Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 276: 276

In the martial arts square of the puppet hall, Fang Liang, a disciple of the spirit beast hall, and phantom xuanzhu both fell to the ground. And no trace is still motionless, calm and calm as a mountain, standing proudly under the protection of the power to protect the field.

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"The power of leadership and field?"

"Damn it, it's so strong in the field that it doesn't work to kill the ghost Xuan pig!"

"Er, it's over. Lian Fangliang is defeated. When did so many powerful people appear in the service hall?"

"Hum, don't build up other people's ambition and destroy your prestige. Our elder martial brother is also strong in the field. It's not sure who will win or lose! "

"Yes, elder martial brother is one of the best in our eighteen halls. He must not be the opponent of elder martial brother!" A group of disciples of the spirit beast hall spoke to each other, all of them focused on the spirit beast hall master brother Manmeng again.

"Bring Fang Liang back!" Pretty fierce, the facial expression is matchless solemnity, to behind all cold voice command a way. Then, he stepped out of the crowd and headed for the direction of no trace.

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Dong Dong, Dong Dong

The body is big and strong, and the ground under the blue stone will tremble with each step. And accompanied by a fierce flash out, in its side was also impressively followed by a huge colorful leopard. With each step of the colorful leopard, the air of the five elements Xuanli rises in the void. Although the Qi of the five elements Xuanli is extremely rare, it is enough to show that this gorgeous leopard has extraordinary talent.

"No trace boy, you should be careful! This colorful leopard doesn't look so easy to provoke! " Demon respect fire Xiao voice spreads out again, in the brain to have no trace to remind to say.

"Ha ha, old demon, you are so funny. It's just like I'm provoking you!" No trace lightly a smile, to the demon respect fire Xiao joke way. Then, a silver flash, no trace will once again hold the silver sword in the hand. The power of protecting the surrounding areas once again sprang up, and traceless eyes were firmly fixed on the fierce people coming from the opposite side.

"Hum!" A cold hum, call out disdainfully from pretty fierce mouth. I can only see that the fierce killing intention of the whole body is released in vain, and the momentum and pressure of the later cultivation realm of Dan soul come without trace.

"Suddenly As soon as he touched the fierce pressure, no trace felt an invisible pressure coming. No trace around the body gradually by sweat, the whole body seems to be extremely heavy. In the invisible pressure, there was the attack of the gravity pressure of tuxuan force.

"Ha ha, the power of the field infiltrates into the power of Xuanli. This guy really has some means!" Traceless smile, body purple gold undercurrent rising rapidly. The purple and gold armor covered the whole body in a short time, which reduced the weight of the earth force.

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Tearing, tearing

A purple and gold undercurrent wantonly wandering, in traceless body armor on the body. At this time, under the protection of the strength of the field, Wu trace is more majestic, just like a divine general with extraordinary bearing.

Gulu, Gulu

All the people in the puppet hall, no matter they are the puppet hall, the worker hall or the spirit beast hall, are conquered by the appearance of Wuchen at this time. All the people showed their adoring eyes and concentrated their eyes on the traceless figure.

"Well, pretend!" A cold hum, pretty fierce, the body suddenly burst out a fury, like a beast like momentum. Then, the wind on the surrounding Martial Arts Square suddenly blew, and an invisible force rose again.

The body is tall and fierce, just like a giant beast in the shape of a human, with a pair of big hands flying in.

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"Bang!"“ Bang

Two muffled sounds rang out one after another. They were very fierce. They slapped each other. The power of guarding the field in front of Wu Chen's body trembled violently under the fierce attack.

But fortunately, it has the power to defend the field, and its defense level is very strong. Even under such a violent pressure, they could stand up intact.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" A series of multicolored virtual shadows twinkle and move on the light shield attached to the power of guarding the field. The colorful leopard continuously releases the air of the five elements Xuanli, and attacks the air of Xuanli in the field of protection.

Just for a moment, I can protect the five elements of Xuanli in the field. Even under the successive attacks of leopard, there was a sign of weakening.

"Eh, this guy can even peel off the five elements Xuanli in my field?" When you feel that the power in the field of protection is weakened, no trace will notice something strange in his heart for the first time. The eternal Heaven and earth in the body will speed up the operation, and transport the pure and vigorous five elements Xuanli to the power mask of guarding the field again.Bang bang, Bang Bang

There was another violent attack, and the power of guarding the field was still. The five elements Xuanli released by the colorful leopard is far less pure and powerful than the five elements Xuanli in traceless body.

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"Ha ha, I didn't expect that your strength in the field was so strong! It seems that if you don't have something serious, you can't be subdued! " The successive attacks were fruitless and fierce, which made us realize the strength of traceless. Even the mysterious beast couldn't break through the power of the field in front of Wuchen's body, so he had to rely on it.

"Ha ha, you are also very strong. You can shake my power to protect my field. However, it seems that your domain force is related to the earth Xuanli force, which is similar to the field of gravity No trace faint smile, standing in the field of protection of its own power consumption is also very huge. Although the eternal Heaven and earth will continue to operate the mysterious power in its body, but the spiritual power consumption of traceless is also abnormal consumption.

"Ha ha, you are proud. If you can force me to do this, I can't surpass five people outside! Even the Purple Maple guy didn't force me to such a position! " Pretty fierce face showed a strange smile, the momentum of the whole person between Turkic frenzied rise. And all the muscles around his body were rapidly widened, and his whole body was several feet higher than before.

"Hoo A heavy exhalation came out of the fierce mouth. Pretty fierce chest suddenly flashed a touch of gray awn, and then the whole body was filled with the breath of pretty beast spirit.

At this time of pretty fierce, the whole body is covered with layers of gray awn, the whole person looks more like a giant ape man. His momentum is more violent than before. It seems that he can kill all the people in the martial arts square on the spot with a single blow.

"Roar!" The colorful Leopard on one side also screamed excitedly at the moment when he saw the combination of Manmeng and his martial spirit. I saw the colorful leopard's five colors flash suddenly. In a flash, the leopard's body released a strange light, and it evolved towards the transparent form.

"Ha ha, it's no wonder how confident you are. It seems that it will take some trouble this time!" The smile on the traceless handsome face slowly disappeared, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly climbed to the top. Holding a long silver sword, he stood ready. His eyes were good, and he stared at the fierce beast in front of him. He stared at the colorful leopard who was almost transparent< br>

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