Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 237: 237

"Brush!" At the same time, a strange red light beam mysteriously fell from the sky. The strange red light beam is as transparent as it is, and it envelops the traceless body shape precisely.

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Strange red light beam, no trace, but did not feel the slightest difference. At the moment, in front of traceless only a hundred bluestone steps, but a strange change has taken place.

Originally, layers of fog around the bluestone steps, now those strange fog in traceless eyes seems to have changed.

Layers of strange fog, at the moment has all become the road flow rising red awn. And these red awns seem to contain a huge power, just stay on each of the bluestone steps, tempting, can not help but want to move forward.

Not only that, but also when these strange red awns flow, the huge fluctuation of Xuanli force makes the little earthworm red fruit with triangle head on traceless shoulder drool.

"Suddenly A strange breeze blew up, and all the red awns flowing on both sides of the 900th bluestone steps rose in response.

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Between the heaven and the earth, the red awn makes in a flash. A trace of air waves hovered and circled, all slapped on the traceless body. The eternal Heaven and earth in traceless body is just like going crazy. It speeds up and runs on its own.

With the chaos of Qi flowing in traceless body, the strange red awn outside seems to be invisible traction.

All the red awns, which contain the great Xuanli Qi, have disappeared into the traceless body. And the red awn that enters the body of no trace quickly melts into the blood of no trace meridians, and becomes a part of Xuanli Qi in no trace body.

"Ah A smooth light exhortation, from no trace mouth unconsciously spit out. No trace only felt that his whole body was very happy, and the air of Xuanli in his body seemed to be ignited to the top by some mysterious power in an instant. At the beginning of the cultivation level of the whole body Dan soul realm, there was a slight turbulence in the moment when the red awn entered the body.

After no trace absorbed these strange red awns into his body, there was a faint air flow all over his body.

"Sa Sa!" The little earth dragon perched on the traceless body, suddenly exclaimed with joy. Immediately, I saw the small earthworm body shape together a shake, into a streamer, then straight into no trace chest will rush into.

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Yilala, yilala

A trace of purple and gold undercurrent surging out, and no trace of the whole body revealed a hint of air flow perfect fusion together. And on the purple gold inner elixir in Wuchen's body, xiaodilong's figure fell into sleep again.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas spewed out, and the momentum of traceless whole body changed in vain. The original appearance of no trace, at the moment around the body as if more than a trace of inexplicable attraction. Now the feeling of no trace is more mysterious than before.

"Well, it's the power of luck! Traceless boy, what happened? How did you get lucky somehow? " Demon respect fire sky rough voice spreads out again, the tone is extremely excited and urgent to have no trace inquiry to ask a way.

"Old demon, what is Qi Yun?" No trace felt the air of Xuanli surging in his body, and suddenly there was a sense of excitement in his heart. No trace raised his head again, and his deep eyes kept flashing. Facing the strange red awn on the hundred steps of bluestone in front, his expression unconsciously showed a sense of desire.

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"Ha ha, Qi Yun is the way of heaven, also known as heaven's luck. It is a kind of mysterious power that can be seen but not touched. It is the most chance that can be met and not sought in the nine heavens of the six realms. Those who can win Qi and fortune are those who are valued by the way of heaven. Often these people are destined to achieve great things, so they have great fortune to accompany them The voice of demon zunhuoxiao comes out slowly again. It seems that while narrating to traceless, it is also carrying on some kind of happy recollection.

"Old demon, have you ever been lucky?" Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace in front of a clear light. Looking at the vast red awn on the hundred step ladder ahead, I can't help feeling overjoyed.

"Ha ha, are you kidding! Demon master, I'm immortal. How can I not have Qi. For quite a few years, I was a person who had passed through the corpse sea of the demon mountain. What I got was the great fortune of my demon family! Compared with the great fortune of our demon clan, the stingy fortune in front of you is just as good as a dime! " Demon Zun laughs wildly and talks to traceless.

"Oh, old demon. You brag, you really make me admire you Traceless faint sigh, helplessly shook his head. Then, no trace breathed his breath, concentrated on his thoughts, and took a step forward again.

"Dong!" A crisp dull sound reverberated quietly on the bluestone steps. All the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body is released, covering all the red awn Qi contained in the whole step. Then, with the eternal Heaven and earth in traceless body, it began to move. The power of qi movement on the whole steps rose again, and it was like being pulled by some mysterious force to rush up and down the whole body.Yilala, yilala

Purple and gold undercurrent surging up, will absorb to no trace on the whole body of the air of heaven all cover erosion. All the forces of heaven's fortune go into the traceless body and are swallowed by the endless chaos. In turn, a mysterious and strange wave of inexplicable spirit came into being again from the traceless body.

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"Ha ha, the power of Qi Yun is really amazing. As soon as I enter the body, my fighting power will be mobilized to the peak state. I'm full of strength now. I really want to find someone to fight hard and let off steam! " No trace eyes more scorching incomparable, the momentum of the whole person seems to have some changes. Originally no trace is just handsome, giving people a gentle feeling. But at this time, no trace in the continuous absorption of two natural gas, but the whole person gives a sense of inexplicable want to follow.

"Ha ha, it seems that I have come to the right place for this trip to tianyunzong." With no trace loud laughter, the foot step suddenly began to accelerate forward.

A road of bluestone steps, at the foot of no trace. The red awn air transport, which covers the blue stone steps, runs and flows on its own, towards the whole body of no trace. The purplish gold undercurrent, which contains the power of thunder and lightning, whispers the power of Qi transportation on the bluestone steps into the traceless body.

At the same time, on the 800 bluestone steps below, people who had stepped on the 100 steps before. No matter how far you go, all of them are moved to 800 blue stone steps.

There is only one exception in this group. That is Zhen Bucai, a little fat man. He is the only one who has climbed 899 bluestone steps step by step and reached the 900 bluestone steps by virtue of his own cultivation level< br>

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