Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 286: 286

Outside the medicine hall, on the top of the mountain square, there is silence.

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Only a quarter of an hour later, she came out of the hall with a square jade box in her hand.

On both sides, all the disciples of the medicine refining hall looked strange, staring at the jade box in Hualei's hand. They didn't know what they were thinking.

"Cluck, peixuanlei is in this jade box. Do you want to start alchemy now, or do you need a rest?" Refining a furnace of elixir will consume a lot of mental energy for elixirs. Therefore, hualeilei has peixuanlei in her hand, so she has this doubt about wutrace.

"Ha ha, pills can be refined at any time. But, I don't have a Dan stove... "No trace embarrassed scratched his head, pointed to the ruins of a Dan stove and said helplessly.

"Ha ha, no trace boss, I say you are at least an intermediate alchemist. Why don't you even have a life Dan stove! With an ordinary Dan furnace, you can refine Danyun level Dan medicine. No trace boss, you have no Dan Road standard! " Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, laughs and gives a thumbs up to Wu trace.

"Cackle, isn't it a cauldron of Dan stove? Let's go to the danmen hall with me. I'll get one for you myself! " After listening to the explanation of no trace, the flower bud immediately laughs and the branches rot and tremble. Immediately, hualeilei patted her concave convex chest and assured her that she was very confident.

"Ha ha, Dan gate hall!" Traceless embarrassed smile, can not deny the nod. Immediately, the flower bud strides forward, and without looking back, she walks towards the outside of the medicine refining hall.

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On both sides, all the disciples of the medicine refining hall quickly returned to normal, and they were busy with their work. And Wuchen, one after another, Feiliu, together with little fat Zhen Bucai, silently follows Hualei, the eldest martial sister of the medicine refining hall.

All the way speechless, flower bud familiar with the general lead people. In less than half an hour, he came to the danmen hall.

Brush, brush, brush

As soon as the party entered the entrance of the danmen hall, countless astonished and angry eyes fell on the traceless body at the same time.

There are dozens of figures in the danmen hall, and the momentum released by each figure is the strong one in the later cultivation of Dan's soul realm.

On both sides, many disciples of the danmen hall whispered to each other, pointing at Wu Chen and others, and began to discuss in a low voice.

"Cackle, how, see me still with such a dagger, your elder martial Sister Li weak water?" Flower bud bud also felt the abnormal atmosphere in the Dan door hall, had to say and laugh to the side people waved. Then, looking at the group of dozens of strong men in the later stage of Dan's soul realm, a leading young man asked.

"Cough, it's elder martial sister Hua! Our eldest martial sister is in the hall and knows that the new disciples are practicing. I'll go ahead and report it to you right now! " The young leader's face changed again and again, but he still bowed his hand to Hualei.

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"Cluck, no need. I'd better go myself." With a smile, hualeilei steps towards the grand hall behind the hinterland of danmen hall.

See, no trace, Zhen Bucai, Feiliu, one after another, a line of four people are all silent, closely follow the pace of flower bud.

"Ha ha, other people can pass, but you have to stay!" The young leader, with a gloomy face, reached out and stopped the traceless way.

At the same time, on both sides of the leading youth, there is a spirit of dry Dan. Later, the strong step out together. At the same time, dozens of terrorist momentum climbed up and went toward the body of no trace.

"No trace elder martial brother!"

"No trace elder martial brother!"

On both sides, a group of apprentices who worked in the danmen hall quickly walked out of the crowd and stood behind no trace. However, in the face of dozens of terrible pressure from the strong in the later stage of Dan soul realm, the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall had no power to fight. But even so, there was still no one to flinch. All the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall chose to stand with Wuhen at the first time.

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"Ha ha, you guys!" Seeing the reaction of the disciples of Yigan Zayi hall, the warm current surged in Wuhen's heart. Then, the mysterious power of Wuchen's whole body rises slowly, and an invisible power of guarding the field is quietly bestowed on the bodies of the people in the rear.

"Hoo“ Hoo

Dozens of disciples in the rear of the hall felt relieved, and all of them were relieved. And in front of them that natural and unrestrained back, is deeply engraved in the presence of everyone's heart.

"Eh, Mo Yan, you're making me feel bad about my aunt?" In front of the bud slowly stop, turn back, eyes cold stare at the leading youth ah way.

"Brush!" A cold air rushed into the sky, and flower bud looked coldly at the leading youth. The young leader trembled all over for no reason, and his cold eyes were a little more gloomy."Elder martial sister Hua, this guy did harm to our Dan sect disciples before. Now, I'm going to talk to him and say, "I'm afraid it has nothing to do with your medicine refining hall!" Although some of the young leaders were timid, they still stood upright and said. Indeed, this is a personal feud between danmen hall and Wuhen. If hualeilei intervenes, even though the relationship between the two halls is excellent, she can't explain it to the people of danmen hall.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the hinterland of the danmen hall. Just as the two sides were drawing swords and crossbows, a silver bell like laughter came out from the direction of the rear hall, saying: "cluck, I say Lei Lei, what brings you here? Who is so bold as to make my Lei Lei angry? "

"Elder martial sister!"

"I've seen elder martial sister!"

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As soon as the female voice came out, all the disciples of the danmen hall gathered up the Xuanli Qi they had released. All of them bowed in the direction of the rear hall!

"Oh, weak water, you finally come out, or your people will eat me!" Seeing the beautiful woman in green clothes in front of the main hall, the tight expression on hualeilei's face immediately relaxed. I saw bud bud three steps and two steps, all of a sudden came forward to pull up the wrist of the beautiful woman. They were as intimate as sisters, and they began to talk about their family customs in the eyes of the public.

"Keke, elder martial sister, Liu Wuchen is here..." the young man named Mo Yan's face is unnatural for a while, and he reminds me carefully.

"Hum, Liu Wuchen, who is in the miscellaneous service hall, dare he come to our danmen hall?" Smell speech, Dan door hall big elder martial Sister Li weak water surface color instant then gloomy come down. In a flash, two cold lights penetrated the whole martial arts field and fell on the traceless body like a flash.

"Cough, traceless boy, the girl's eyes are so sad. How can you make it seem that you have bullied others?" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a flash, float in front of no trace body jokingly say.

"Damn it, other people, other people's little girls talk like that, it's reserved. You old demon talk like that, that's disgusting, you know!" No trace mercilessly turned over to turn over white eyes, didn't good spirit of swept an eye, the demon respect fire Xiao scold a way. Then, without trace, ang Junlang's face, eyes like a torch, met the eyes of Li qiangshui, the elder martial sister of danmen hall< br>

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