Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 255: 255

Danmentang is located in one of the twelve partial peaks outside tianyunzong. This place has been blessed with Qi gathering array all the year round, which makes the Xuanqi in the mountain more pure than that in the outside.

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Along the way, no trace with the people around the fork. Along the mountain road which belongs to the peak of danmentang, until it took half an hour to reach the hinterland of danmentang.

The hinterland of danmen Tangkou is built on the top of pianfeng. On such a large empty field on the top of the mountain, the green brick road is paved with clear water. And on top of the green bricks, there are ancient tripods in a strange sequence.

From the entrance of the peak square to the entrance of danmen hall. On the road paved with bluestone, there is an old and simple tripod full of 9981 flavor.

Walking through the simple tripod, all the new disciples were dazzled at the same time. Even when he first arrived at the danmen hall, Wu Chen was startled by the scene in front of him.

"Hey, elder martial brother Wuchen, don't think this ancient tripod is just a decoration. It is said that the 9981 ancient tripod was built after tianyunzong was founded. It was made and refined by the grandmaster himself, and combined with the mysterious array handed down from ancient times to form the scene we see today. " Wind Horse see no trace stunned look, full of joy to its mouth explained.

"Ha ha, it's said that once an enemy attacks, this array will start automatically. However, in the tens of thousands of years since the founding of Tianyun sect, we have never encountered any enemy attack. Therefore, no one knows the power of this ancient Ding array! " The cow doesn't smile to rub a hand, also to have no trace flattery of joking way.

"Eh, since our tianyunzong was founded, has it never been attacked by the enemy?" No trace recalled the strange scene he saw when he climbed to the end of the ladder. The young man used the technique of forbidding the invasion of heaven, and now engraved the horror scenes left by all the attackers in his mind.

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"Ha ha, it's not without! According to legend, when all the major sects had just been set up, there was a plot to spread the forbidden art in our Tianyun sect. But the grandmaster and his old man relied on their own strength to turn the tide and monopolize several powerful families. In the end, I don't know how long the fight lasted. All the major sects fled and vowed never to invade tianyunzong. "

"It was also from the end of the first world war that the grandmaster declared that life and death were closed. And all things in the clan, big and small, are in the charge of the new patriarch. And the mountain guard God of our clan, master Tianma, is incarnated as a stone statue to guard our Tianyun clan Niu is not in high spirits. He is beaming at Wu trace, and a group of new disciples on both sides are showing off. The glorious history of Tianyun sect is spreading.

"Ha ha, I see!" With a faint smile, Wu trace combined the legend of Niu BU with the scene he saw, and sorted out some clues at once.

Perhaps, after the first World War, all the sects who came to invade Tianyun sect were greatly weakened, so they announced the oath of never coming.

The founder of Tianyun sect, however, died because of the technique of Tianyan. In order to dispel the suspicions of the outside world, tianyunzong announced to the outside world that the grandmaster closed the door of life and death. Tianma, who grew up side by side with his grandmaster, became the guardian beast of Tianyun sect. It was also because of the existence of Tianma that it was enough to deter the turbulent situation at that time.

After tianyunzong gradually became normal, the power pattern of all parties was gradually stable. Because of the yearning for the founder of Tianyun sect, Tianma, the beast protecting the sect, was willing to incarnate into a stone statue. On the one hand, he silently guarded the prosperous tianyunzong, and on the other hand, he waited day and night for the return of his former master.

Think of all this, traceless eyes even some unconsciously wet up. Although this is only a conjecture of his, he thinks that the real situation must be eight or nine.

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After all, when I saw Tianma stone statue for the first time, the light sadness on zongmen square was really felt by traceless.

"Hey, you guys, what are you doing here A roar came from the entrance of the danmen hall. Immediately after that, a group of more than ten disciples dressed in danmen hall costumes came forward and harshly reprimanded the others who had not yet responded.

Seeing this, a group of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall came back quickly. Everyone followed fengma and niubuer one after another, and no one dared to speak casually.

