Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 250: 250

The next morning, it was bright.

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After a night of recuperation, no trace has completely consolidated the realm. Moreover, after seizing Tianyun's extra body on the way of TIANTI, no trace is surprised to find that his understanding seems to have gone to a higher level. Today, the speed of cultivation is much faster than before.

If you continue to practice at this speed, no trace believes that it will not be long before you can make the second refreshing decision of the eternal Heaven and earth, and reach a small level of accomplishment.

"Pa Pa Pa," a light and short knock on the door rang out, interrupting traceless immersed thoughts.

"Who?" No trace a move then jump to get off the bed, side open the door side light voice doubts of ask a way.

Hua La, as soon as the door was opened, I saw xiahoulian standing outside with a blushing face. At this time, in the courtyard, hundreds of new disciples had already stood in line.

In front of the courtyard, elder Hu Dao is bringing several old disciples of the miscellaneous service hall to compare the new disciples one by one and propose clothes, as well as jade plates, which symbolize the identity of the disciples of the external miscellaneous service hall.

"Elder martial brother no trace, elder Hu Dao asked me to call you out to get things!" Today, xiahoulian is wearing a long skirt with beautiful black hair. In the sunshine, it is extremely gentle and pleasant.

"Cough, OK, thank you very much." No trace quickly light cough two, will look away from xiahoulian. Then, he quickly ran to the courtyard and stood silently in the crowd.

"Well, am I not beautiful enough or gentle enough? Elder martial brother Wuchen, why don't you want to look at me more? " Xiahoulian gently sighed, looking at the traceless figure, a burst of melancholy sentimental.

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"Good morning, elder martial brother Wuchen!"

"No trace elder martial brother. Good morning

"Hei hei, elder martial brother Wuchen, come on, come up to the front!"

"Yes, let elder martial brother no trace order things first. Let's not delay the cultivation of elder martial brother Wuchen! "

In the crowd, people see no trace come out, all smile with it to say hello. I don't know who was the first to shout that, and a group of new disciples flashed to both sides. A straight corridor will open, the traceless figure to let out.

At the end of the line, several old disciples who were originally distributing clothes were all involuntarily surprised at the sight.

A road full of fear eyes, at the same time fell on the traceless body. It seems that a group of old-fashioned disciples can still hear the lamentable cry of qifengma, Niubu and the two.

"Damn, how do these guys look at me like I'm a bully eating the living!" Feeling the strange eyes of many old disciples, Wu Chen felt a burst of dark and cool in his heart.

However, since the road in front of us has been out of the way, no trace has to reluctantly accept it. In this way, in full view of the public. No trace licked a face, swaggered to the front of the team.

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"Name?" At the front of the team, one of the old disciples who were stunned by God came back first, and asked in a slightly trembling voice.

"Willow no trace!" Traceless extremely confident, toward the old disciple full of charm smile. The sunlight slants to sprinkle in the no trace handsome face, appears at the moment no trace more charm infinite rise.

"Ah The old disciple, who was searching for the identity token, happened to look up at Xiang Wuchen. At this time, Wu trace suddenly bared his teeth with a smile. On the spot, he scared the old disciple into a scream and fainted.

"Shit, what are you looking at?"

"Asshole, what did you do to younger martial brother Qiu?"

"I'll go. In broad daylight, is there any royal law in the miscellaneous service hall?"

"Elder Hu Dao, elder Hu Dao, come and have a look. This, this is killing people!"

There was a commotion in the courtyard of the new children of the Zayi hall, and all the old disciples gathered in one place. Each side of the tongue to no trace blame up, while asking for help toward elder Hu Dao called.

"Damn, master, when did I become so charming? How come now when men see me, they will be fooled by me! " The expression on Wu Chen's face was also unpredictable. Staring at the old disciple who collapsed and fainted on the ground, he was speechless.

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"Ha ha, I don't know if you are handsome or not. But I'm afraid no one can match you in the six realms and nine days! " Demon respect fire Xiao sneer again and again, in the mind to have no trace not polite disdain way.

"Cough, what's the matter? How can you shout like this?" Elder Hu Dao heard the change here and quickly stepped forward. When I saw a group of old disciples glaring at Wu trace, I inadvertently showed a smile."Elder, he and he killed younger martial brother Qiu!" Among the crowd, an old disciple bravely pointed to Wu trace and called to elder Hu Dao for help.

"You fart. He passed out. All of us have seen it, and we can all testify! "

"Yes, elder martial brother Wuchen didn't even touch him. He passed out by himself. Why did you frame him up?"

Smell speech, the rear of a group of new disciples all quit for the first time, all the people all qiwuao shout, pointing to the old disciple collective reprimand way.

"Well, shut up. What kind of system it is Elder Hu Dao took a hard look and turned to the old disciple who had fainted. A divine sense came in quietly. Elder Hu Dao's face became a little strange.

"Keke, elder brother Qiu, how is he?"

"Elder, you have to make the decision for us when this guy is a murderer."

"Younger martial brother Qiu, you are so unjust to die!"

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At the moment, all the old disciples seemed to have found the backbone and yelled at elder Hu Dao.

"Ha ha, don't worry, the boy just got a little bit of stimulation and was scared to faint. You will take him back to have a rest for a while, and there will be no problem in a moment and a half! "

"Hu" a mysterious force of gas, quietly transported to the ground in a coma of the disciples. The old disciple trembled in vain and woke up with a long cry.

"Younger martial brother Qiu, are you ok?"

"Cough, younger martial brother Qiu, you are not dead!"

"Damn it, younger martial brother Qiu, why are you still alive?"

A group of old disciples came forward one after another and complained and reproached to the one who had just woken up. The poor disciple just woke up and didn't know the situation, so he fainted again because of the noise of the crowd.

"Shame, I feel like taking him back!" All the old disciples looked very ugly. Two of them stepped forward quickly and drove the young man who had fainted again on the ground. They ran out of the courtyard of the new disciples as if they were running away... < br > all the old disciples were very ugly

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