Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 236: 236

On the endless sky, the body shape of the heavenly horse on which no trace rides suddenly trembles. Immediately after that, the snow-white and capable Tianma fell out of thin air, and abruptly fell out of the body's dull and traceless eyes.

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"Brush!" Around the scene once again, no trace suddenly jumped up. The sound of familiar and noisy traffic around us once again appears, and the dazzling high-rise buildings are impressively reflected into the traceless eyes.

"Drop, drop!" Two harsh whistles resounded through the no trace ear. When no trace came back again, he was frightened to find a minivan parked in front of him. And in no trace of the body, but also out of a lively stray dog.

"Well, I, I didn't die?" No trace full face shock, in the mind a burst of pain. All memories are confused at this time, and no trace can't remember what happened in the blank memory.

At the moment of no trace Lengshen, all the onlookers around rush on. All people are full of smile, will be no trace carefully sent to the hospital to treat the injury.

"Sa Sa!" At the same time, a very untimely voice appeared strangely restless. The voice seems to come from outside the sky, but also from the heart of traceless. And the surrounding enthusiastic masses are still full of laughter, indicating that no trace should not care about these trivial things.

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"Sa Sa, Sa Sa..." with a slight noise strange came, traceless muddy eyes gradually flashed a glimmer of color. At the moment, no trace body suddenly for no reason of a heat, body bronze skin unexpectedly panic jump out of a few Zhang raging fire.

"Ah, ah, ah!" A shrill scream, one after another resounded in the no trace ear. Around the enthusiastic onlookers, all of them were ignited by the hot flame from traceless body.

As if the flames did not stop in general, the spread of mania. The space of traceless place is gradually turbulent under the erosion of this blazing flame. The surrounding scenery and things are all reduced to ashes and disappeared.

"Well, isn't this my previous world? How can there be abnormal fire? Strange fire, isn't that my soul? " All over the body burning hot flame, like the general body without trace of fire suddenly a Zheng. Then, the pure light in the traceless turbid eyes gathered again, and the momentum on the body fell down madly.

"By the way, I know what's wrong! After I stepped into the 800th bluestone steps, the old demon disappeared. And my little earth dragon, I can't feel my martial spirit, but I'm the God of bullshit. It seems that all I've experienced is a dream No trace holding a pair of fists, extremely indignant looking up to the sky, howling.

"Boom!" A deafening dull sound came out of no trace's body. No trace heart only feel a burst of pain, throat a salty, then suddenly a mouthful of blood spray out.

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"Suddenly The cold wind blows, and the seamless closed eyes suddenly open. The bright red bloodstain on the corner of the mouth has not dried up, no trace, but there is no reason for a pine in the chest at the moment.

"Brush!" No trace slowly opened his eyes, and the two rays burst out like two sharp blades. Traceless mind gradually sobered up, vigilant extremely looked around.

Below, dozens of figures stay on the 800th bluestone steps. No trace was surprised to find that he was standing on the 899 bluestone steps. Among the crowd, there was only a bloated figure standing on the position of 851 bluestone steps.

"Eh, little fat Zhen Bucai? This time, it should not be an illusion any more Traceless eyebrows slightly beat, some doubts toward the side behind and go. After a hundred years of dreamlike environmental time before, traceless now still can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

"Sa Sa!" A light cry, from the ear without trace outside resounding. Then, a long, slender core with a lot of saliva licked on the left and right cheek without any trace.

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"Damn it, little Dilong, if you make a ball, are you disgusting?" A voice of extreme collapse, familiar from no trace mouth full roar out.

"Sa Sa!" Above the traceless body, the little earth dragon is curling up. But that is flowing the thick saliva's core, actually extremely mischievous once more swept on the non mark forehead.

"Eh, wait a minute. The little earth dragon is still there. Doesn't that mean that it's not in a dreamland now?" Extremely depressed no trace, eyes suddenly flash a touch of light. Then, no trace secretly pinched his body, a burst of colic quickly surged in his body.

"Cough, traceless boy, what's wrong with you? And the last hundred steps. Are you going or not? " Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice, without any sign, burst out from traceless mind. Traceless heart instant overjoyed, the whole person almost excited out of hot tears."I'll go. What are you doing? Play bitter meat game with demon master. Demon master, I won't be fooled by you! When I was galloping in the six realms and nine days, you were not even a hair Demon zunhuoxiao is full of playful voice, once again like a bamboo tube pouring beans, resounding in traceless mind.

"Don't worry, old demon! No matter six realms or nine days, your Qiu Xiaoye will avenge you! " Traceless dead stare stare, the tears in the eyes forcibly to stare back. Immediately, the two fists that no trace full face zhengse clenched in vain a loose, unprecedented serious to demon respect fire Xiao secretly utter a promise way.

"Hey, hey, I Pooh. Traceless boy, please give me this. Just now, he pretended to be stupid, and now he began to play the emotional card with the demon master. You tell me the truth, you son of a bitch, did you just fall in the trap? "“ Damn, thanks to your practice, even a little magic trick can cheat you! When I was a demon, I was powerful and overbearing. I had never seen anyone. You dare to show me this trick... "Although demon zunhuoxiao's words are still cursing, his rough voice rises and falls. Obviously, the words of no trace just now also confirm some conjectures before the demon zunhuoxiao.

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"Ha ha, what you teach me is that I will be more careful in the future!" No trace light a smile, to the demon respect fire Xiao light voice to cater to. After breaking through the dreamland, Wu trace obviously cherishes the friendship with Yao zunhuoxiao. Therefore, after hearing Yao zunhuoxiao's reprimand, he surprisingly didn't say anything to refute.

"Cough, I say no trace boy, or you'd better hate the demon master! Otherwise, you become so clever. Demon, I really doubt that you have been robbed by people! " With a burst of awkward light cough, the cheap voice of demon zunhuoxiao echoed again.

"Ha ha, old demon. You little fellow, I'm drunk, too! " Traceless handsome face gradually spread a familiar evil smile, heart incomparably relaxed and demon zunhuoxiao ditch channel. At the same time, I saw no trace body slightly forward, all over suddenly burst out a terrible momentum.

In the early days of Dan's soul realm, the momentum of cultivation realm soared, and the flame mark on the forehead of the little earth dragon, which was perched on the traceless body, suddenly burned. The power of purple, gold and lightning lingers around Wu Chen's body. Wu Chen's body suddenly falls on the 900 th bluestone steps< br>

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