Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 231: 231

Tianyunzong, 999 ladder, straight down to the sky, directly between the mountains below.

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On the 300 th bluestone steps, countless flames rose. Only in layers of flame roaring package, a bronze skin blue figure quietly.

This green shadow is as if it was born in the fire. The whole person walks up slowly.

All the way unimpeded, towering bluestone steps sent out by the flame Tianwei. At the moment, it can't hinder wutrace at all. Even when these flames touch the traceless body, they will instinctively choose to avoid it.

"Ha ha, it saves me a lot of trouble!" Traceless mouth slightly up, handsome face across a smile. The strange fire in the body is ready to move. It seems that it is extremely uncomfortable with the flame of heaven and earth around it. Without the slightest obstruction, no trace easily stepped into the 351st bluestone steps.

"Brush!" Just after Wu trace's feet stepped on the 351st bluestone step, the flame of heaven and earth around him suddenly trembled. Then, all the flames turned into powerful fire dragons in a flash, and they tore away from Wu trace like crazy.

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"Hum!" With a dull hum, Wuchen was scalded and bitten by the powerful fire dragon. But fortunately, after being nourished by the eternal Heaven and earth resolution, Wu trace's body is extremely strong. Although there is a little pain on the body, it still does not cause any substantial harm to itself.

"Teng!" A flowing fire will rush out, and the strange sky fire will rush out of the traceless body. A trace of strange fire around the body, no trace on the body just burned wound quickly and miraculously healed up.

The mighty and domineering fire dragon, at the moment of touching the strange sky fire. All quickly disintegrated into Mars, scattered on the bluestone steps.

Surrounded by heaven and earth around the rise of the mighty fire dragon, red eyes at this time all revealed a fear of terror. Although the flame is still powerful, no fire dragon dares to step forward to block the traceless pace.

Seeing this, Wu trace gently touched the flame of the strange fire that lingered around his body. He could not help but feel strange in his heart. At the same time, there was no pause in the pace of foot, and flying like a quick step forward toward the upper end of the ladder.

No flame Tianwei obstacles, bluestone steps for no trace is like walking on the ground. No trace, dressed in a green robe, walked as fast as he could. Within a few breath, he resisted 399 steps of bluestone.

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At the same time, dozens of figures stepped into the 350 th bluestone steps on the long ladder road. Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who had stayed for a long time on the 350 th bluestone steps, was also struggling to move forward on the 400 th bluestone steps.

"Suddenly As soon as he stepped on the 400th bluestone step, no trace felt that the power of heaven and earth around him had changed in vain.

The burning smell of the burning flame disappeared, and in an instant, a full of vitality surged out along all directions of the bluestone steps.

No trace just feel endless wood Xuanli gas, crazy into his body. The Xuanli Qi consumed by climbing the ladder of heaven before no trace was filled with the deficit in the body in a moment.

Not only that, the mysterious force of these trees seems to be inexhaustible, and it is still crazy to accelerate the flow, rushing towards the traceless body.

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At the beginning, no trace also full face happy, feel the body is very smooth. But a little longer, no trace will be aware of the body in the strange.

As Wuchen continues to climb up, every layer above the four hundred bluestone steps will bring out boundless and vigorous breath of life. Whether Wuchen wants to or not, these vigorous breath of life will rush into his body and become a part of his body.

At the moment, the traceless body is like a filled ball. With the exuberant wood Xuanli and the constant influx of life Qi, the whole body of no trace also gradually swelled up. It seems that as long as there is a little bit more, the force of Muxuan in the surrounding world will explode the whole person without trace.

"Cough, it's hard! Even if I stop running, I will never be able to stop the Qi of these wood Xuan forces from entering my body! " A burst of light cough, traceless face began to become more and more ugly. The pain in the flesh slows down the pace of traceless feet.

After stepping on 450 bluestone steps, I feel that there is only myself and full of vitality in the world around me. At this time, traceless and strong body is completely wrapped by endless mysterious force of wood, and the whole person is gradually floating in the air. The original clear consciousness gradually fell into lethargy, can only instinctively struggle to step forward and continue to move forward."Tear!" A strange sound came out of the traceless body. Then, a purple and golden undercurrent, wrapped in the power of lightning, surged out along the position of traceless chest.

The purple and gold undercurrents, like bottomless black holes, turn into purple and gold rays, and gather on the traceless chest. And the exuberant and abnormal wood Xuanli breath in heaven and earth, all involuntarily follow the purple golden streamer to rush to attack.

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With the crazy rotation of the purple golden streamer, the vigorous force of Muxuan force in the world all gushed into the traceless body. The purple gold inner elixir in Wuchen's body jumped up in an instant, as if he had life, and absorbed all the air of Muxuan force.

Not only that, today's Purple Gold inner elixir is like a bottomless black hole, although the air of Muxuan force in this heaven and earth is extremely strong. However, under the traction of the purple golden streamer, the purple golden inner pill unexpectedly impolitely took all the photos.

The exuberant spirit of life above the 400 steps of the ladder was collected into the Zijin inner elixir without trace.

Now, on the traceless purple gold inner elixir, the small earthworm, which was once bright and dark, is occupying the figure. At the moment, it has become completely visible. A pair of purplish gold flying beast is occupying the figure. At this time, it is drowsily attached to the purple gold elixir field.

The original floating traceless body gradually fell steadily on the bluestone steps, and the turbid divine consciousness suddenly began to become clear. Feel inside the body purple gold inside Dan of strange change, no trace this just quietly secretly grew a tone. Looking at the 500 th whole bluestone steps in front of us, the traceless one on the 499th bluestone steps seems to have had a nightmare, as if he had been separated from the rest of the world< br>

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