Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 254: 254

After seven days in a row, Wuhen shut himself up in the room all day and practiced madly. After a week of familiarity, all the new disciples now have a preliminary understanding of the 18 halls. No one came to make trouble in the courtyard of the new disciples, and there was a general atmosphere of harmonious coexistence everywhere.

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The next morning, elder Hu Dao led several old disciples to the new disciples' courtyard. Among the dozens of old disciples, Feng Ma and Niu Bu are two of them.

In the courtyard of the new disciples, more than 100 new disciples, all dressed in the robe of the word "miscellaneous service hall", walked in a neat line.

"PATA!" A light sound reverberated in the silent courtyard. A brand-new green robe of no trace hard stretch stretch lazy waist, face doubt toward the people in the courtyard.

"Yes, elder martial brother no trace!"

"Yes, elder martial brother no trace!"

At the moment when no trace walked out of the door, a wave of greetings came out one after another. No trace standing outside the door was slightly stunned, and then he had to smile and nod to the crowd.

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"Damn, this boy has only been here for a few days. How come his appearance is higher than that of me, the elder of the miscellaneous service hall!" On one side, elder Hu Dao, who was once dignified, looked at Wu Chen with a sad face.

"Cough, everybody, excuse me, excuse me!" Seeing elder Hu Dao's reaction, Wu Chen scratched his head awkwardly. Immediately, Wu Chen separated the crowd and came forward. He saluted elder Hu Dao respectfully and said, "disciple, I've seen elder Hu."

"Ha ha, you boy, it seems that your life is very nourishing!" Elder Hu Dao had no choice but to smile and waved his hand to Wu trace!

"We've met elder martial brother Wuchen!" Before Wuchen spoke back, several voices echoed on both sides of elder Hu Dao. Feng Ma and Niu Bu took the lead and roared respectfully. And dozens of old disciples coming from both sides also showed their respect to Wu trace in public!

"Damn it, boy. Have you drugged them all? " Elder Hu Dao's body suddenly shakes, and his mouth is wide open. He looks at the reaction of many old disciples around him.

"Haha, elder Hu is laughing. My elder martial brother is just a false name. We give face, brothers just seal. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning Traceless handsome face once again on a smile, a face of livestock harmless appearance toward Hu Dao elder blink.

On both sides, after seeing elder Hu Dao's reaction, a group of old disciples quickly closed their mouths. They looked as if they were afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Wu trace. Elder Hu Dao, who was looking on, felt strange in his heart.

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"Ha ha, elder Hu, what can I do for you when you come here?" No trace embarrassed scratched to scratch a head, stare at Leng God of Hu Dao elder softly voice to remind a way.

"Cough, it's all your boy. I almost delayed my business!" Elder Hu Dao glared at no trace, and then swept around the courtyard.

Seeing this, all the new disciples in the middle of the courtyard looked solemn and looked at elder Hu Dao's figure.

"In a week's time, all of you will begin to perform the routine tasks of the service hall. And I'm here today to divide your tasks. "

"After the task is announced, some old disciples will come with you. When the task is finished, you need to come back to me for record. Your contributions to the mission will be recorded in your respective identity tokens. In the future, you can also use your own identity token to go to the dianfa hall to exchange your heart's Gongfa classics and so on... "Elder Hu Dao, looking at the new generation in the courtyard, announced in public.

While elder Hu Dao's voice fell, dozens of old disciples on both sides stepped forward. Holding the roll in hand, he began to divide the personnel one by one.

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The new generation of No. 100 was divided into eleven square arrays. Each square array is led by more than ten new children and two old disciples.

"Ha ha, everyone went to Wuxuan Dharma protection hall, spirit beast hall, danmen hall, puppet hall, medicine refining hall, carved Fu hall, painted array hall and eleven halls to help with the work. Come back to me before sunset. Wait, let's go now! " With a wave of his hand, elder Hu Dao obviously released the mission in this way, which was a simple and ordinary matter for him.

"Elder martial brother Wuchen, we will leave first!" Smell speech, each square array led by the old disciple Qi Qi to no trace bow body to give a gift. Then, he waved to the new disciples in their own square array, and with a group of new disciples in addition to the courtyard, he walked quickly to the mountains at the end of the road in the distance.

Hua La, Hua laWith the sound of footsteps, all the disciples in the ten square array walked out of the courtyard. The only place where the pattern of square array did not move was fengma and Niubu. Two people show the smile that is full of flattery, nod to have no trace to rise.

"Hey, elder Hu Dao, or I'll go to perform the task first, and I'll talk to you later when I have time!" No trace, with a smile, quickly retreated to the team that stayed behind.

"Damn, just disappear from me. You want to talk to me alone. I'm afraid I can't help beating you up later!" Elder Hu Dao's face was tense, and he said to Wu trace with a smile.

Seeing this, Wu Chen quickly returns with a smile and bows to elder Hu Dao. Then, Wu Chen nodded to the wind horse and cattle in front of the team. Two people understand, a wave of hands will take the people toward the courtyard outside the mighty forward.

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This time, the task of Wu Chen's team is to help the workers in the Dan gate hall. In fact, it's a helper that sounds good, but it's a chore that sounds bad.

After all, it's the job of the factotum. In order to make the gifted disciples concentrate on their practice, the Tianyun sect gathered the poor and mediocre disciples who didn't want to leave the sect and set up such a service hall for the other hall entrances.

Compared with the outside world, the Xuanqi in Tianyun sect is the holy land of cultivation. Therefore, some disciples who are not willing to lower their accomplishments have to work hard and work hard in the dark.

Compared with other halls, the danmen hall is relatively light. This is also the result of a series of covert packages.

Otherwise, if they were assigned to the spirit beast hall and the five Xuan Dharma protection hall to help them. If you can't do it well, you not only have to work as a coolie, but sometimes you will be forced to work as a companion. For these weak disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, it is really a nightmare of life< br>

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