Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 249: 249

"Boom boom!" There was a deafening dull sound and a terrible echo in the courtyard of the new disciples of the Zayi hall.

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In the middle of the courtyard of the new disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, there was a young man in green, who was in rags. He was carrying a tall young man in his hand, swinging back and forth and smashing down toward the ground below.

And tall young people, now like all things in general. Even in the hands of the young man in green, there is no power to fight back.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

After a series of turbulence, the air of Xuanli gathered in the tall young people suddenly decreased. Moreover, with the strange golden light shining on the young man in green clothes, the air of Xuanli on the tall young man dissipated more and more quickly.

So repeatedly, full of continuous wrestling for dozens of times. The young man in green finally seemed to have had enough of playing. He suddenly let go and threw the tall young man out of the yard.

"Whoosh!"“ Bang

At the main entrance of the courtyard, the crowd seemed to have expected this result. Quickly and uniformly toward the two sides to hide, for the tall youth's free fall to vacate enough space.

"Ah With a dull cry, the tall young man sprawled and fell on the ground. Then a mouthful of blood sprayed out, and his eyes suddenly fainted on the spot outside the courtyard.

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Hua La, Hua la

Another riot came, and all the veteran members of the service hall who had stayed in the courtyard fled from the courtyard. Everyone looked at the wind horse fainting on the ground in horror. For a moment, they couldn't decide what to do.

"Ha ha, take these two guys with you and go now! And go back and tell you about the boss. If you don't offend me, I won't do it. If you offend me, I will do it! From now on, one of the disciples in this courtyard will be counted as one, and I will cover all of them! If he doesn't believe it, he can come here to see me for a try... "He glanced out of the courtyard with disdain and said in a loud voice.

Hearing the words, all the new disciples in the middle of the courtyard were warm at the same time, and looked toward the traceless worship with great gratitude.

Outside the courtyard, all the old disciples of No. 100 of the miscellaneous service hall trembled with fear. In a hurry, Niu Bu, who was seriously injured in the outer courtyard, and Feng Ma, who was unconscious, were forced to return to the direction frame of the courtyard of the veteran disciples of the miscellaneous service hall.

"Wow Looking at the fierce old disciples of the factotum hall running away, the quiet courtyard burst out cheers.

"Wow, brother Wuchen, you are so wonderful. You will be my God of Liu Cuihua in the future!"

"Hey, brother Wuchen, you are so good! Two early cultivation masters of Dan soul realm can't even hold three breath in your hands! "

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"Ha ha, elder martial brother Wuchen, you will be the boss of our new disciple yard in the future! From now on, we all follow your orders. You let us go east, we will never go west, you let us chase dogs, we will never chase chickens Qi Qi, the new disciple of No. 100, gathered around and expressed gratitude to Wu trace. At the same time, everyone's name for Wuchen has been changed to Wuchen elder martial brother, and there is a great trend of obedience to Wuchen.

"Well, if we don't bully others, we can't be bullied, can we! I think it's getting late. Everyone is tired after a busy day. Why don't we play it back and have a rest first? We'll make a decision tomorrow if we have something to do. " No trace sighed lightly, and realized that this is the world where the strong are respected. Sure enough, only when you have strength can you have the right to speak. You can see something from the people's awe of themselves.

"Haha, we will obey the order of elder martial brother Wuchen!" Most of the people in the crowd bow and clasp their fists, and return respectfully to traceless.

"Cluck, elder martial brother no trace, or are you thinking about a little girl?" A young girl dressed in colorful clothes, charming to no trace lure way.

"Ha ha, don't listen to her, elder martial brother Wuchen, or I'll warm your bed tonight!" A strong man with big five and big three, laughing loudly, joked to the charming girl.

"Go away!" No trace mercilessly rolled a white eye, don't have good spirit of despise way to public. Then, with a smile, he gathered around the crowd and walked quickly towards his room again.

In the rear, in the courtyard, no trace was embarrassed to walk, which made a lot of new disciples laugh.

After the noise, the new disciples of No. 100, who had been working hard all day in the courtyard, except for the people who had arranged to stay in turn to watch the night tonight, the rest of them all walked towards their rooms one after another.

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At the moment, in the hinterland of the service hall, it's on a loft with more imposing style. Tian Buluo, the leader of the miscellaneous service hall, and elder Hu Dao are standing on the direction of the new disciples' courtyard and looking into the distance."Master, I'm afraid we really picked up a treasure this time!" Elder Hu Dao slowly takes back his divine consciousness and says to the hall leader Tian Buluo.

"Ha ha, he is decisive and clear-minded. To fight against it, you can be regarded as an invincible hand to crush the same level of martial arts. Such an evil genius is a treasure everywhere

"But elder martial brother Zhen gave this baby to me in front of everyone. Then this baby is no longer a baby, it is likely to become a hot potato. It's hard to say whether all this is a blessing or a curse. " The main field of the service hall is not falling, and its face is as calm as water. Looking at the rows of closely connected courtyards in the distance, the tone is full of melancholy.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Seeing this, elder Hu Dao frowned slightly, lowered his voice and asked carefully.

"Ha ha, let the disciples solve the problems by themselves! As long as you don't kill people, everything is easy to say! As for the trend of other lobbies, you should send more people to keep a close eye on it recently. If there is any disturbance, you must report it to me immediately! " The hall leader Tian Bu Luo light a smile, waved to the Hu Dao elder, light voice orders a way.

"Don't worry, master. I'll do it now!" Elder Hu Dao, with a straight face, arched his hand to Tian Buluo. Then, it quickly pushed out of the attic, toward the distant rows of yards.

At this moment, hundreds of people are huddled together. In the middle of the courtyard, Feng Ma, Niu Bu and they were lying on two stretchers with pale faces.

In such a large courtyard, there was a dead silence. Feng Ma, Niu Bu, and you and I had a word. While embellishing, while sniveling tears up. In the courtyard of the old disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, everyone held his breath and was silent.

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In front of the gathering place, a young man with a gloomy face stood with his hands down, and his two hawk eyes were flashing cold.

"Enough, didn't you mention me to him?" The eagle eyed man's face was very blue, and his voice was cold and asked.

"Well, we have said that, and we have mentioned you more than once! But the boy not only didn't buy it, he, he also said... "Niu was not full of grief and indignation, and he wanted to cry on the ground. The tragic look on his face made everyone feel pity.

"Well, what else did he say?" The eagle eyed man hums coldly one after another, stares at the cow and asks coldly.

"Cough, boss one after another, the boy said, let you go to the new disciple courtyard to meet him..." seeing this, the wind horse on one side quickly chimed in and fanned the wind to the eagle eye man.

"Ha ha, let the chief disciple of the miscellaneous service hall meet him? Funny, this boy is really funny... "The eagle eyed man was not angry but laughed after listening to Feng Ma's words, and a fierce light flashed in his sharp eyes.

No matter it's the wind horse or the cattle, even all the old disciples standing in the courtyard at this time. All the people's bodies were suddenly stunned, and all of them unconsciously felt a chill< br>

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