Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 240: 240

Tianyunzong, 999 steps, long ladder road. As the strange fog on the last bluestone steps slowly dissipated, the depressed little fat Zhen Bucai stepped into the top of the ladder.

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At the end of the ladder Road, a martial arts arena built by bluestone shop, which can accommodate thousands of people, is impressively reflected in the eyes of little fat Zhen Bucai. In the center of the martial arts arena, there stands a stone statue of Tianma, which is tens of meters tall, with a long head and white wings.

At this time, all the 18 masters of the outer gate's 18 halls stood side by side, and their eyes fell on little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Ha ha, little fellow, to be able to climb to the end of the ladder is enough to prove your talent and chance. How about being one of our own disciples? " The spirit beast hall master is full of smile, and his tone is full of closeness. He asks Zhen Bucai.

"Hey hey, little guy, come on, let's see what you've got all the way, let's see your power of luck!" Tu Xuan Tang's master's eyes were filled with eagerness, and he stared at Zhen Bucai like a torch.

Smell speech, the other ten hall mouth Lord adults all hold back don't speak, a hot eyes together brush brush fell on Zhen Bucai's body.

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"Cough, I'm not talented. I'm favored by all of you. Let Xiaosheng weak words on a sentence, Qi power Xiaosheng did not get. In this way, can you believe that Xiaosheng is one or two... "Little fat Zhen Bucai was extremely depressed at the moment, feeling the warm eyes of the people around him, and his heart was even more miserable. Obviously, the Tianyun sect attaches great importance to the power of Qi Yun, but it's clear that they haven't met the power of Qi Yun all the way, let alone the power of Qi Yun.

But now, it seems that these masters of the hall have recognized the general, and they are looking forward to letting themselves release the power of Qi. For a moment, Zhen Bucai only felt that he had a hard time to speak, so he had to harden his head and try to speak.

After listening to the words of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, the eighteen masters of the hall were stunned. Then, everyone's eyes turned to the calm bluestone stairs again. There was no Xuanli air on the common bluestone steps, which made people's eyes more strange when they looked at little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Ha ha, little fat man is quite humorous, a little bit like me in those old days!" Tuxuan hall master touched his big fat belly and blinked at little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Ha ha, it's right to be careful when you go out. But I said, little fat man, now that you have come to our tianyunzong to participate in the entrance examination, you are the disciple of our tianyunzong. We will keep your secret for you. So you don't have any scruples. Release the power of Qi and fortune you've gained and show it to us. We can also arrange the specific entrance for you to practice martial arts according to your qualifications! " A body red fire Xuan hall Lord slightly frowned, obviously some impatient white eyes, small fat Zhen not talent way.

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"Ha ha, the power of Qi transportation is gathered once a thousand years, and it will regenerate when it disappears. However, in the examination and test for thousands of years, there has never been a case of being fully absorbed! So, little fellow, you don't have to be afraid that we will be bad for you, even if it's true to us! " The master of Guanshi hall frowned slightly, as if to dispel the doubts of little fat Zhen Bucai.

"I don't know how to deceive you. But I've never seen the power of Qi Yun before Now the little fat man Zhen Bucai really wants to cry without tears. Looking at the head of every family around him, he had already scolded the guy who had stolen the power of Qi Yun for thousands of times.

"Ha ha, if the power of qi movement is not released by the warrior himself, or if it comes out naturally to protect the Lord in time of crisis, we can't find out."

"Since the little fat man said so, I'm more inclined to believe what he said. However, to be able to step on the end of the ladder is also enough to prove the talent of this little guy.

"Ha ha, my words are true. This little fat man, I'll take it from the pre surgery hall! " With a burst of hearty laughter, the head of the pre art hall was in front of all the heads. Personally voice support small fat, will Zhen not just to recruit into the command.

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"Cough, I'm not talented. Thank you for your trust!" After seeing the master of the pre surgery hall, the little fat man Zhen Bucai's obscene face showed a strange look. However, he still didn't have too many words, but reluctantly bowed to the master of the pre art hall.

See, other more Hall mouth hall leader obviously also have some words, it seems that also want to ask what from the mouth of the little fat man Zhen Bucai. However, after seeing the two resolute eyes of the master of the pre art hall, they hesitated again and again and chose to shut up.

Just at the end of the ladder, the hall was still fighting for Qi. In the empty space of the 999 ladder area, a slight array power suddenly appeared. Then, a turbulent air of Xuanli came up slightly, and there was only a "bang" on the empty floor.In the empty space, the elders and disciples of the outer gate's eighteen Tangkou are selecting the new disciples who belong to their respective Tangkou according to the results of their previous discussions. But just at the end of the day, a young man with bare arms, upper body and full face was forced to fall out of thin air without any sign, and he fell heavily on the empty field.

This scene startled everyone at the entrance of every hall. The crowd of black onlookers on both sides of the package was also in a panic, and they retreated several meters away.

"Cough, I'm sorry. I'm laughing!" A face is forced of have no trace light cough a few, a very body then stood up. Looking at the surprised eyes of the people around, he had to smile a few times.

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"Ha ha, if you get the power of Qi, you will always be accompanied by heaven's luck. No trace boy, congratulations on stepping into the middle cultivation realm of Dan's soul realm without any effort! " At the time of no trace's embarrassment, Yao zunhuoxiao's rough voice came again.

"What? I'm in the middle of Dan's soul realm, and I'm in cultivation? " Traceless quietly runs in the body, releases the divine consciousness, and feels the change of Xuanli Qi in the body. A surging and powerful momentum rose abruptly. Fortunately, traceless reaction was quick, which quietly suppressed this terrible momentum in time and did not expose it in front of thousands of people.

"Ha ha, old demon, this, this is really the spirit of the middle cultivation realm of Dan soul realm!" Traceless eyes, such as torch, hot light constantly flashing. I feel the surging Xuanli gas in my body rushing to flow. I really want to find a place where there is no one to roar now.

"Hey, that's nature. When did I cheat you, demon?" A fire red virtual shadow flashed out, and the demon zunhuoxiao shook his burly figure and stretched a lazy waist. Immediately, Yao Zun Huoxiao's hearty laughter reverberated. Obviously, at this moment, he was also really happy for Wu trace's breakthrough< br>

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