Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 277: 277

"Boom!" Manmeng and the spirit beast in his body become one, waving his arms and constantly smashing on the power mask of the guarding field.

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The continuous turbulence made the light shield of the guardian field waver, while the aftereffects of the fierce offensive turned into streamers.



"Damn it

The terrifying aftereffect of Xuanli spread in the martial arts field in an instant. Some of the disciples, who were still in shallow cultivation, fell to the ground one after another, rolling and wailing all over the ground.

Seeing this, elder martial brother Zifeng, the chief disciple of the puppet hall, quickly stopped the vast majority of Xuanli's aftershocks, and let the puppet hall and other disciples hide behind them.

At this time, all the disciples of the spirit beast hall retreated to the entrance of the puppet hall. On such a large Martial Arts Square, all of a sudden, there was only no trace and Manmeng left. They fought on the spot.

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"Go An angry roar, roared out again from pretty fierce mouth. Pretty fierce, the whole person is like a human giant ape, open arms crazy toward the bottom of the traceless hit will go. The air of a terrible dark force is pounding down, shaking the no trace in the power of guarding the field all over.

"Damn, this guy is so fierce! If you spend so much time, I'm afraid that he will break the power of guarding the field! " The air source of Xuanli in Wuchen's body was constantly released. Staring at the big hands of the two breathing fans above his head, he trembled.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid that his state after being a beast will cost more Xuanli. With the help of eternal Heaven and earth decision, demon master believes that this guy will not last as long as you Demon zunhuoxiao is full of playful smile, full of traceless mind.

"Shit, you're not serious!" No trace heard the words of demon zunhuoxiao, and rolled his eyes with disdain. Then, the air of Xuanli in the body rose again, making the power of guarding the field more firm and stable.

I saw a nearly transparent shape of the figure, is gradually emerging in front of no trace. Colorful colors are bright, colorful leopards appear in the field of no trace protection.

"Damn, this guy has gone through the power of my domain. How did he do it?" No trace startled eyes are going to fall from the orbit, quickly back toward the rear.

"Eh, it seems that this mysterious beast's talent skill can penetrate all kinds of shielding restrictions at will. No wonder it combines the mysterious power of the five elements and can be transformed into invisible power to penetrate the field of protection! " Yao zunhuoxiao's rough voice was full of praise, and he was full of praise for the colorful leopard.

"Roar!" A wild roar burst out from a distance not far from Wuhen's body. The colorful leopard is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it rushes to the traceless body with its tusks open.

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"Click." Bite off, wrapped in the fishy wind, no trace quickly threw the silver sword out of his hand. The leopard with its tusks open fell down and bit firmly on the silver sword.

"Liu style nine swords, the sword rain is flying!" Silver swords splashed and burst in the mouth of the colorful leopard. While the colorful leopard is attacked by the sword Qi, the gorgeous body suddenly turns into a transparent state again. The fierce and disordered sword Qi suddenly seems to have lost its target and burst up in the power of guarding the field.

"Damn it, I don't want to take it with me!" Feel that Zhou's guardian is burst by the power of the field, and no trace rushes out from the power of the field in the first time.

"Brush!" A residual shadow flashed out, and the momentum of guarding the field below gradually weakened. Below the colorful leopard again gathered to form, like a howl and jump up.

"Evil animal, look, I've got your magic power!" Out of the protection of the field of force outside the scope of traceless, the body quickly galloped out. The silver sword in his hand turned into a long dragon as soon as it was shaken, and it was attacked by the colorful leopard.

"Puff!" A sword into the body of the beautiful leopard, the colorful leopard body Xuanli gas. Body shape once again strange into illusory, make no trace full force a sword on the spot then stab a void.

"Ha ha, go to hell!" At the moment of no trace's failure, there was a gust of wind behind no trace's ear. The endless Xuanli of the wind, with the gravity breath of the earthly Xuanli, immediately put pressure on the traceless body.

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No trace just feel the body suddenly sink, the whole person is out of control of the balance. Immediately, no trace only felt that the Turks on the left and right sides were dark, and the two big hands as big as the palm fan quickly closed. The body has been pressured by gravity under the pressure of traceless, to the hard slap in the air above.

"Bang!" The deafening sound resounded over the square. The fine sand scattered and fell, which made countless deep pits on the flat bluestone ground below.

Gulu, GuluBursts of nervous breathing sound, quiet in the martial arts field. All the disciples at the entrance of the hall were stunned and looked into the air.

Elder martial brother Zifeng, Feiliu, and the later cultivation masters of Yigan Dan's soul state in the puppet hall are all frozen in cold sweat.

"Ha ha, a factotum is a factotum. No matter how strong you are, it's also a factotum!" A burst of arrogant laughter came from Lang Lang, who was tall and fierce after the beast, and his eyes were full of disdain. Looking around at the shocked people, the tone was full of overbearing.

"Whoosh!" A breath of Xuanli from the five elements came, and the colorful leopard's body flashed out in vain. Beside the fierce, tall and burly figure, the colorful leopard rose out of thin air.

Click, click

Just as everyone was sweating for no trace, a slight and strange sound came out of the air. It's fierce in mid air, and the palms are in one place. There is a sign of shaking and loosening.

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"Ha ha, I'm still alive. You really make me look up to you!" Pretty fierce, a sneer passed at the corner of his mouth, and the air of Xuanli and the spirit of martial arts rose again. The arms are obviously several times thicker than before, and the hands are pressed to a place.

Kaka, Kaka, Kaka

With the force of the fierce arms, the strange sound in the air is getting louder and louder. Pretty fierce, who was sure to win, also showed a trace of anxiety.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Wuchen, he is still alive!"

"Brother Wuchen, come on

"The miscellaneous service hall, elder martial brother Wuchen, is powerful!"

A shout of joy and Joy came from the disciples of the lower miscellaneous service hall. Even the disciples of the puppet hall on one side felt the same and cheered for no trace.

Seeing this, all the disciples of the spirit beast Hall who retreated to the entrance of the puppet hall looked very ugly. Even the numerous mysterious beasts who followed the disciples felt the air of terror and mysterious force coming from the air

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