Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 275: 275

"Hum, you bastard, dare to humiliate me?" After listening to the conversation between Wu trace and Fei Liu, Fang Liang was furious. Then, Fang Liang's later cultivation state of Dan soul state was released with all his strength, and his whole body was covered with golden armor made of quicksand, and he came closer to traceless body step by step.

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"Roar!" A howl like a wild animal resounded on the martial arts square of the puppet hall. Immediately after that, I saw a black shadow flash out in the air, with a terrible murderous spirit, and rushed to the traceless body.

"Ha ha, evil animal, I don't accept your magic power!" The Qi of the five elements Xuanli and the sword Qi gradually merged into one, forming a sword light shield around the body.

"Bang!" On the silent square of martial arts training, suddenly, there was a heavy sound. After that, I saw a mysterious beast in the air, then turned around and integrated into the surrounding dreamland again.

"Damn, this mysterious beast can blend into the surrounding environment, so I can't catch its real trend!" Traceless divine sense failed to explore again, and lost the mysterious beast's dynamic that just missed.

"Ha ha, it's his talent to integrate into the surrounding environment! Don't look at it as unimportant. If you don't pay attention, it will give you a fatal blow and make you regret it! " Demon respect fire Xiao Lang laughter slowly spread out, in the mind to no trace remind said.

"Ha ha, phantom xuanzhu, his name is very powerful. It's a pity that you're just a fat pig in niubai! " Traceless cold smile, disdain swept around. Within the range of tens of meters around Wu Chen, he has been completely shrouded by Wu Chen's divine consciousness. Any wind and grass at this time want to close to no trace, will be no trace the first time to detect.

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"Ha ha, boy, it seems that you can only hide!" A burst of ironic laughter rang out, and Fang Liang stepped forward to the front of traceless sword defense light shield. Then, Fang Liang quickly raised his arm and put a heavy fist on the front five elements Xuanli's sword aura.

"Boom!" A punch, five elements Xuanli contains a slight tremor mask. Fang Liangdan's powerful attack in the later stage of his soul realm could not even break the sword Qi defense released by Wuchen. The cultivation of no trace is just the middle level of Dan's soul state, which shocked and surprised everyone present.

Boom, boom, boom

It was another attack. Fang Liang was as mad as a madman, and he came to the front of Wu Chen's sword Qi defense. Finally, under Fang Liang's repeated rude attacks, the sword Qi defense had a slight crack.

No trace in the sword Qi defense looked at what happened in front of him with a smile, as if he didn't take Fang Liang's attack seriously at all. Then, at the moment when the defense of sword Qi was about to be broken, the whole body of Wuchen suddenly moved.

See a green shadow gallop out, Fang Liang's eyes suddenly is a flower. Then I saw a sharp flash in the air, and a silver flash broke through the silence in an instant.

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"Yila!" A strange sound of friction is quietly heard in the martial arts field. The boundless Qi of the sword suddenly rose violently, and Fang Liang's armor was quickly cracked by the fine sand. The sword marks that were clearly visible stood out and easily broke Fang Liang's self-confident defense.

"Ah, this, this is not possible!" Was easily broken open defense of Fang Liang, then silly Leng in the spot. Even in front of the body without a trace of its are not taken into account, still can't believe looking at the body fell on the sand armor launched Leng.

"You, too weak!" A trace of sound mixed with the power of the spirit, coldly into Fang Liang's mind. In front of Fang Liang's body, Wu Chen smiles and quickly puts his silver sword on his chest.

"Roar!" At the same time of the cold confrontation between Wuhen and Fang Liang, suddenly a mysterious beast's virtual shadow flashed behind Wuhen. A huge sense of crisis rose abruptly, which was no less than the momentum released by the powerful in the later stage of Dan's soul.

"Ha ha, pigs are pigs. I can't help showing up at last!" Feel the terror behind the momentum, traceless Junlang's mouth with a smile. Then, the phantom Xuan pig behind Wu trace suddenly opened his mouth, and a violent wind Xuan force came from his mouth.

"Liu style nine swords, flowing light and flying!" A cry of extreme self-confidence resounded, and without trace, the whole person turned into a wisp of breeze and dodged out in an instant. And the terrible fengxuanli attack, it is unbiased and extremely accurate bombardment in the rear is still in a daze in the state of Fang Liang.

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"Boom!" The terrible sound was deafening, and the mysterious force of the wind suddenly rose. Fang Liang and his armor, which had already disappeared, were attacked by the Xuanli of the wind and swallowed up on the spot.

"Elder martial brother Fang Liang?"

"I, I depend on, Fang Liang..."At the same time, it resounded from the silent Martial Arts Square. At this moment, no matter the puppet hall, the worker hall, or the spirit beast hall disciples, all of them are scared by this sudden scene.

"Roar!" A cry of sadness came from the mouth of the phantom Xuan pig. Mirage Xuan pig's eyes were red, and the black hair all over his body exploded like a steel needle. Immediately after that, the Xuanli breath of the branches above the phantom xuanzhu's body was released, and all the hair on his body turned into streamers. All over the world in general dense spray out, all toward the side of the no trace body crazy assassination.

"Damn, this guy is so violent!" Feel the killing intention contained in the flying streamer, no trace dare not hold big. This horrible fur attack is equivalent to the ghost Xuan pig's death attack. How dare you be careless in the face of such a severe attack.

"Brush!" The sword will rise and merge with the five elements of Xuanli Qi. A force of guarding the field, which contains the power of the field, quickly envelops the whole person's body tightly.

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Bang bang, Bang Bang

There was a terrible muffled sound, and the fierce air waves on the martial arts square rose wantonly. The disciples of the puppet hall and the spirit beast hall released the mysterious force in their bodies one after another, fighting against the invasion brought by the turbulent waves. Under the leadership of one after another, the disciples of Yigan Zayi hall hid behind the later strength level masters of the puppet hall, such as elder martial brother Zifeng.

"Roar!" After a terrible attack like a storm, the hair on the phantom Xuan pig gradually lost its luster. But the phantom Xuan pig also because of the physical strength overdraft, the eye dew is unwilling, the whole body is weak to lie on the spot.

"Suddenly A cold wind blows, and two figures appear in everyone's field of vision at the same time.

Before I saw the Xuanli of the wind burst through the ground, his head was bright, his whole body was covered with blood, and he sat on the ground in a miserable way. But fortunately, the baldness of Fang Liang's body still breath, although weak, but also at least prove that it is still alive.

On the other side, there is always a faint smile on his face. I don't know when the silver sword in his hand will be tied to his waist again. However, Wuchen's whole body contains the power of guarding the field, which is a combination of sword spirit and the power of the five elements. It is still intact and becomes an invisible mask, covering and protecting Wuchen's whole body< br>

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