Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 269: 269

Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Hundreds of figures on and off the martial arts training ground were all solemn, and their eyes fell on the two figures who collided fiercely in one place.

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Under the chief disciple of the puppet hall, he can be called the valiant general Feiliu above more than a thousand disciples. At this time, the whole person is blessed by the wind Xuanli Xuanqi, which makes the speed of its release far exceed that of the later cultivation of ordinary Dan soul realm. And the dagger in his hand is sending out bursts of chill, and the move bursts into a sense of killing, and he is forced to attack without trace.

Wu Chen's whole body is covered with the idea of sword, holding the silver sword calmly. However, after Feiliu's momentum soared, the continuous sword spirit released from his whole body obviously showed a faint sign of decline.

"Fly, flow, break!" A fury, suddenly from no trace behind cold ring. Then, no trace just felt that a terrible air of ice Xuanli was coming behind him. The sword defense rising behind Wu Chen was frozen into pieces of ice by this terrible breath. Then along with the wind blowing, crackling loss of luster scattered on the ground.

"Damn, willow style nine swords and catkins are all over the sky!" Feeling the huge killing opportunity coming from behind, Wu trace's body quickly ran forward. The silver sword in his hand swung out again, and pieces of swords turned into catkins, and the light shield blocked behind the traceless body.

"Bang!" The masking of a piece of sword spirit is like a light mask in front of the dagger in the flying hand. It is as fragile as a bubble. Just less than a breath of time, flying flow body shape will be like no one. Yingsheng penetrates the catkins' sword Qi and rushes back to Wuchen's heart.

"Hehe, the Xuanli of the wind increases its attack speed, and the Xuanli of the ice takes charge. These two kinds of Xuanli complement each other, and their attack power is much higher than that of ordinary double Xuanli attribute warriors! Moreover, so far, he has not used organ puppets. No trace boy, if you want to win this battle, you have to show some real skills! "

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"Ha ha, eight moves!" No trace faint smile, the pace of rapid galloping suddenly stop a turn. Then, the long silver sword in his hand turned into a magnificent silver dragon, carrying bursts of golden awn to fly away behind him.

"Boom!" The silver dragon, like swallowing the sky and spitting the earth, was covered with golden awn, which collided with the air of ice burst out from the flying stream behind.

Click, click

The sound of breaking was heard all the time, and the dagger momentum in the hands of Feiliu in the rear decreased sharply. However, the power of the ice on the silver dragon was greater than that of the silver sword. In a moment, the silver dragon dissipated, and the silver sword was restored to its original appearance.

"Cut off, water, flow!" Just as the dagger in Feiliu's hand fell sharply, a clear cold light suddenly flashed on Feiliu's chest. Then, a trace of the power of martial spirit came into being, all concentrated on the dagger in Feiliu's hand.

The cold light released by the dagger in Feiliu's hand soared rapidly, and even merged with the Xuanqi of water contained in the surrounding air. After touching the cold awn released by the dagger, the Xuanqi of daoshui quickly condenses in the cavitation and becomes a fierce cold awn.

The dagger, which was originally short and capable, quickly froze the water power in the air. And these frozen ice quickly gathered and attached to the dagger, turned into a huge cold edge extending towards the traceless body.

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"Damn it No trace a exclamation, in want to avoid already obviously too late. Under the blessing of the mysterious force of the wind, these cold air turned into a huge blade and stabbed at the traceless chest in the blink of an eye.

Tearing, tearing

The sound of friction sprang up, and bursts of purple gold undercurrent containing the power of lightning spread out. The air of earth, gold and two mysterious forces spread out rapidly on the body without trace. After that, Wu Chen's body was quickly covered with a layer of purple and gold armor.

"Boom!" As soon as the purple gold armor was covered, the huge blade ice cone came to the rear. The meaning of the terrible ice spreads towards the whole body of no trace, and the huge blade ice cone reaches the waist of no trace.

Click, click

A clear sound reverberates on the silent Martial Arts Square. I saw the power of lightning surging in the undercurrent, like a long dragon of purple and gold, hovering around the body without trace. And the terrible cold released by the huge blade ice cone turned into pieces and scattered all over the ground under the pressure of purple gold streamer.

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The air of cold ice gathered by the huge blade ice cone on the waist of no trace becomes weaker and weaker. And the seemingly invincible ice cone blade, even against the no trace waist, can no longer move forward.

"Ha ha, nine moves, and the last move!" No trace in purple and gold armor with its handsome face is as powerful and domineering as a heavenly general. With the silver sword in Wuchen's hand waving out again, the huge blade ice cone which was low before his waist instantly disintegrated into pieces.

"Whoosh!" Feeling the strong change of Wuchen's aura, Feiliu quickly takes back the dagger in his hand and abandons the huge blade ice cone he gathered before. The mysterious air of the wind on the whole person rises rapidly, and a gust of wind quickly escapes from the distance of 100 meters away from no trace."Damn, you're not human! I can't break your armor with a blow from my soul? " Feiliu's arm holding the dagger trembled slightly. It was obvious that the attack without trace also caused a great load on him. But fortunately, even if he gave up the huge blade ice cone he got from gathering Qi, he could escape from the traceless counterattack in time.

"Ha ha, I have to admit that you are very strong! If the General Dan soul state later martial arts meet you, I'm afraid you can't walk the combination of the three moves! But it's a pity that you met me. I'm Liu Wuchen better than you

With this remark, Feiliu's shocked expression changed rapidly and became extremely ugly. And all the puppet hall disciples and the children from the service hall in the martial arts square swallowed their saliva. A strange expression, toward the traceless not red not white face looked.

"Ha ha, good, very good. Your success has angered me! There's one last move. I'm going to kill you! " Feiliu's face changed several times, and a sneer flashed on his heroic face. Immediately, I saw Feiliu's body quickly lowered, and the dagger in his hand suddenly crossed his chest. The momentum of Feiliu's whole body suddenly ascended to the extreme, and the Xuanli Qi released quickly combined with the dagger in his hand.

At this time, on the chest of Feiliu, the air of rolling ice filled out. The whole person of Feiliu and the power of martial spirit contained in his body are perfectly integrated with the dagger in his hand.

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Boom, boom, boom

The fury burst out, and the place where Feiliu was within 10 meters turned into ice. At this time, the Feiliu is like a peerless blade, locking the whole body of the opposite no trace up and down.

"Eh, the momentum of Feiliu seems to contain the breath of the power of the field!" On the other hand, he has realized the power of the field without trace, and felt the power of the field hidden in the flying fluid for the first time. Originally was not very concerned about the no trace, in an instant then played a very vigilant. The silver sword in his hand flashed in vain and turned into a continuous sword, which once again shrouded his whole body.

"Jue, Ming, Sha!" A roar rang through the puppet hall Martial Arts Square.

A cold light flashed, but all the people on the scene subconsciously shivered. Then, the invisible power of ice quickly shrouded in the traceless body, a little cold light flashed away, and then toward the traceless chest crazy assassinate< br>

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