! Through the examination of Xuanli Qi, I'm afraid I can see clearly the talent potential of a warrior! " On the bluestone steps of a hundred steps, the sand is flying down the sky. While intuitively feeling the no trace of the fierce attack of the air of the surrounding earth Xuanli, I have a little judgment of the current situation in my heart< br>

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