Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 282: 282

Pedal, pedal, pedal

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The trot is like a whirlwind. The body is round and rolling. The speed is surprisingly vigorous. The rear blooming girl's eyes are full of love, and she follows the figure closely.

"Well, isn't that the one?" After fleeing to the peak square, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, immediately discovered the existence of Wu Zhongchen and other three people. When Zhen Bucai looks at Wu trace's appearance, he immediately takes an arrow step and floats to Wu trace's side.

"Cough, I said no, brother, you are really romantic!" No trace dry cough two, low voice to Zhen not just secretly picked thumb.

"Hey, hey, I'm not talented. A handsome man with bright eyes is naturally pleasing. This is the charm, mo de method, mo de method... "Little fat Zhen Bucai was really impolite, and he even waved to Wu trace pretending not to care.

"Cluck, no, how long have you been here? Why are you in a hurry to go back! I still have a lot to say. I want to listen to you secretly! " As soon as the blooming girl's figure flashed, she came to the opposite of Wu Chen and others. But the blooming girl didn't even look at Wu Chen and others. Her eyes like autumn water and Dai Yu fell straight on Zhen Bucai and couldn't be pulled out.

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"Damn it, how did the little fat man do it? Did he give the girl any witchcraft?" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow is also a burst of shock incomparable, staring at the proportion of serious imbalance of the little fat man and flowering women can't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Cough, is there something wrong with the girl's eyes. If you don't look at me, why do you have to feel sorry for such a fat man? " No trace heart a burst of depression, it is not that he fell in love with the blooming woman. It's just that this kind of being ignored by the beauty really makes Wu trace feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Feiliu, one after another, and two of them follow behind Wuchen, and they are obviously silly at the moment. What's the situation? How can the elder martial sister of the medicine refining hall, who has always been resolute and refused to be seen thousands of miles away, show a gentle and lovely little woman appearance in front of this ugly little fat man.

"Ha ha, mushroom cool, since you have guests here, I won't stay here again to disturb you!" Zhen not just asked for help toward the traceless blink, quickly turned back to the flower season woman, a gift.

"Cluck, I like your polite, tangible and fleshy silver man!" In the eyes of a blooming woman, Venus is popping up. She can't pull out her eyes when she stares at the little fat man.

Seeing this, Zhen Bucai, Wuchen, Feiliu, one after another, and all of them trembled for no reason. A body from head to foot, goose bumps instantly fell to the ground.

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"Damn it, little fat man, what did you do to her?" No trace ruthlessly swallowed swallow saliva, to the side of the little fat Zhen not just secretly sound way.

"Oh, I'm so handsome, I'm so annoying! I'm afraid you won't be able to feel this kind of pain in your life Small fat Zhen not just extremely natural and unrestrained shook his head, in front of no trace incomparably confident put a shape.

"Damn, little fat man, can we have some face?" Traceless in the heart of a wail, almost on the spot will be breathless in the past. But fortunately, no trace of the face is not generally thick, which barely withstood the little fat man shameless attack.

"Hum, you are from the puppet hall! What's the matter? I hear you're looking for me? " At the moment of no trace's confused thoughts, an extremely indifferent female voice quietly rings out. This cold female voice is full of chill, as if it had been a great anger.

"Keke, nvxia, I'm not a member of the puppet hall!" No trace quickly shook his head again and again, the first time easy to fly to draw a clear line.

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"Well, I'm not a member of the puppet hall. I'm a member of the factotum hall!" Feeling the cold and sad eyes of the blooming women, one after another, my heart almost collapsed. The whole person tearful bitter face, timid hastened to speak back.

"Ha ha, this may be a beautiful misunderstanding! I, I'm a member of the puppet hall. No, but I'm all right now... "At this time, Fei Liu, who has already died, laughs worse than crying. Fei liugan opened his mouth, and his eyes were even more sad than those of the blooming women.

This situation this scene, even the side of the little fat Zhen not just saw, all feel a burst of meat pain. What's more, they all showed a helpless smile.

"Damn it, brother no trace, you are still powerful. You are a man and woman killer!" Feeling the sad eyes of Feiliu, the little fat Zhen Bucai picks his thumb at no trace for the first time. Then, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, stood beside him and hugged his shoulders.

"Hum, if you don't get out of here, do you want me to invite you out?" The blooming girl glared at Feiliu, and the momentum on her body was extremely cold. Immediately, the blooming girl's face changed, and once again she peeped at the little fat man, Zhen Bucai, and said softly, "no, it's all right. Why don't you and I go to my boudoir for a chat... "Gulu, Gulu

No trace, Feiliu, one after another, three people were petrified on the spot by the flowery woman whose face changed faster than turning a book. And the little fat man on one side is more direct, "poof!" The sound of, little fat man almost a mouthful of steaming blood sprayed out. Small fat Zhen not just enough pressure heart blood several times, this just barely restless small heart to force down.

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"Why don't you go away?" Flower season woman changes face again, glared an eye to fly to flow impatiently to say. Then, the cold eyes once again, staring at no trace and one after another severely reprimanded: "you are the people of the miscellaneous service hall, then why don't you go to work? If you are lazy here, be careful that your aunt won't give you work points! "

"Oh, brother Wuchen, it's you! I heard the day before yesterday that you have become the elder martial brother of the factotum hall. You are very young and handsome. I haven't had time to come to the door yet. Congratulations. I didn't expect to meet you here today! If you can take a fancy to someone's girl, it's really burning Gaoxiang's ancestral grave. It's black smoke! " Small fat Zhen not just very familiar, a will pull up the hands of no trace. The whole person turns into a fan sister in an instant, and spurts wildly to traceless.

"Brush!" A fiery eyes, instantly staring at the traceless face. The young woman's face was extremely cold, and her eyes swept back and forth on her traceless face. That appearance can't wait to eat traceless on the spot, which makes traceless feel nervous for no reason!

"Damn it, your sister. Little fat man, how dare you Traceless face embarrassment incomparable, but dare not act rashly at will. Only in the heart of ten thousand horses galloping, to the little fat Zhen not just secretly sound curse.

"Hey, hey, it's better to die a friend than a poor one. No trace brother, this girl is a flower maniac. Who do you think you are worthy of all of us if you don't make such a handsome man Small fat Zhen not just secretly happy repeatedly, forced to endure excitement to no trace quietly back.

"Beautiful, beautiful man, your sister!" No trace looked up at the sky and screamed, hoping to pull over the little fat man on the spot and beat him violently. However, the flower girl's eyes are fixed on her. She is afraid that she is too handsome, which causes the flower girl's empathy< br>

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