Wuchen is a group of more than ten disciples of danmen Hall who came to see through each other's cultivation level.

The cultivation level of the more than ten disciples of danmen hall is all above the initial cultivation level of danhunjing. However, the Qi of Xuanli in each disciple's body is not very stable and majestic. At first sight, it is produced by the power of pills. Instead of relying on their own practice or the power of perception, practical cultivation and accumulation."Hey, hey, you guys. Are you going to be lazy and lazy? "

"Ha ha, it's time for the disciples of the factotum hall to look like factotum! Really, I don't have any vision. How can we take care of you in the future? "

"Jie Jie, I'll tell you about these miscellaneous workers. Today, we, elder martial brother Mo, are going to alchemy. All of you have cheered me up. If elder martial brother Mo is delayed, all of you will be fed up with it. "

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More than ten disciples of danmen hall yelled at a group of disciples. Moreover, each voice contains "you scurvy." It seems that they didn't treat the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall as their peers at all.

Hearing the words, fengma and Niubu, the old disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, changed their faces one after another. But they still didn't interrupt, as if they were used to everything.

On both sides, dozens of new disciples and their faces were extremely ugly. Everyone's eyes glared and clenched their fists indignantly.

"Ouch, why do you want to fight with me?" Among the dozens of disciples in the danmen hall, a young man with a leading appearance yelled in a shrill voice. In the early stage of his whole body's Dan soul realm, the momentum of the realm was suddenly released, and in a flash, dozens of new disciples of the miscellaneous service hall were enveloped in it.

Click, click

A bone knot for sound, rustling like in the peak above the empty ring. In the open field, dozens of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall all had their noses depressed and their temples were hot and sweaty. The pressure on everyone forced their knees to bend down unconsciously.

"Hum!" Seeing this, the cold light in traceless cold eyes flashed, and the complexion sank. At the same time, there is a faint air of Xuanli in Wuchen's body.

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"Brother Wuhen, you just entered the sect. It's not easy for you to conflict with others. Let us deal with such trifles! " The wind horse stepped out and stood in front of the traceless body, whispered quietly.

At the same time, Niu Bu, who was on the other side, quickly walked to the leader of danmen hall, rubbed his hands and explained in a low voice: "ha ha, elder martial brother Qi has come to calm down. These people are all new disciples who just joined our miscellaneous service hall a few days ago. They don't know the rules of our Tianyun sect very well! Elder martial brother Qi, you have a lot of knowledge. Don't tell me the same thing. "

"Well, it turns out that it's a new kid. I don't understand why! But I said, calf, you are all old people in the service hall. How can you not teach them well. Are you not afraid to smash the signboard of your service hall? "

"Ha ha, look at our new disciples of danmen hall. They were taught by our elder martial brother mo. You can talk with your elder martial brother later. There are some disciples who should be cleaned up! " The man, who was called elder martial brother Qi, slowly put away his momentum and scolded Niu bupiao for several times.

"Ha ha, what elder martial brother Qi said is very true. I will tell elder martial brother Xiang when I go back. However, we'd better go ahead and get ready now, or we'll delay elder martial brother Mo's big event later, I'm afraid it won't be good! " Cattle not side with a smile, while wiping the sweat on the forehead. I couldn't help crying in my heart. I secretly scolded elder martial brother Qi for not opening the pot. I also picked up these new disciples. Liu Wuhen alone has become elder martial brother Wuhen. If you are not happy, I'm afraid you can clean up their workroom with your fingers!

"Oh, you're right. It almost delayed the event. Come on, everyone, come in with me and prepare all the materials that brother Mo needs. " After hearing that Niu didn't mention elder martial brother Mo, the first man recovered. In a hurry, he walked towards the hinterland of danmen hall, and at the same time, he gave orders to all the people in the miscellaneous service hall.

Seeing this, Niu Bu and Feng Ma quickly step forward, with a group of new disciples behind him and Wu Chen himself. With the leader's steps, they all rush into the hinterland of Dan men hall< br>

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