Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 268: 268

On the martial arts square of the puppet hall, the sword spirit is like a light shield. He escorted the disciples of Yigan Zayi hall, and there was a faint breath of the power of the field in the pure sword.

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Even if more than 100 disciples of the puppet hall cooperate with the puppets of the organ. But still failed, unable to break the sword light mask in front of him.

"Stop!" A loud but magnetic voice rang out. On the martial arts field, where the sword was still in full swing, a group of puppet hall disciples stopped at the same time. Immediately after that, more than a hundred disciples all stepped back and a group of people came out of the main hall of the puppet hall.

Dozens of figures stepped out, and all of them followed the puppets. And dozens of figures all intentionally or unintentionally release their self cultivation. These people are all at the level of the later cultivation of Dan soul realm. In addition to the organ puppet beside him, the puppet hall has produced nearly 30 strong disciples in the later stage of Dan's soul realm.

In contrast, only one person in succession reached the level of the later cultivation of Dan soul realm. Standing with the disciples of the puppet hall, it was obvious that there was a one-sided situation.

Traceless looking at dozens of figures in front of him, his eyes quickly skimmed over the crowd. Although these people are all the later cultivation realms of Dan's soul realm, they didn't bring any oppression to Wu trace.

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"Brush!" Traceless eyes moved very fast, and in a flash, they fell on the body of a young man in purple who was the leader of the group.

The young man in purple looks white and clean, and his purple clothes make him feel clean and neat. And the whole body momentum of the youth in purple was perfectly covered up, without any trace of Xuanqi leaking out. In contrast, those puppet hall disciples who deliberately show off around them, this young man in purple, actually has a kind of dignity that is not angry and arrogant. Obviously, this young man in purple is the absolute core figure in the puppet hall, and must be the leader of these present disciples.

"Ha ha, it's a busy business. Let's all back down!" The young man in purple found that Wu Chen looked at himself and gave Wu Chen a smile. Then, he gently waved his hand, and the voice was not loud, but clearly spread all over the martial arts square.

"I'll follow you, elder martial brother Zifeng!"

Shouts of respect rang from the square. More than a hundred figures and more than a hundred organ puppets bowed to salute, which shocked the people in the hall. Then, I saw more than 100 disciples Qi Shushu return to the place where he was standing, and continue to cooperate with the puppet in front of him.

On such a large Martial Arts Square, they once again practiced their own set of exquisite techniques.

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"Elder martial brother Zifeng, do you want me to try the boy's back?"

"Hey, elder martial brother Zifeng, if you can block our puppet array, it shows that this boy is not an ordinary warrior! No wonder we have to be more careful when we can pit the people in the Dan gate hall! "

By the side of the young people in purple, dozens of Dan's later cultivation in the soul state made their voices together. While reminding elder martial brother Zifeng to be careful, they all rub their hands and eyes on the traceless body in the field.

"Ha ha, Feiliu, try him!" The young man in purple seems to be in high spirits at the moment. He orders in a low voice to a young man full of courage beside him.

"Hey, hey, thank you, elder martial brother Zifeng, Feiliu The young man was so happy that he stepped forward to the crowd. On one side, an organ puppet lying on the ground followed, and followed Feiliu step by step.

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"Cough, elder martial brother Wuchen, the young man in purple is named Zifeng. He is the chief disciple of the puppet hall. And this young man named Feiliu is the number one cadre under Zifeng. This person is also the later cultivation of Dan soul realm. It is said that all the people who have seen his martial spirit have died... "One after another, his face is very dignified, and he lies down in no trace ear and whispers a warning. When talking about the title of chief disciple, the look on one's face was extremely awkward and unnatural. After all, as the chief disciple of waimen Tangkou, the chief disciple and other chief disciples of waimen Tangkou must be more and more shivering and unable to handle.

"Ha ha, flying down 3000 feet, it's suspected that the Milky way is falling into the sky! Feiliu, that's a good name No trace gently nodded, said with a smile. Then, no trace stepped forward, walked out of the scope covered by the sword, and looked forward to the fierce flying stream.

"Hey, I heard that you beat the face of the Dan gate hall hard, which is good news for the rest of us! Now I'll try your skill. I hope you don't mind! As long as you can resist my ten moves, the door of the puppet hall will always be open to you in the future! " Yingqi youth Feiliu's face is full of fun and smile, and points to Wuchen. Immediately, a surging and fierce spirit state of Dan was released in the later period, and quickly pressed forward on the body without trace."Hehe, ten moves? I'm afraid it's not up to you! " No trace a little smile, the whole body momentum burst out quickly. The five elements Xuanli and five colors aura linger around. Relying on the momentum of the middle cultivation realm of Dan soul realm, it just pushes down the momentum of Feiliu.

"Oh, boy, there are two brushes!" Seeing this, Feiliu's energetic eyes suddenly flashed, and a surge of fighting spirit rose in his body. With a wind Xuanli breath rolling up, the whole body of Feiliu disappeared in the same place.

"Ha ha, the first move!" With a cold smile of no trace, the silver jade belt on his waist quickly turned out. The endless sword spirit rises and turns into an invisible light covering the whole body.

"Bang!" Just as the invisible sword light shield was added to the body, a dull sound suddenly appeared at the back of the heart behind the traceless. Then, with the turbulence and tremor of the sword, the figure of Yingqi youth Feiliu suddenly appeared behind the traceless.

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"Streamers flying!" The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the air of Xuanli burst out in an instant. A remnant shadow cuts across the martial arts square, and suddenly dodges out of the attack area of Feiliu.

"Ha ha, compare speed with me?" Standing on the ground, Feiliu suddenly smiles, and a bright dagger appears in his hand. Later, the wind and Xuanli of Feiliu's body became more powerful, and the whole person turned into an aurora and followed the body without trace.

"Boom!" There was a dull sound and a chill in the martial arts field. In the eyes of all the people, they could only see the cold light colliding with each other quickly, and then separating towards both sides. Immediately after that, he saw that the flying current wrapped by the wind changed its position one after another, and then attacked and killed Wuchen again and again. Wuchen, on the other hand, is indifferent, waving his silver sword and resisting the fierce attack of Feiliu.

Gulu, Gulu

On one side, more than 100 puppet hall disciples stopped and looked at Feiliu, the second master of puppet hall, with admiration.

Even the late master of Gandan spirit state, who is beside elder martial brother Zifeng in Ziyi, is shocked when he sees the attack of Feiliu under the leisurely defense without trace

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