Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 259: 259

The quiet courtyard is full of fragrance, and the air is full of pure and vigorous smell of pills. All the people in the courtyard did not move, their eyes were good, and they looked curiously towards the inside of the cauldron.

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"Cough, danlai!" A burst of coughing came out. Elder martial brother Mo carefully took out a jade bottle from his arms. Then, a force of suction came into being from the palm of his hand, which attracted the nine red glowing pills in the Jinding Dan stove.

"Gulu, Gulu," a clear sound, one by one came from the jade bottle in the hand of elder martial brother mo. The whole eight light sounds, brother Mo carefully closed the cork again. A fiery red light flashed up and reflected all the jade bottles in elder martial brother Mo's hands.

"Pa!" Eight pills entered the jade vase, and the other red pill fell steadily between the index finger and the middle finger of brother Mo's right hand.

A hot wave of air surged out quickly and spread towards the silent courtyard. Everyone's eyes in the courtyard were all shining, and all of them were very excited. They looked at the red pill in elder martial brother Mo's hand.

"Congratulations, elder martial brother Mo, the soul saving pill made by refining!"

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"Congratulations, elder martial brother Mo, the soul saving pill made by refining!"

"Ha ha, congratulations on the soul saving pill refined by elder martial brother mo. Elder martial brother Mo's power of Dan Dao goes further. Next time, he will be able to refine Dan Yun God Dan Lai! "

With a sound of flattery, Qi Qi summoned the disciples from the danmen hall. Qi Ming laughed and flattered elder martial brother Mo carefully.

"Well, it's not easy to become a Dan. As for condensing Danyun, we can only depend on luck! " Elder martial brother Mo sighed and looked at the half of the red clouds and pills in his hand. He shook his head helplessly.

"Ha ha, I'm not only good at self cultivation, but also lucky! Is it hard for all the disciples in the danmen hall to be so unbearable? " No trace in the crowd had no choice but to smile. He didn't agree with elder martial brother Mo's modest statement.

On both sides, a group of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall looked at Wu trace and sneered inexplicably. They all saw each other and squeezed each other's eyes. It is the wind horse, cow not, two life fear no trace, a not happy in poke out what basket. In a hurry, one person came to Wuchen to accompany him, and the other quickly walked towards elder martial brother Mo and others in the courtyard.

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"Ha ha, congratulations on the creation of the magic pill of elder martial brother mo. please move back to the hall to have a rest. I'll take someone to clean the courtyard, and then I'll go down the mountain and return to the factotum hall With a smile and a respectful look on his face, Feng Ma lowered his figure and said humbly to elder martial brother Mo and others.

"Ha ha, today, brother Mo, Shendan has become a success. You guys have some hard work. After cleaning the courtyard, go back to the service hall and have a rest! " On one side, Qi Ming obviously saw that elder martial brother Mo was in a good mood, which made him extremely disdainful and waved to fengma.

"Yes, yes, thank you, elder martial brother Mo, thank you, elder martial brother Qi!" Seeing this, the wind horse quickly thanks again and again toward the two people bowed a gift. Then he turned and strode, waving to the people gathered in the courtyard.

"Wait a minute!" Just when the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall came forward one after another and wanted to clean the courtyard quickly. The playful voice of elder martial brother Mo resounded in the noisy courtyard again.

"Brother Mo, what else can I do for you?" With doubts on his face, Feng Ma turns to elder martial brother Mo and asks respectfully.

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"Ha ha, you've been busy for such a long time. It's not too late to have a rest. After a while, everyone goes to find Qi Ming, and everyone gets a Qi gathering pill. " Elder martial brother Mo has a strange smile on his face and says calmly to fengma and other people.

Hearing the speech, all the new disciples in the hall were stunned, and their eyes were full of eager light.

But the faces of Feng Ma, Niu Bu and them all changed at the same time. They looked at each other and saw a little uneasiness in each other's eyes.

"Ha ha, this guy can be so kind-hearted, it's hard for the sun to come out in the West!" No trace looked at the wind horse and cow two people's changing look, in the heart also faintly suffused with a bad premonition.

"Ha ha, there must be a reward, but I'll talk about it later." Elder martial brother Mo laughed and patted Feng Ma on the shoulder. Then, he handed the red pill forward and put it directly on the mouth of fengma, saying: "come on, you call fengma, right? I think I've been working hard for a long time. I'll give you this saving soul, elder martial brother danmo! "

"Mo, brother Mo, you can't, you can't, you can't!" Seeing this, the wind horse quickly shook his head and waved his hand. At the foot of the pace of a strong want to move back, but the whole body I don't know when has been Mo elder martial brother's momentum to lock on the spot.

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"Hey, wind horse, don't be blind. This Dan Fang was made by our elder martial brother Mo by all means, and this soul saving Dan was condensed by us. If it wasn't for elder martial brother Mo's sympathy for you, you would never have had such a chance to get such a magic pill in your life! " Qi Ming winked at the wind horse with a bad smile. His tone was full of bewitching."Brother Mo, I really can't take this pill!" Feng Ma's eyes are full of the color of begging for mercy. He pleads with elder martial brother mo. It has been clearly revealed in the words of Qi Ming just now that elder martial brother Mo has got this Dan Fang himself. And looking at the posture, I'm afraid this elixir is also the first successful refining of elder martial brother mo. Now, elder martial brother Mo asked him to test Dan with his body. The implication is self-evident.

Everyone is happy with Dan Cheng. If Dan fails, it will be no loss for the people of Dan men hall to die a disciple of the miscellaneous service hall. It's a big deal to make up a reason to fool things out. Anyway, there are no fewer disciples of the miscellaneous service hall who have tried to die these years. This kind of thing also happens frequently in the entrance of each hall, and a group of disciples of the outer door have long been familiar with the hidden rules!

"Hum, did I give you a face?" Elder martial brother Mo, who was originally laughing, suddenly sank down with a cold hum. The momentum on the body suddenly rose, and the trembling wind horse was firmly confined in place.

"Eat, or die!" At this time, elder martial brother Mo's eyes were extremely fierce. He handed the red and hot pill to fengma's mouth.

"Mo, elder martial brother Mo, I, I..." Feng Ma's eyes are full of unwilling meaning, and the cold sweat brushes on his nose and temples. After that, the wind horse struggled again and again. It was not easy for him to bite his teeth and close his eyes. Under the coercion and inducement of elder martial brother Mo, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Cough, brother Mo, right! Since the wind horse is so reluctant, presumably this pill into his body can not be absorbed. You're also looking for someone to try Dan. You see, I'll take this salvation pill for him. What do you think, elder martial brother Mo? " A burst of light cough, extremely harsh echo in the courtyard. Then, among the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, a handsome young man stepped out. The handsome boy's face showed a harmless smile, which was very natural and elegant in the sunshine< br>

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