Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 239: 239


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A strong wind convolution, the open field suddenly came from the air of several Xuanli fluctuations. I saw the head of the eighteen outer hall pass away in a flash. He disappeared in the same place out of thin air.

In the rear, it is in the 18 square array, which symbolizes the 18 halls of the outer gate. Each elder with four disciples stepped forward and began to select and distribute the young children who had lost in the magic array.

Long Tianwei Road, the end of 999 ladder. With the disappearance of the red awn contained in the last bluestone step, the red awn accumulated on Wuchen's body turned into a fiery red light beam in an instant.

The fiery red light beam rushes to Xiaohan, as if connecting the heaven and earth, which is a strange terror. And in the fiery red beam of no trace, at the moment the scene is completely another scene.

At this time of no trace, as if in another world in general. However, the road of 999 steps is still visible to the eyes of traceless, but the scenery around the ladder is quite different from that seen before traceless.

Dense green pines and cypresses, layers of ups and downs of the bluestone hillside. Between heaven and earth, birds and animals gallop and gallop, as well as a burly and strong figure, who is now walking slowly towards the ladder.

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"Eh, why does this man look familiar?" No trace looking at the front of the more line of the more distant burly figure, the heart unexpectedly flashed a touch of doubt.

At the same time of no trace doubt, burly body now has completely ascended the top of the long ladder road. And on the top of the ladder Road, there is a 15-year-old boy. Beside the children, there is a white horse with a bright little horn on its forehead.

"Damn, old demon, what's going on here?" No trace heart bursts of doubt, in the bottom of my heart with the demon zunhuoxiao ditch channel. But after shouting for a long time, there was still no response from the demon zunhuoxiao. Seeing this, Wu Chen not only shook his head helplessly, but also sighed in a low voice and said, "Alas, is this another dreamland?"

"Brush." While thinking without trace, the huge figure at the end of the ladder suddenly rises. Then, ten thousand Zhang red awn peeled out from the air, turned into layers of strange fog, spread on the 999 ladder.

At the top of the ladder, the boy's face was red, his fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body trembled unconsciously. And the snow-white Tianma beside the children enjoy bathing in the red awn.

"Suddenly It is a gust of wind blowing, wantonly slapped on the traceless cheek. No trace in front of the ordinary bluestone steps, but now was a layer of strange fog shrouded in it. Then, I saw the huge figure in the void, waving his hands together, and the red awns came down from the sky as if they could break through the heaven and earth. On the front boundary of Wuchen's place, the powerful and domineering scene of the sect gradually showed its head.

"Brush!" When everything was in order, the huge figure in mid air suddenly trembled. As if to feel something in general, toward a distant location, then suddenly disappeared.

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Standing on the top of the 999 ladder, the boy and Tianma were all stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses. I saw the boy and Tianma both kneel down on the ground and kowtow three times in silence towards the direction of the burly figure.

From the beginning to the end, the burly figure in the void turned his back to traceless and did not turn around. But that person gives the feeling of no trace, unexpectedly has the inexplicable intimate feeling.

"Woo Hoo!" A strange cry started from the end of the ladder. Traceless quickly drew back his eyes from the stupefied state and looked toward the top of the ladder again.

At the top of the end of the ladder, a middle-aged man in a green robe was smiling, accompanied by a snow-white winged one horned horse. On the two sides behind this man and beast, a large number of disciples with various kinds of weapons were released out of thin air.

Not only that, but also on both sides of the 999 ladder. Countless warriors swarmed up and attacked the top of the ladder.

"Woo Hoo!" There was another loud cry, and the heavenly horse at the top of the ladder moved first. A flash of white light, Tianma wings together, then from top to bottom into the crowd without permission. Immediately, a group of disciples on the sect rushed out, releasing their own spirits to fight against the enemy.

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In the void, I count the figures coming from the void. At the top of the ladder, a middle-aged man in a green robe flew out and stopped several figures with his own strength.

In this battle, it was dark, from dawn to dusk. On both sides of the 999 ladder, the corpses were covered with blood, and the whole clan was filled with blood and resentment."Ha ha, you dare to invade our tianyunzong, then leave your life behind!" An unbridled and arrogant laugh resounded above the noisy and confused zongmen. Then, the body of the man in the green robe suddenly radiated the brilliant light, and the light covered the figure.

"Da Tian Yan's skill, heaven's punishment and destruction, will be sold with you!" With that wild and arrogant roar, resounding between heaven and earth. No trace just feel that the world around is one of the silence, in front of all the corpses are covered by the vast essence. Then, all the enemies who came to invade turned into blood and dissipated in the void. And the middle-aged man who used the forbidden technique gradually became ethereal.

"Woo Hoo!" A sad cry came from the long ladder road below. Two lines of blood and tears flow out of his eyes. Kneeling on all fours, he fell on the blue stone steps on the ladder road.

"Heaven's punishment will come down and perish, and we will sell together!" No trace looking at death, a silent void, even shocked to hear his heart beat will not be able to see.

In the void, the middle-aged man's figure gradually disappeared. At the moment when the middle-aged man's body completely disappeared, he showed a loving smile towards the direction of traceless.

"Damn, can he see me?" Traceless body up and down suddenly a tremor, every sweat pores on the body are instantly burst up. A fear from the heart, instantly occupied the whole body without trace. Then, the Tianma on the road of the ladder suddenly jumped up, and his eyes full of blood red tears were full of perseverance. Standing motionless in the zongmen square, the breath of his body gradually integrated with the zongmen.

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A gust of wind blows, the surviving children of zongmen gather around Tianma.

Day after day, year after year, between heaven and earth. Zongmen, which had been declining day by day, revived and flourished again. However, Tianma, which has always been standing on zongmen square, has experienced the baptism of wind and frost and become a standing statue of Tianma.

"Well, I seem to have seen the statue of horse in the previous illusion! I remember that it seems that it still came out of the shell of the stone statue and accompanied me to fight all over the world... "When Wu Chen looked at the stone statue of Tianma, which he had seen for the second time, he felt inexplicable sympathy in his heart.

"Brush!" At the same time, I do not know how many years have not shaken the stone statue of Tianma suddenly slightly trembled. Then, two rays of light shot from the eyes of Tianma stone statue and swept down the long road of Tianwei ladder. In addition, the misty fog on the 999 ladder road all surged in, carrying the two rays of light released by the stone statue of Tianma. At the same time, he bombarded the traceless eyes with great precision.

"Ah A exclamation, no trace body suddenly violent shaking up. Then, the breath of the array lingered, and the whole body of traceless man was unstable. All of a sudden, he disappeared in the same place< br>

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