Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 274: 274

The puppet hall outside Tianyun Zong is silent on the martial arts square.

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The disciples of the puppet hall were on guard and wrapped them in a semicircle. And the spirit beast hall all eyes covetously fell on the miscellaneous service hall a group of disciples.

At this time, the disciples of the service hall became the focus of the whole hall. Dozens of disciples of the service hall had never been so cramped, but they could hardly sit and stand in such a public view.

"Ha ha, it turns out that the miscellaneous service hall has been subordinated to the puppet hall. Zifeng, you said it earlier! If I had said that earlier, I would not waste so many words here! " The chief disciple of the spirit beast hall was very fierce and burst out laughing, looking at elder martial brother Zifeng with a chill in his eyes.

It is necessary to know that a disciple's obedience can turn the profits into personal resources. For all the other disciples in Tangkou, that's a dream. In particular, the miscellaneous service hall, which has entered the other hall entrances all the year round, has always been the place for competition. What's more, in the past, there was a strange image between the spirit beast hall and the five elements hall, but now the puppet hall has taken the lead. How can it make me angry.

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"Ha ha, now that you know it, if anyone dares to trouble the Zayi hall in the future, it will be that they will not get along with our puppet hall. Although our puppet hall is not one of the best in the world, we are confident that we can make it alive! " Purple Maple is not angry, but the tone of gentle slowly said.

With this remark, everyone in the spirit beast hall was stunned. Obviously, the disciples of the spirit beast hall did not expect that the puppet hall would be so powerful for the sake of the miscellaneous service hall.

"Ha ha, I still want to live forever. Can our spirit beast hall be afraid of your puppet hall?" The chief disciple of the spirit beast hall was fierce and didn't say a word. Behind him, Fang Liang stepped forward and angrily denounced him. All the disciples of the spirit beast hall and the Xuan beast in the rear are staring at Zifeng angrily.

"Ha ha, don't hurt your kindness. Now we have entered into an alliance with the puppet hall, and both sides agreed to be brothers. It's natural that elder martial brother Zifeng's words are reasonable. If this elder martial brother doesn't dislike it, I don't mind making an alliance with your spirit beast hall! " After observing Wu trace for a long time, he gave a little smile, then stepped forward and said in a loud voice. He looked very calm and calm, as if he was really ready to make an alliance with the spirit beast hall.

"Ha ha, make a pact? A group of his servants even want to make an alliance with our spirit beast hall! If this word is spread out, it's really a laughing matter! If our spirit beast hall can't even deal with a group of your little servants, what face will we have to mix in the outer door in the future! " Pretty fierce, as if to hear a joke like the sky, even raised his voice to laugh. Behind him, all the disciples of the spirit beast hall laughed on their backs, and each of them sneered and turned to the group of people in the miscellaneous service hall.

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"Ha ha, according to the elder martial brother. Since the alliance can not be concluded, there must be a question of ownership! In this case, it's better for you to lean on me and submit to our service hall! In the future, the affairs at the entrance of your hall will be of no great importance. How about leaving them to our service hall to decide one by one? " No trace didn't care about the arrogant attitude of all the people in the spirit beast hall. His eyes were still good. God looked at him fiercely and said with a faint smile.

Once this remark was made, the whole martial arts field was silent. On one side, Qi Qi, a disciple of the puppet hall, swallowed his saliva and cast suspicious eyes toward Wu trace. And the disciples of the spirit beast hall were even more shocked. They almost scared their eyes to the ground.

"Damn, boy, is your brain broken? Dare to talk to our elder martial brother like this!" Bareheaded put on bright to take the lead to react to come over, stare at double eyes to feel to touch the light bareheaded on the head, a pair of look at idiotic appearance, ponder to stare at no trace to see.

"Ha ha, what do you think of this elder martial brother?" No trace reason also no reason light, still looking at pretty fierce tone peaceful ask a way.

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"Ha ha, it's interesting! If you can make Zifeng enter into an alliance with your factotum, it means that you must have some real skills. But even if you can draw with Feiliu, you are not the same level as our chief disciple. However, since you are so confident, I will give you a chance! As long as you can beat me, my spirit beast hall will make an alliance with your service hall. On the contrary, if you are defeated, you will return to our spirit beast hall. After all, losers don't have a say! " Pretty fierce cold smile, staring at the well-established no trace provocative said.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother. Even so, if I win, your spirit beast hall will return to my service hall! After all, losers have no say! Elder martial brother man, are you right? " Traceless Junlang's face is still full of smile, staring at pretty fierce, pondering and questioning.

On one side, when Zifeng came forward without trace, he held his shoulder and led the puppet hall disciples to one side. After all, no trace represents the service hall, and everyone will have their own choice. Although the puppet hall made an alliance with the miscellaneous service hall, it was also an equal Alliance for peaceful coexistence. He Purple Maple can not be arrogant to drive no trace how, put their position is the root of long-term coexistence."Ha ha, since you are so proud, I'll give you a chance! Fang Liang, let go of me and teach him a lesson! " Pretty fierce obviously is really no trace of words to stimulate, to the side of Fang Liang cold voice angry command way.

"Ha ha, boy, I've been looking at you for a long time! You're the one who killed the monk in the danmen hall! Don't think that if you kill a alchemist, you can run rampant with the outside door! Today, I'll let you know which gate is in the world! " Fang Liang strode out bareheaded, and the mysterious beast in the shape of a wild boar closely followed him. While speaking, Fang Liang intentionally or unintentionally turned to the puppet hall. It seemed that what he said just now had not been said to no trace.

"No trace elder martial brother, be careful of this guy's mysterious beast!" In the rear, one after another, his face was very ugly, and he whispered to Wu trace. All the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall raised their hearts to their throat, and their eyes eagerly gathered on Wu Chen's body.

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"Boom!" With a dull roar, Fang Liang suddenly burst out a violent air of earthly power. I saw a stream of quicksand rising out of thin air, and rushed to Fang Liang's body.

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Liang's whole body was wrapped by the violent quicksand, and he stood on the spot like wearing a layer of yellow armor. At Fang Liang's feet, the wild boar like Xuan beast's body quickly ran up, wrapped up a burst of violent wind's Xuan force and body quickly integrated into the surrounding environment, making it difficult for people on one side to distinguish its real location.

"Hehe, Feiliu. You still need ten tricks to deal with such goods? " With a faint smile, the aura of Xuanli in the five elements rises at the same time. And the purple and gold undercurrent surged out of the whole person, and the momentum released from the body became more and more violent and terrifying.

"Cough, elder martial brother Wuchen is laughing! There are ten ways to deal with him. I'm too stupid indeed In the rear, Feiliu's face is full of bad smile, and the voice caters to the traceless way.

Hearing the speech, the puppet hall and its disciples all burst out laughing. All the disciples of the spirit beast hall were indignant, but the fact was that they couldn't fight back against Feiliu, which made the disciples of the spirit beast hall feel extremely aggrieved and humiliated on the spot< br>

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