Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 273: 273

On the martial arts square of the puppet hall, there are dozens of people in a line, each of whom is big and thick. Besides, beside these ten people, there were dozens of dark beasts with different shapes.

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More than a hundred puppet hall disciples Qi Qi controlled their own puppets, so they blocked them in the martial arts square.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Zifeng, are you the hospitality of your puppet hall?" Among dozens of people, a bald youth looked around and burst out laughing.

Hearing this, all the disciples of the puppet hall were not happy. It's clear that these guys intruded into the puppet hall. How can they become puppet hall all of a sudden to bully more and less. All the puppet hall disciples were staring at dozens of figures in front of them and the fierce dark beasts that followed them.

"Bah, Fang Liang, what's your identity? You should talk to our elder martial brother?"

"Ha ha, Fang Liang, you are just the second disciple of the spirit beast hall. If you have anything to do, let your elder martial brother come out and talk about it! "

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"Hey, hey, Fang Liang. It's said that you once fought with our elder martial brother Feiliu ten times without winning. I really admire your face

A group of puppet hall disciples in the later stage of Zhongdan's soul realm, after seeing the bald youth again. All of a sudden to the spirit, one after another to the bald youth sneer.

"Wow, don't fight. If you have the ability, come out and fight with me!" The bald youth was repeatedly humiliated by the public, and became angry on the spot. At this time, the black beast, with its blue face and tusks shaped like a wild boar, also stood up on the spot, and its hair was like a steel needle.

"Ha ha, Fang Liang, it seems that I didn't hurt you before!" A smile full of fun came, and Feiliu's face was still a little white.

"You..." at the moment of Feiliu's appearance, Fang Liang's face changed obviously. Even the mysterious beast, who was like a wild boar, stepped back subconsciously.

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"Brush!" Bareheaded Fang Liang's eyes kept flashing around him. After looking at him for a long time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face. Then, Fang Liang patted some trembling wild boars beside him, looked at Feiliu with sarcasm and said with a smile: "Yo, Feiliu, why don't you see your puppet beast? I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you have something else to love, Feiliu? "

"Boom!" After listening to the malicious ridicule of bald Fang Liang, dozens of disciples of spirit beast hall burst into laughter. But all the puppet hall disciples around suddenly sank, and their eyes were even colder, staring at the general.

"Ha ha, Fang Liang, don't fight. If you have the ability, come out and fight with me!" Feiliu's momentum rises abruptly, and the sound and wind around him rustle fiercely. A little flash in Feiliu's hand is shining, and a cold dagger is quietly taking shape.

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Liang on the other side was obviously stunned. The whole person hesitated for a long time, but still did not have the courage to respond to the challenge of Feiliu on the spot.

Seeing this, Qi Qi, one of the puppet Hall's disciples, was relieved and looked at Fang Liang's eyes again, which was obviously more disdainful.

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On the side, a group of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall stood silently. One after another, he stood alone in front of the team and looked at all the people in the spirit beast hall with extremely alert eyes.

"Hehe, Zifeng, we didn't come here for your puppet hall! I've heard that the man who mutilated his fellow disciples has come to your puppet hall. I wonder if your puppet hall has suffered any losses! " Just when everyone was embarrassed, a fierce looking young man with a scar in the middle of the spirit beast hall stood as steady as Mount Tai. His eyes passed the crowd and looked directly at elder martial brother Zifeng and asked.

"Ha ha, it's not up to you to tell the puppet hall what to do! It's fierce. You elder martial brother of spirit beast hall, you are a little lenient! " Purple Maple see scar youth appear, this just full face smile of stride out. And Purple Maple say these at the same time, also intentionally or unintentionally swept a side of no trace one eye.

See, traceless instant understanding, the original Purple Maple point to break each other's identity, its intention is to remind yourself to be careful of this person. After all, who can be the chief disciple of a class. If so, it would have to be the miscellaneous service hall, the house hall, the small and weak hall after being remote.

"Ha ha, you don't have to report to our spirit beast hall. However, it seems that you are in some trouble, Zifeng. In that case, why don't you give these little laborers to me? Let's take care of them The chief disciple of the spirit beast hall gave a fierce cold smile and glanced at Feiliu, who was not looking right, and all the more than 100 disciples of the puppet Hall who had been slightly injured. Then he once again focused on Wu Chen and the others.

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"Ha ha, Feiliu, your level is really down! What kind of petty worker hurt you? Come out, your elder martial brother Fang Liang is angry for you Before Fang Liang felt that Feiliu was abnormal, especially after seeing that the mechanism beast did not follow Feiliu, he confirmed Fang Liang's premonition. However, Fang Liang still did not dare to fight against Feiliu, because he was afraid that there was fraud in it. Just after fierce confirmation, Fang Liang is more sure of his conjecture at this time. Then, in front of the crowd, he began to open his mouth in public to stimulate the flying flow."In ten moves, believe it or not, I can destroy you and your mysterious beast!" Feiliu doesn't pay attention to Fang Liang's provocation, but slowly lowers his body. The cold light of the dagger flashed in vain, and the air of wind and ice rose on the body of Feiliu at the same time.

It can be seen that Feiliu is really angry at the moment, and the terrible ice cold will spread out. All the people on the scene unconsciously shivered. Even Fang Liang, who had a big rise in confidence, was obviously shocked by Feiliu's sudden action.

"Ha ha, Feiliu, let go of the enmity between you and Fang Liang! Our spirit beast hall didn't come here to have a dispute with your puppet hall. The only purpose of our coming here is to make the service hall submit to our spirit beast hall in the future. As long as the servant hall is obedient, all the bullshit Dan gate hall will be dealt with by our spirit beast hall! " The chief disciple of spirit beast hall burst out laughing, and an invisible ferocious momentum spread out. In an instant, he resolved the killing intention released by Feiliu, and his fierce eyes always fell on the disciples of Wuchen and others.

"Hum, it's fierce. This is my puppet's mouth! Now that the service hall has made an alliance with our puppet hall, if you want to move their service hall, you have to ask a group of my puppet hall disciples if they will agree! " Purple Maple cold hum a, complexion a sink, then will fly flow block behind.

"Eh, did the puppet hall enter into an alliance with the service hall?" Hearing this, a group of disciples of the spirit beast hall were stunned. The chief disciple of the spirit beast hall is fierce. His eyes are shining. He looks back and forth at Zifeng and Wuchen< br>

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