Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 270: 270

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas, slowly spit out from the stern mouth without mark. After that, the five colors of Xuanli aura all around Wuchen were shining, and the silver sword all over Wuchen quickly absorbed the Qi of the five elements Xuanli.

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A transparent mask containing the mysterious power of the five elements and the continuous sword meaning of Wuhen's whole Kendo perception is instantly transformed into the power to protect the field, and the whole body shape of Wuhen is firmly wrapped in it.

"Boom!"“ Boom

Bursts of terrible turbulence sound, resounding in the puppet hall on the martial arts square. The endless power of ice spread wantonly around, overturning all the puppet hall disciples watching the battle.

Even the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall, who are guarded by Wuchen Jianyi, are affected by the aftereffect of this terrible attack.

"Poof!" One after another, he stood alone in front of the others and suffered a lot of aftershocks. Fortunately, though they suffered some internal injuries one after another, fortunately they did not reach the level of death. After that, the disciples of the miscellaneous Service Hall fell to the ground.

"Brother Feiliu!"

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"Feiliu, is he OK?"

"Damn it, the power of the field has been released. I'm afraid that boy will die this time!"

"It's said that elder martial brother Feiliu didn't dare to take it hard. It's strange that the boy should resist and not die! "

In the puppet hall, all the elixirs of the later cultivation of Dan's soul state looked at the area covered by the cold ice force. The crowd was full of emotion. Only the first man of the puppet hall, elder martial brother Zifeng, didn't say a word. His face, which had been indifferent, could not help frowning slightly.

"Cough..." a burst of rapid light cough, in the cold air under the cover of gently spread. After that, I saw a cold wind blowing, which gradually dissipated the air of ice in the field.

In the area where the cold air dissipates, the body shape of Feiliu, holding a dagger and attacking, gradually emerges. At this time, Feiliu's whole body was covered with frost, and even his eyebrows were covered with ice stubble.

The dagger in Feiliu's hand, which used to be bright and frightening, has gradually lost its original luster. And the power of ice on the dagger gradually subsided, and a visible crack quickly appeared on the dagger.

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"Click!" Suddenly, the dagger after the cold air receded was broken into two pieces. The body shape of Feiliu holding the dagger was slightly trembling, and a mouthful of bright red blood gushed out from his mouth.

"Ten moves have passed, you are defeated!" A very peaceful voice came from the front of Feiliu. Under the cover of an invisible light shield, there is no trace. It looks like the wind is light and the clouds are light. It is proud to stand in purple and gold armor. His eyes twinkled with the essence of Taoism, and he said softly, looking directly at the shaking Feiliu.

"Cough, ten moves have passed, but I still have one strike to fight. You are the second person who makes me feel excited. In order to respect you, I will do my best! " Feiliu's mouth brimmed with blood, and he said with a strange smile. Then, ten cold lights suddenly flashed on the ten fingers of Feiliu, and the ten mysterious forces gasified into streamers, which suddenly shot to the ground in front of Wuchen.

"Feiliu, stop it!" In the puppet hall, elder martial brother Zifeng shouts in a loud voice at the moment when he sees Feiliu's ten fingers shining, trying to stop Feiliu's action. However, Xuanli's Qi has been stimulated. Obviously, even if Feiliu wants to stop now, it can't stop.

"Boom!" There was another shaking of the earth, and the ground behind Wu Chen collapsed suddenly. A huge figure in coir raincoat crawls very fast, and then lies on the power of guarding the field covered by traceless body.

"Damn, a more violent animal like mechanism puppet than a human like mechanism puppet, traceless boy, you have to be careful..." demon zunhuoxiao exclaimed, and suddenly rang out in traceless's mind.

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"Roar!" A mechanical roar came from the mouth of the animal organ puppet lying on the power of the guarding field. Then, the coir raincoat on the animal puppet quickly burst open, and the whole animal puppet's body suddenly split in two on the spot.

In the body of the animal like mechanism puppet whose belly is split in two, there are dozens of thunderbolt bombs. Although these thunderbolt bombs are not as powerful as jiuxuan thunderbolt bombs, their number is definitely several times as many as jiuxuan thunderbolt bombs. If these thunderbolt bombs detonate at the same time, I'm afraid the whole martial arts square of the puppet hall will be reimbursed on the spot.

"Huasha, your sister! What a big deal! You're still shooting! " See thunder fire thunderbolt bullet of the moment, no trace instant feel oneself whole person is not good. A kind of silent two tears, ears ring camel bell illusion, instantly rising.

Kaka, Kaka, KakaAt the same time that everyone was shocked on the spot, dozens of thunderbolt bombs in the puppet body of the organ rang out quickly. A clear voice of the start, bombarding the presence of all vulnerable and sensitive nerves. I'm afraid that after a few more breath, even if it doesn't turn into a flat place, it will hurt countless puppet hall disciples.

"A sword, no trace!" A murmur, if there is nothing, comes out quietly from the power of guarding the field. In a flash, the power of guarding the territory enveloped by Wu trace disappeared. Instead, a green shadow flew out. Then, an ethereal sword suddenly flashed out. One black and one white, the two sword Qi echo each other, perfectly integrated in the void. Then the two strange sword Qi quickly merged into one, turned into a black-and-white sword Qi alternating with Yin and Yang, and abruptly chopped on the body of the animal organ puppet not far away.

"Poof!" There is no earthshaking in imagination, only a dull sound. I saw dozens of thunder and fire thunderbolt bombs in the animal state organ puppet, which were all turned into pieces and scattered on the spot. However, the huge and hard animal like mechanism puppet was split in two by the invisible sword Qi.

"Boom!" Just as everyone was shocked, the sword Qi that had cut off the animal like organ puppet continued to float forward. On a hillside in front of people's eyes, countless ancient trees were uprooted. The strange and erratic sword Qi even flattened the hillside in the distance on the spot!

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Gulu, Gulu

On the martial arts square of the puppet hall, all the disciples of the puppet hall and the miscellaneous service hall took a hard breath at the same time. Everyone's body was soft, and they all sat on the ground.

Feiliu, as well as the later practitioners of Yigan Dan spirit realm in puppet hall, look at the vanishing black and white sword Qi in the distance. They are all afraid. No one in the audience has the courage to look directly at the strange and drifting sword Qi.

Elder martial brother Zifeng, the chief disciple of the puppet hall, suddenly flashed a strange light in his eyes. When his eyes looked again at the traceless body, there was no original fun. Instead, it is the same strength of the opponent's attention and dignified.

"Ha ha, that move just now has no trace, it seems that it also contains the dark and the bright two kinds of Xuanli Qi!" Demon zunhuoxiao rough voice is full of joy, in the heart and no trace liangou channel.

"Hey, yeah, I call it Yin Yang Sword Qi! I added two kinds of rare Xuanqi to the sword Qi, but it seems that I still have some heat to master it! " Traceless long breath, calmly looking at the distance of a messy dense jungle, as well as the flattened slope, Jun Lang's face will be a touch of evil smile< br>

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