Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 281: 281

No trace, Fei Liu, successively, three people have stepped into the hall of refining medicine at this time.

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After listening to the narratives of Wu Chen and Fei Liu, Wu Chen is neither going nor staying. Only embarrassed to stand in the same place, for a moment also had no idea.

"Cough, traceless boy, or you can get some Peixuan branches and Peixuan grass back! Maybe the solid base pill made by using it instead of peixuanlei is just a little weaker! " Demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow move, then embarrassed floating body fell in front of no trace.

"Old demon, are you sure this method is feasible?" Smell speech, no trace in front of once again flash a touch of pure light, incomparably expect of toward the demon respect fire Xiao body to look.

"Hey, hey, is it feasible? I don't know until I try! The worst plan is to blow up the stove. Now, you're not going to be killed. You're afraid of a ball! " Demon Zun had a bad smile on his face, and he was not convinced that you beat me. He squeezed his eyes towards Wu trace, and kept floating around Wu trace.

"Cough, elder martial brother Wuchen, this seems to be a big risk. Let's go back!" Flying flow heart a burst of up and down, in front of no trace timid words to. One side, one after another is also a face of bitter gourd elephant, almost begging for mercy toward the traceless face.

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"Ha ha, all of you have come. How can you leave like this! If we go back, the three of us will not be laughed off! " Traceless turned his eyes hard, pretended to be full of confidence and waved to them. Immediately, Wuchen stepped in first and walked slowly towards the hall of medicine refining.

"Stop, who are you from?"

"Hum, show me your identity token. What's the matter when you come to my medicine refining hall?"

Just as the three of them stepped forward, dozens of disciples of the medicine refining hall came forward to stop them. Among them, the vast majority of the disciples of the medicine refining hall are only in the middle and later stages of the cultivation of the spirit realm, and only a few of them have reached the early and middle stages of the cultivation of the spirit realm.

"Ha ha, I am a puppet hall disciple! I came to Guibao hall at the command of my elder martial brother Zifeng. I came to discuss with elder martial sister Hua of Guibao hall! " Feiliu rushed to step forward, and came to the front of the crowd before Wuchen opened his mouth.

"Brush!" As soon as the identity token of the puppet hall came out, the solemn expressions on the faces of the people in the medicine refining hall softened a lot“ Ha ha, I will report to the elder martial sister later! " One of the disciples with high accomplishments arched his hand at Feiliu, turned around and ran quickly towards the rear hall.

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Wu trace, Fei Liu, and one after another, the three looked at each other for a while, and no one said anything more. After waiting for a moment, they saw that the former disciple of the medicine refining hall returned to the peak square again.

"Cough, I'm sorry, elder martial brother. My elder martial sister has something important to do! If you really have something urgent, please go back and let your elder martial brother Zifeng come to the door to discuss it in person! " That disciple dry dry a smile, some embarrassed to fly back to the road. However, although the disciple's tone was full of gentleness, there was an inexplicable perseverance in his eyes. As if in their medicine making hall, what the mysterious elder martial sister said was the imperial edict. Even in the face of other powerful elder martial brothers, the disciples of the medicine refining hall will also act according to their words without fear.

"Ha ha, thank you, younger martial brother. In that case, we will not ask for mercy! " Feiliu was secretly relieved, and quickly threw his fist at the opposite disciple. If the eldest martial sister of the medicine refining hall comes here in person this time, Feiliu really doesn't know if he can open his mouth and ask for herbs.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, I don't know if there are Peixuan branches or Peixuan grasses in our medicine refining hall. We want to exchange some for them. We can exchange them with equivalent materials!" No trace dry smile two, low voice to opposite disciple light voice ask a way.

"Cough, younger martial brother, there are a lot of Peixuan branches in our medicine refining hall, and Peixuan grass is also planted intensively. Of course, you can exchange it, but only with the approval of our senior sister! However, it is forbidden for the disciples to resell and trade the cultivation resources in private. I can't. You can try your luck in the Dian FA Tang! " The disciple frowned slightly and cast a suspicious glance. However, due to the face of the later state of Dan's soul, he patiently told the three of them.

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"Ha ha, please, younger martial brother, or you'll help us to have a trip! We can exchange an organ puppet with Guibao hall for some Peixuan grass. How about that? " After listening to the question of no trace, Feiliu understood its intention at the first time. He quickly smiles at the disciple and continues to wear his mouth patiently.

"An organ puppet?" Smell speech, opposite that disciple in the heart obviously move! Two hot flashes of light came out of his eyes, and he asked again excitedly.

"Ha ha, this is really what our senior brother of the puppet hall ordered before he left. This is also our little sincerity in dealing with the medicine refining hall for a long time in the future." Feiliu had no choice but to pull out the flag of Zifeng under the guise of long-term cooperation between puppet hall and medicine refining hall. With patience, he smiles again and responds softly to the disciple in front of him."Well, I'll report it now!" If the long-term contract between lianyao hall and puppet hall can be achieved, the credit will be huge. Therefore, in front of enough interests, the disciple of the medicine refining hall also decided to give up again. Then, the disciple trotted into the rear hall again.

No trace, fly flow, one after another, the three had to look at each other and smile, once again standing on the peak square waiting patiently. On both sides, although the disciples of Yigan medicine refining hall were curious, most of them were busy with their own work when they saw that it was OK.

"Well, go away. I don't care what puppet hall you are. How dare you do bad things to my aunt at this time, and let them all go to my aunt! " A loud and angry roar made the rear hall tremble violently. After that, I saw a figure running out of the hall. It was the disciple of the medicine refining Hall who was greedy for work before.

With the figure of the disciple of the medicine refining hall, there was also a figure with an anxious look and a round figure. This person a place, no trace the first time to recognize it.

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Then, with the round figure running away, a group of people rushed out of the hall. It was a young woman in bloom who was the leader. She was the upper class in terms of appearance, figure and temperament. This woman is full of anger, in a hurry to run the round body will chase.

"Ah, I can't make it cool, I can't make it cool! As the saying goes, we are not suitable for each other. I'm not talented, but I'm fat and thin. "

"Damn, isn't this the fat man?" No trace in see round rolling figure of the moment, it will be recognized. This guy is Zhen Bucai, who is not talented. He is also a friend who participated in the clan assessment at the same time.

"Hey, hey, this little fat man, it seems that he is lucky! Traceless boy, maybe your chance will come! " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu Ying a strength of shake don't stop, stare at opposite blossom season woman fiercely chase small fat Zhen not just secretly smile.

On the peak square of lianyao hall, everyone was stunned. Then he quickly lowered his head and busied himself with the herbs in his hands. No one dared to look up again and peep at the blooming woman.

For a moment, there was a complete silence on the peak square. There are only three guys who don't know what to do, but also show a bad smile and look at the blooming girl and the round little fat man with relish< br>

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