Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 232: 232

At the bottom of the 999 level ladder, the owners of the 18 halls of the outer gate all gathered their eyes in one place. On the 500th bluestone steps, a blue figure flashed in.

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Seeing this, all the leaders of the eighteen halls in the outer gate had hot eyes and good eyes. They were looking at the blue figure.

At the moment, the strange fog on the ladder became thicker. The crowd of onlookers at the bottom looked again at the top of the five hundred blue stone steps, and they couldn't see their true appearance.

Among the shadows, only a green shadow flashed by, but they couldn't really see who this person was.

On the 400th bluestone steps, dozens of figures all stayed in the same place. Later, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, arrived within the 400 steps of the bluestone steps. After following the green shadow in front of him, he became the second one to step into the 500 steps of the bluestone steps.

On the 500th bluestone steps, a strong wind suddenly blew up. The fierce wind is like a blade steel knife, which is invincible. When it blows on people, it is either death or injury.

Dangdang, Dangdang

A burst of crisp metal collision sound, bang ran impact in no trace around the body. The air of Xuanli on Wuchen's body is all broken. The blue robes all over his body turned into pieces of powder.

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The sharp blade steel wind impacts on the body shape of no trace, and the strong body of no trace suddenly shakes. The traces of whiteness are clearly visible, and the traceless and invincible body is engraved with white marks by this strange wind.

"Ha ha, is this the test of jinzhixuanli? It seems that the first 500 bluestone steps are the assessment of the five elements Xuanli's ability! " Traceless smile, did not care about the whole body was hit by the cold wind after leaving the white mark.

Yi pulls a, no mark a then pull off the long robe on the body. The whole person bares the upper body bronze color strong skin, calmly strides forward again.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

No trace body shape half squats, assumes the run-up condition. The bronze skin on the body is shining with golden awn, and the whole person flies like a rush.

After a series of rushing and galloping, the traceless figure quickly climbed to the top of the 550 bluestone steps. Originally tightly white body, at this time, there was a faint trace of blood. It can be seen that the attack of the mysterious power of Jin is more and more fierce.

"Boom!" Step out, no trace, just feel as if the whole person hit an invisible wall. There was a roar in the whole brain. One of his figures could not stand steadily. He went from the 551 bluestone steps to the 550 bluestone steps again.

"Shit, get a ball? Why is this thing so hard? Is it an iron wall? " No trace rubs the bruise on his forehead, and the vigorous mysterious force of wood flows out of the purple gold elixir field. A gentle heat wave surged all over the body. The bruises on the forehead and the red scars on the body gradually recovered.

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"His grandmother's, young master, I really don't believe this evil today!" No trace brow tight wrinkle, slowly stretched out his hand toward the front side of the bluestone steps touch and go.

"Bang!" A clear sound came, and the palm without trace was strangely bounced back. A golden light from the front of the bluestone steps, a sense of numbness from the hands of no trace.

"Hum!" No trace cold hum a, immediately whole body light gold awn big make and rise. A blow will blow out, and then hit the front of the invisible barrier.

"Boom," around, a tumultuous sound came from the blue stone steps, and the golden awns turned into streamers.

In front of the traceless figure, the invisible barrier suddenly glowed with gold. Suddenly, there was a crack in the gap.

"Ha ha, there is a door!" Seeing this, the corners of Wu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and the Xuanli and Xuanqi of Jin were more vigorous.

Boom, boom, boom

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I saw all over the body gold awn lingering traceless fists waved out, left and right bow like savage and violent hit the front of the blue steps.

The sound of terror came one after another, and the crack of the golden awn became more obvious. The last blow hit the center of the invisible barrier in front, and then the cracks exploded and disappeared.

"Brush!" A human figure flashed in, and rushed into the 551 bluestone steps without trace. And just after the body shape of no trace rushes into the bluestone steps, the mysterious breath of gold in the surrounding space rises again. An invisible barrier gradually faded away and turned into nothingness again, blocking behind the traceless figure.Bang bang, Bang Bang

The momentum between the heaven and the earth has become fierce and fierce in vain since dawaochen stepped into the 551 bluestone steps.

There are countless golden awns in the sky, which turn into golden winged Mirs flying in the sky, and each golden winged Mirs has the power of thunder and lightning.

"Chirp!" I can't help but see that these golden winged Mirs, which are transformed by the mysterious power of gold, have the power of thunder and lightning, and are enveloped with the mysterious power of wind. They are extremely fierce, and rush towards the traceless body.

"Shit, get a ball!" Seeing this, the expression on Wu Chen's face was extremely ugly, and he didn't dare to hold it in his heart. He quickly raised his legs and flew forward. He tried his best to escape.

At this moment, on the surface of traceless bronze skin, the purple and golden undercurrent surges up, which increases the speed of traceless itself by several times.

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On the long ladder, a strange scene appeared.

I saw a figure with purple and golden streamer all around me running forward. Behind him, there were golden winged Mirs. The virtual shadow of the bird was like thunder rushing down.

As if to feel the dangerous atmosphere around, the speed of the strange figure seems to be faster than before.

Most of the virtual shadows of the golden winged Mirs are all rushing down, turning into streamers and exploding thunder. The terrible golden Xuanli momentum rose all over the sky, and most of the streamer thunder bombed on the bluestone steps behind the strange figure.

However, there are still scattered golden streamers cleaving on the strange figure, but it can't stop the strange figure from escaping.

I saw the strange figure on the body quickly suffused with purple and gold light, which blocked the air waves generated by the mysterious force of gold flowing all over the sky.

In the air, the mysterious power of gold rises with great momentum. Occasionally, it is even mixed with the smell of scorching. In the twinkling of an eye, the strange figure ran away and attacked as many as fifty bluestone steps.

On the 599 steps, the strange figure did not stop. But the whole body suddenly flew up and rushed in. Without any drag of water, they rushed straight into the sixth hundred bluestone steps< br>

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