Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 258: 258

In the middle of the courtyard, the Jinding Danlu is burning. A fire snake pulled out of the top of the furnace and settled in the void, while the endless stream of alchemy materials were all thrown into the furnace.

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Several disciples of danmen hall stood side by side in front of the gate. Make the whole quiet courtyard airtight.

"Why, the flowers of the sun, the red sun, the nine flavors, the gathering of Qi, the burning of stones, the branches of the sun. These are all things of fire nature. Is it difficult for this guy to make Huanyang pill? " No trace stares at the alchemy materials that are put into the alchemy furnace one by one. In a moment, he has his own judgment.

Huanyang pill is extremely tyrannical. It is said that this product is only effective for dying or dying people who have no medicine to cure. Moreover, because the drug is too violent, it is often poisoned to death by its too strong drug before the user can absorb the drug.

However, there is only one medicine guide difference between Huanyang Dan prescription and jiuhun Dan prescription. Moreover, the external characteristics of Huanyang Dan and jiuhun Dan are very similar. Therefore, they are often confused by others, leading to more serious fatal consequences.

"Ha ha, this Huanyang pill is chicken rib pill. What's the use of refining it! I think the boy is probably going to refine the soul saving pill, but there seems to be some deviation in the prescription of the pill! " Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes are shining, staring at elder martial brother Mo, who is sweating all out.

The fiery flame burned more vigorously, and many alchemy materials were devoured by the flames. A strong aroma overflowed, and the strong power of the medicine caused people on both sides to retreat unconsciously.

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"Hum, the last medicine, biluocao, go!" In the middle of the courtyard, elder martial brother Mo gave a cold hum. In the right hand ran out a fire snake again, convoluting the last remaining red herbs on the ground and galloping out.

The fiery herbs fall into the golden cauldron furnace steadily, and the exuberant flame in the furnace spews out several Zhang high. Then, the flame seemed to swallow the sky, and it closed the top of the red cauldron furnace with a convolution.

"Boom!" A series of dull sounds resounded through the silent courtyard. The top of the furnace is tightly connected and firmly fastened on the top of the Jinding furnace. And the flames spread out along the air holes around the Dan furnace, and turned into several strands of hot green smoke, which drifted away slowly towards the void.

"Hoo, everyone, call me to turn on the stove in an hour!" Elder martial brother Mo breathed slowly, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. Obviously, the alchemy just refined has a great influence on the Xuanli consumed by itself. Not only that, a high degree of concentration of the whole body and mind, for Dan's spiritual power consumption is also very huge.

Therefore, when elder martial brother Mo finished his orders, he sat up in the same place with his knees crossed. At the same time, he absorbed the pure Xuanqi in the courtyard and restored the deficit in his body.

"Ha ha, it's just a pot of Huanyang pill. I'll spend all my spiritual strength. This is the only skill of the disciples in the danmen hall on the way to Dandao! " Hide in the shade out of no trace a little smile, looking at the courtyard pale elder martial brother Mo secretly sigh up.

"Hey, there are people outside the building, and there are brothels outside the building. You can't be arrogant. What's more, this guy is just a senior brother in a hall. How do you know that there are no other masters in the danmen hall! Do you think that everyone has the support of eternal Heaven and earth determination as you do, and that I am so immortal that the demon master teaches me? " Demon respect fire Xiao a face bad smile, first will no trace don't show trace of reproach. Then he raised his price and praised himself.

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"Bah, old demon, you are so old that you are more shameless than me!" Traceless spit hard mouth saliva, a face of disgust toward demon respect fire Xiao disdain way.

In the courtyard, there was silence. All of them held their breath. They didn't even dare to breathe. They were afraid that they would make a little noise and disturb elder martial brother Mo, who was sitting on his knees.

The elder martial brother Qi, who was changed to be Qi Ming, was more nervous and sweating. While carefully calculating the time, his eyes were burning towards the flaming golden cauldron.

As time goes by, people are waiting under the scorching fire. Finally, it took a long time to boil for about an hour, and the temperature of the pill was almost the same.

Qi Ming, a disciple of the danmen hall, wiped the sweat on his forehead and whispered to elder martial brother Mo, who was still breathing in front of him: "elder martial brother Mo, the time has come. You can start the fire

"Hoo A dull exhalation came from the mouth of elder martial brother Mo, who closed his eyes tightly. Then, brother Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the momentum released from his whole body rose again.

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"Brush!" A red light flashed out, and a mysterious gas containing the power of fiery red inner elixir shot out of elder martial brother Mo's body in an instant, and rushed straight into the golden cauldron furnace."Hum!" Red mang mapping into the moment, the whole body of Jinding Dan furnace is a violent tremor. The fiery red fire snake seemed to be alive in an instant, rushing out quickly along the pores around the Jinding Dan stove. Then, several flame snakes gathered on the top of Jinding Dan furnace, turned into flames and bathed in the red and hot Jinding Dan furnace.

Yilala, yilala

After a series of frictions, the sound of noise came up, and the blue smoke rose rapidly from the body of Jinding Dan furnace. The white smoke is fragrant, and the quiet courtyard is full of strong vitality.

At this time, bursts of rising smoke also slowly toward the top of the Golden Tripod Dan furnace, seems to be slowly forming a red cloud pattern.

As soon as this magical scene appeared, elder martial brother Mo, who was pale below, suddenly got excited and couldn't help himself.

"Ah! Yes, yes? Return, or Dan Yun level Dan Yao? " Qi Ming widened his eyes and looked at the half strange red cloud scene gathered in the air.

"Suddenly Just at this time, a strange hot gas from the Jinding Dan stove rushed out, blowing the half of the red clouds just gathered above the Dan stove. However, the fragrance in the Jinding Dan stove was still flowing out wantonly.

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"Dan, Dan cloud scattered..." just also excited incomparable Qi Ming and so on a dry Dan door hall disciple, at this time a each expression embarrassed Leng on the spot. But fortunately, the elixir in the Jinding Dan stove seems to have been condensed, and it's all in vain.

At this moment, the most ugly face in the courtyard is brother mo. Elder martial brother Mo, who thought that the condensed Danyun was extremely excited, now his pale face was completely blue.

"Go Elder martial brother Mo clenched his teeth and squeezed a word out of his mouth with indignation. Then, the burning flame in jindingdan furnace gradually went out, and the top of jindingdan furnace slowly opened outward.

Hua La, Hua la

The top of the heavy stove was lifted and fell heavily on the ground of the courtyard. A violent shock suddenly came, and all the people in the courtyard trembled at the same time. Then, the misty white smoke filled the air, and in the layers of white fog, there were nine red lights shining up< br>

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