Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 229: 229

On the stage of one hundred steps, the mysterious power of earth emerges one after another. The whole independent space is engulfed and covered by the vast Yellow sand.

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At the same time, his whole body is haunted by purple and gold undercurrent. The eternal Heaven and earth in the body will speed up the operation, and a faint air of earthly Xuanli will also move with it.

"Teng!" The air of the earth Xuanli is one place, and the air of the yellow sand on the whole bluestone steps is more violent. The wild sand all over the sky, as if provoked, turned into streamers and smashed madly towards the traceless and strong body.

"Well, now I've been practicing the second refreshing decision. My flesh is nourished by the Qi of Hongmeng and chaos, and becomes perfect. Why are you afraid of the Qi of the vast earth in the illusory world No trace cold hum a, whole body purple gold undercurrent crazy flow and rise. The air of earthly power in the body radiates wildly, and a golden earth armor like armor covers the traceless body.

Click, click

The yellow sand and earth lines, like magic weapons and sharp blades, came from everywhere. Jincancan is like the earth Xuanli armor of Jinjia, protecting the whole body of traceless.

Traceless face indifferent, not afraid of all over the sky bombardment from the wind and sand. He walked out with both legs, and walked slowly towards the ladder covered with strange fog.

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Pedal, pedal, pedal

Traceless eyes always coldly looking forward, the whole person like a wisp of flat general climbing. With the acceleration of traceless pace, the greater the resistance in the surrounding space.

The lines of yellow sand and earth are more and more sharp, and there is no trace on the golden armor made up of the mysterious force of the surrounding earth. At the moment, it is full of scars and broken lines. It is suitable to have signs of disintegration at any time.

After stepping out of the 50 bluestone steps, Wu trace felt a strange feeling under his feet.

That strange feeling can be described in two words. Heavy, endless heavy, around the bluestone steps on the yellow sand line is still wanton bombardment in no trace around the body. However, the Xuanli power of the towering earth under his feet made his feet as hard as lead.

"Well, the world is so heavy that it seems to magnify the gravity in this space several times. After these 150 steps of bluestone, is it the strange ability that the mysterious power of the earth has evolved? " No trace standing in place, cold thinking for a moment, finally have the answer.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

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A gruesome dull sound, cold up, before the bombardment in no trace of the whole body of the soil Xuanli. Now, with the pressure in this space, its power has doubled.

On one hundred and fifty bluestone steps, the golden armor on Wu Chen's body suddenly broke. In this space, the yellow sand and earth line quickly surged up, like the discovery of a new target, towards the traceless body of crazy collision.

"Yila, Yila!" At the moment when countless pieces of tusang yellow sand were about to hit Wuchen, the purple and golden waves of undercurrent surged out of Wuchen's chest, crushing all the sharp tusang yellow sand into powder.

The purple and gold air wave blessing guard is on the bronze body of no trace, which sets off no trace as if it is as powerful as a divine weapon. Moreover, with the flow of purple and gold undercurrent waves, the friction between the air and the yellow sand soil line has also produced the power of lightning.

"Ha ha, turn the soul into a pill. It seems that the inner elixir in my body is really extraordinary! " No trace heart next joy, tight frown instantly will stretch out. Then, with the purple and gold undercurrent running for several weeks, no trace only felt that the whole body had no reason to relax. A faint air of earthly Xuanli was released from the body again, and the previous double power was strangely relieved.

"Ha ha, just now!" Feel their own pressure by reducing, traceless bright eyes suddenly two light. Both feet quickly step out, no trace of one breath of Kung Fu will be enough to step out of dozens of bluestone steps.

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With the continuous upward climbing of traceless pace, the gravity pressure of soil is becoming more and more powerful. Again and again, they were crushed to pieces under the oppression of the surrounding heaven and earth.

No trace did not know that this was the tenth time that he had collected the armor of the earth Xuanli. This time, the earth's Xuanli armor was completely integrated with the purple and golden waves of the undercurrent.

"Wow A smooth light call, from no trace mouth faint spit out. All the yellow sand and earth lines that came from heaven and earth were destroyed and devoured by the power of thunder and lightning flowing in traceless purple gold armor. And no trace the whole person from head to foot, at this time as if put on a layer of purple gold armor. At this time, the gravity pressure of the mysterious force of the earth that the whole person felt before completely disappeared."Ha ha, after stepping on a hundred steps platform and being tempered by the gravity of the mysterious force of the earth, it helped me understand and refine this set of purple gold armor!"

"Now, the Xuanli of the earth in my body and the purple golden streamer in the purple golden elixir field have been perfectly integrated into one. This set of purple gold armor with the power of lightning can double my physical strength. "

"Now if I meet my opponent of the same level, I'm afraid they can't even break my purple and gold armor, let alone hurt my body. With this set of purple and gold armor condensed from the mysterious power of the earth, I'm not afraid even if I'm a middle-term master of Dan soul realm. Even if I am a strong man in the later cultivation of Dan soul realm, I am confident to try my best with one of them! " Think of the excitement, traceless eyes are full of hot, shining constantly. Looking at the vast Yellow sand whistling around, although its power and momentum are several times more terrifying than before, under the protection of purple gold armor, no trace can feel no threat now.

"Brush!" A purple and golden streamer flew out, no trace, no pressure on the whole body. The whole person a pair of wind and cloud light appearance, easily and freely ran in front of the bluestone steps.

All around, the boundless yellow sand constantly invades and descends, but Wuchen completely turns a blind eye to all this, as if these yellow sand soil awns and themselves are one, or their whole body is a part of this boundless yellow sand. The dark purple and golden figure freely walks on the misty bluestone steps. It's so natural that there's no sense of disobedience from afar!

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Below, on the end of the ladder, people can only see figures climbing on the bluestone steps in the distance.

All the leaders and disciples of the outer gate's eighteen halls silently watched the ladder, constantly searching for some talented young talents.

All of a sudden, a purple and golden streamer flew out, suddenly surpassing dozens of shadowy figures. He took the lead in breaking through the shackles of 199 bluestone steps and stepped onto the 200th bluestone step, which was more gloomy and cold.

Gulu, Gulu

There was a tense huff and puff, one after another, and the eighteen masters of the eighteen outer hall were all at the same time. All of them held their breath, and their eyes were as bright as fire. They gathered on the two hundredth bluestone steps where the strange cold fog gradually dispersed< br>

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