Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 230: 230

Stepping on the two hundredth bluestone steps, the yellow sand wind disappeared in vain. No trace at the foot of the bluestone steps gradually frost, a chill of biting Yin, instantly will be shrouded in no trace on the whole body.

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After practicing martial arts, one can avoid the invasion of cold and heat and all kinds of diseases. And refining the inner elixir has become a martial arts master in the soul realm of the elixir, and it is the source of longevity that has been as long as 500 years. In general, the four seasons alternate with cold and heat, and the worldly water and fire can not touch the place around the practitioner.

But now, the piercing cold is really stinging in the traceless body. Even the purple and gold armor, which was transformed by the mysterious power of the earth, had no way to stop the chill from entering the body quickly.

With the cold air into the body of the moment, the eternal world in traceless body will suddenly speed up the operation and flow. A stream of cool water Xuanli breath, a steady stream of Pan Sheng in the traceless bronze skin.

The majestic purple and gold armor gradually faded and completely integrated into the traceless body. Instead, the bronze skin was quickly covered with a thin layer of white frost.

Frost like ice, snow, dreamlike, will be no trace of the body completely wrapped in it. Before those into the body of the invasion of water Xuanli waves, now also all by the eternal Heaven and earth by the reproduction of the Hongmeng chaos of the gas phagocytosis. And the Xuanli and Xuanqi of water after being swallowed again are all transformed into the Xuanli of water flowing in traceless body one by one.

"Ha ha, it seems that above the 200 steps of the ladder, the test is the warrior's perception of the Xuanli of water!" With a faint smile without trace, the piercing chill on the body was swept away. The whole person's bronze skin seems to be covered with a strange white gauze at the moment, which completely blocks the cold air of the water between heaven and earth.

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Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A steady sound of falling feet came quietly on the two hundred blue stone steps. Every time Wu trace takes a step, the coldness of the surrounding world will increase by one point. After fifty steps, no trace appeared on the 251st bluestone step.

"Suddenly When the traceless figure appeared, the surrounding calm void suddenly turbulent. There was a strong wind and ice and snow all over the sky. Without trace, the whole body was engulfed by the storm and snow, leaving only a white figure frozen on the 251st bluestone steps.

At this time, dozens of souls climbing the ladder at the same time with no trace, and all the figures in the later cultivation realm, also stepped on the 200th bluestone steps. These people are all in their 20s and 30s, and their temperament and aptitude can all be regarded as the best choice. After fully adapting to the changes in the mysterious force of the earth, these young talents have also set foot in the team of chasing the traceless pace.

Among them, a fat body is particularly eye-catching. After stepping on 200 bluestone steps, it seemed that he was not hindered at all. The whole person shakes the fat fat big body shape, unexpectedly panting fast steps in the bluestone steps to run up.

Just a moment later, little fat Zhen Bucai stepped on the 251 bluestone steps. In addition, the face that frost brushed showed a wretched smile, and then wiped away with the frozen traceless figure.

It was just a moment later that little fat Zhen Bucai stepped over the 29th bluestone step and directly onto the 300th bluestone step.

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"Hoo“ Hoo

A series of nervous gasps, faint blue stone steps from the bottom. At the moment, all the influential families around us are not only sweating for the children of their own family who came to participate in the selection, but also amazed at the speed of little fat Zhen Bucai.

Although, due to the influence of the magic array power of the strange fog. At the lower end of the ladder, people can't really see the face of the climbers. However, judging from the body shape and feeling, people immediately associate with the "xiaoshengbucai" who was in the limelight at the foot of TIANTI the day before.

As for the purple and golden figure imprisoned by the ice storm, although they didn't know who he was, they all kneaded sweat for him at the same time, and sighed in their hearts.

Inside the square array of the outer gate, all the disciples of the outer gate were stunned. The eighteen hall leaders had different expressions, and they all thought about it carefully.

"Ha ha, this little fat man is good. It seems that he should be majoring in Xuanli skill of water in his body! If you are able to pass the examination of shuixuanli Dharma array smoothly, I'm going to decide on shuixuan Dharma protection hall! " Five element Dharma protection hall, shuixuan Dharma protection hall master's eyes shining, staring at the fat figure on the 300th blue stone steps, said with a smile.

