Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 251: 251

"Boom!" With a burst of laughter, the hearts of the new disciples of the miscellaneous service hall were full of admiration for Wu trace. With a look in his eyes, he scared an old disciple of he Hun Jing to faint. This is Gougou finger, then this old disciple has to die.

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Fortunately, no trace does not know what people think at this time, otherwise they have to be angry. I was so charming that I fainted because I was ashamed of myself. OK, ok

"Cough, please be quiet. You guys continue to distribute tokens. After that, I'll go back to your courtyard and wait for the new task to be assigned! " Elder Hu Dao cleared his throat and told all the new generation in unison. Seeing elder Hu Dao's words, the crowd forbeared to smile and gradually calmed down. And the order in the new disciples' courtyard finally returned to normal, and everyone happily began to get their own identity token of the outer door of the miscellaneous service hall.

"Ha ha, this is yours. I'll be up soon!" Elder Hu Dao handed over the identity token that belonged to no trace and the clothes of the service hall. Then, with a silent look on his face and a playful tone, he spoke in a low voice again and said, "in one night, he will become brother Wu. You've been promoted so fast, son! "

"Ha ha, elder Hu Dao, don't make fun of me. It's all granted by brothers, and it's hard to be gracious, disciple! " Smell speech, no trace, a smile. He also winked at elder Hu Dao, and then went back to him seriously.

"Ha ha, there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people. It's better for young people not to be too rampant!" Elder Hu Dao gave a white, traceless look and said something.

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"Hey, elder Hu Dao, if you don't feel angry, you can still call young people! What's more, there are mountains outside the mountain, and there are brothels outside the building! In the world, how can everything be as good as you want, just be worthy of my heart No trace Chi tooth a smile, continue to toward Hu Dao elder Kan Kan but talk.

"Ha ha, you boy, there are many reasons! Mao hasn't grown up yet. He's still thinking about brothels! I think you'd better worry about yourself. The first disciples of our miscellaneous service hall have been in succession, but they just stepped into the ranks of the later cultivation realm of Dan soul realm a few days ago! " A full of pondering sound, quietly floating into the ear without trace. Then he saw elder Hu Dao laughing and walking slowly towards the courtyard.

"Ha ha, the first disciples of the miscellaneous service hall have been successively cultivated in the later stage of Dan soul realm. But so what! Just don't bother me. If this guy holds on to me, I'll practice with him and build up my prestige by the way! "

He has reached the middle cultivation level of Dan soul realm, and has not really competed with others since he entered the Dan soul realm. Even if yesterday's battle against fengma and Niubu, no trace just showed the level of strength of the initial cultivation level of Dan's soul realm.

But even so, in the same realm, Feng Ma, Niu Bu, two people, unexpectedly can't live together without trace. This also made Wu trace, who had planned to fight hard, lose his interest in fighting.

Today, when Wuhen learns that the chief disciples of the Zayi hall have broken through the later cultivation realm of Dan soul realm, not only does he not have the slightest fear, but also arouses Wuhen's war spirit of silence for a long time.

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After the collection of costumes and identity token, many old disciples quit the new disciples' yard one after another. And many new disciples all went back to their rooms to practice.

Last night, those who were seriously injured in the later cultivation of he Hun Jing also took the elixir that elder Hu Dao carried with him, and their injuries were greatly improved. I believe that in this week's time, we can also recover. At least there will be no delay. A week later, he will officially join the service hall to take over the tasks assigned by all parties.

All morning, the courtyard of the new disciples was calm and peaceful. The people in the courtyard of the new disciples gradually ignored what happened last night.

Just in the middle of the day, there was a noise in front of the courtyard of the new disciples. Immediately after that, there was another uproar.

"Hey, no trace boy, wake up, it's for you!" Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying's fiery face is full of bad smiles. He floats to Wuchen, who is sitting on his knees, and yells loudly.

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He was so absorbed in the study of the eternal world resolution that he was shocked by the sudden sound. Then, no trace breathless long breath, eyes extremely sad toward demon respect fire Xiao body gaze and go.

"Keke, I'm looking for you outside. It has nothing to do with the demon master!" Demon respect fire Xiao dry dry smile a few, quickly big hand a wave will be in the room of the ban removed. Then, the shadow of demon zunhuoxiao turned into a streamer again, and rushed into the traceless body in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, these guys, there's no end! It seems that they are afraid of hitting me once. They really don't know that I am so powerful and domineering As soon as the forbidden force of the demon zunhuoxiao was removed, the sky shaking fighting sound in the courtyard outside immediately rang out. With the sound of rushing to smash the door, there was no trace of anger in his heart."Bang!" With one foot, the traceless door was kicked out from the inside out. A violent air of Xuanli burst out from the room and spread to the chaotic courtyard in an instant.

"Hum!" There was a loud sound of sword, and the silver jade belt around his waist flashed in vain. The pure and incomparable sword Qi was whirled out, and quickly integrated with the momentum released by no trace.

For a moment, the whole courtyard is full of momentum released by traceless. Moreover, the fierce sword spirit enveloped everyone in the courtyard, which made all the people who fought in the courtyard stop fighting nervously. No one dared to do anything more.

"Come here, all of you!" No trace glanced at all the people present and saw a mess in the courtyard. At the moment, all the new disciples in the courtyard, male and female, were injured to varying degrees. On the other side of the courtyard, there are still more than 100 old disciples who are dressed in the clothes of the service hall, and most of their accomplishments are concentrated in the middle and later period of the soul realm. Moreover, outside the courtyard of the new Jin disciples, there were three layers inside and three layers outside, which surrounded the place where Wu Chen and others lived.

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Hua La, Hua la

After hearing the words of no trace, a group of injured new disciples were released again. The crowd quickly retreated to the rear and concentrated on hiding behind the traceless.

Forced by the sword spirit released by Wuchen, no one dare to act rashly. Only reluctantly watching the new generation of disciples, safely retreated to no trace behind, and there was no way.

"Ha ha, it's just the sword! I don't know what's so arrogant about it A sneer came from outside the courtyard of the new disciples. Then, there was another clatter of footsteps, and all the people on both sides of the courtyard turned to the surroundings to avoid.

Surrounded by hundreds of old disciples, a young man with moderate figure and fierce appearance like eagle eye and leopard head walked into the courtyard of new disciples with four steps< br>

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