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"Haha, Lao Shui is right. This guy is really suitable for shuixuan Dharma hall!" In the five elements Dharma protection hall, another chubby and short hall leader spoke calmly. Although the head of the tuxuan Dharma protection Hall said so, his eyes did not leave the white figure on the 251 bluestone steps, which had been frozen."Hey, hey, what little earth said. In my opinion, the former Zijin boy seems to have a better understanding of the mysterious power of the earth. Although he is now confined to the Dharma array of the mysterious realm of water, it doesn't mean anything. If this person can join the tuxuan Dharma hall, maybe he will become a great weapon in time The head of shuixuan Dharma protection hall smiles and blinks at the head of tuxuan Dharma protection hall. His thick voice was clearly introduced into the ears of the other ten hall leaders.

On one side, wood, gold, fire and the other three Xuanli Dharma protectors all looked at each other and laughed. It seemed that they had been used to the conversation of the other two.

As for dianfa hall, Guanshi hall, commandment hall, law enforcement hall and these hall entrances, they even pretend to be missing. Anyway, if they have a good idea of who they are, they will dig them up after their disciples enter the sect. The kitchen hall and the miscellaneous service hall, the two most unpopular entrances, are even more silent, waiting for the rest of the entrances to pick the remaining disciples back for another arrangement.

It's true that the hall leaders of Lingshou hall, danmen hall, puppet hall, lianyao hall, carved Fu hall and Huazhen hall frowned one after another. Obviously, they had some complaints about the words of shuixuan, tuxuan and the two Dharma protection hall leaders.

On the other hand, the head of the pre art hall still stands with his hands down, his eyes closed, and he doesn't care about the battle between each hall. Even from the beginning to the end, did not speak a word.

"Boom!" Just as the smell of fire and medicine gradually developed among the hall leaders, the figure on the 251st bluestone steps, which was imprisoned by the cold ice, was suddenly slightly stunned. Then, I saw the freezing wind and snow stopped in vain in the void, and the road was covered with snow and ice. The hot snow water melted quickly, and a torrential fire burst out from the previous white shadow.

"Ha ha, the five elements and Xuanli are complementary. Since the mysterious power of water in my body can't resist the cold power in this void. Then, I will use the mysterious power of fire, which I am good at, to melt away the ice all over the sky! " A faint sneer, full of relaxed floating. At the moment, traceless is like a fireman, with strange fire burning around him. The Xuanli of the water in this void all flinches away, as if they dare not get close to it. They are fixed outside the traceless body.

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Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Without the barrier of violent ice and snow, traceless action is much faster. In only a quarter of an hour, no trace smoothly crossed the 299th bluestone steps and entered the 300th bluestone steps. In front of him, a fat figure was still climbing up, and it was obvious that he had stepped into the 350th bluestone steps.

"Ha ha, no matter who the boy is! This man, our tuxuan Dharma hall is going to be decided! " Below the ladder, the head of tuxuan Dharma protection hall burst out laughing, obviously clapping his chest in a good mood.

On one side, all the hall leaders were silent, but everyone's eyes were the same.

"Cough, old-fashioned, why don't you give him up to huoxuan Dharma hall for your convenience?" Just when the head of tuxuan Dharma protection hall was full of excitement, an extremely disharmonious female voice came quietly. On one side, the female hall leader of huoxuan Dharma protection hall smiles and looks at him with disdain. The hall leader of tuxuan Dharma protection Hall says lightly.

"Cough, wife, can you give me some face? If it's done, you'll be the boy's mistress! " After listening to the words of the female leader of huoxuan Dharma protection hall, the leader of tuxuan Dharma protection hall looks ugly. Then, his short and fat figure kept shaking, and he looked at the head of huohuoxuan Dharma protection hall with a look of pleading.

On both sides of the hall, the other 16 hall heads all laughed and looked at the shriveled tuxuan Dharma protector. The hall leader felt a burst of unexplained pleasure< br>

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