Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 287: 287

On the martial arts square of danmentang, Li Qianshui, the eldest martial sister of danmentang, and Wuchen look at each other. On both sides, all the disciples of danmen hall are covetous, while hualeilei, Zhen Bucai and others flash to one side and observe quietly.

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"Ha ha, don't be angry, elder martial Sister Li. My elder martial brother Mo and I are at the discretion of our elders! And I'm waiting to come here because I want to borrow the cauldron of good quality from our danmen hall! " No trace steps forward with a smile and bows to Li qiangshui.

"Ha ha, the Lord of the hall has indeed given an order. No one can help you. It's easy to say about borrowing Dan stove. However, it depends on who wants to borrow the Dan stove! " There was a flash of light in Li's eyes and a touch of playfulness on his beautiful face.

"Ha ha, I don't want to hide it from elder martial Sister Li. This furnace is borrowed by me for refining a furnace of pills! " No trace is still full of smile, voice and beautiful Lang Lang spread out.

"Why, can you still make pills?" Li qiangshui's eyes are bright again. He looks at Wu trace carefully. In Li Qianshui's body, there is a hot air of Xuanli rising. His eyes full of autumn water are full of interest as if he had seen the prey.

"Cluck, weak water, I'm not scaring you. In addition to you, I'm afraid no one in your danmen hall can compete with elder martial brother Wuchen on the Dandao road! " Has been standing on the side of the silent bud bud, at the moment finally found the opportunity to plug in the words. If the flower bud doesn't open its mouth, it will be equivalent to selling the whole product. This makes Li qiangshui, the elder martial sister of danmen hall, who originally wanted to find no trace trouble, find a reasonable excuse in an instant.

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"He he, Lei Lei, you call him brother Wu Chen? What's the matter? Is this the surrender Hall of the medicine refining hall? " Although Li qiangshui was full of fighting spirit at this time, he was still keen to smell a little difference from Hualei's words.

"Cluck, it's more than our medicine refining hall! Now the puppet hall and even the spirit beast hall have formed an alliance with the miscellaneous service hall! And elder martial brother Wuchen, with his own strength, has chosen our three outer gates! No, it's your turn now! "

"Gulu, Gulu!" Flower bud bud a words export, Dan door hall practice martial arts field everyone is surprised. All the disciples of danmen hall trembled and looked back at the traceless eyes full of fear. At the first moment after hearing this, dozens of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall cast awed and joyful eyes towards Wu trace.

"Lei Lei, this is serious!" Li qiangshui's willow leaves frowned and wrinkled. He took the remaining light of his eyes and scanned the flower buds beside him. Lei zhengse asked.

"Cluck, weak water, this matter is related to the reputation of those two halls. How can I talk nonsense? This matter is absolutely true!" Flower bud bud also gradually put away the smile on the face, to Li weak water extremely solemnly nodded.

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"Hoo Smell speech, Li weak water deep breath, turn back to see no trace for a long time. Then, with a smile, he looked at no trace again and said coldly, "ha ha, I didn't expect that you could defeat Zifeng in the puppet hall and follow the spirit beast hall fiercely. It seems that I'm not sure if I want to defeat you on the way of martial arts! Since you are proficient in Dan Dao, I will use Dan Dao to fight with you

"If you win, I will not only give you a cauldron of high quality Dan Lu. We danmen hall can also make an alliance with your service hall, and the two halls of both sides will coexist peacefully forever! But if you lose, I'm afraid it won't be so easy! "

"Ha ha, if you lose, I don't know what elder martial Sister Li will do with me?" No trace listened to Li qiangshui's words, and his face didn't change at all. Still a pair of breeze light cloud thin appearance, stare at Li weak water to ask softly.

"Ha ha, if you are defeated, you will be dealt with by the disciples of danmen hall." Li weak water is full of smile in the eye son suddenly cold light a flash, a fire red hot fire Xuan force Xuan gas instant release from the body.

The flaming fire rose and set off Li's whole life. In addition, Li weak sailor in the storage ring light flash, a pot of antique, exuding the smell of aging square tripod, then emerge out of thin air, reflected in the eyes of the public.

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"Ha ha, it seems that I can't do without fighting! Since elder martial Sister Li is interested, no trace will accompany you! But I don't know if elder martial Sister Li has any suggestions about the rules of competition! " Traceless swept eyes, Li weak water body red flame, even faintly let himself have a burning feeling. This is the first time that I feel the threat of the flame breath in traceless body since the existence of abnormal fire.

"Ha ha, I don't bully you either! You and I each refine a batch of pills, from the quality to the efficacy, we comprehensively evaluate, the high-grade nature is the winner Li weak water-cooled smile turned his eyes without trace, the body of a mysterious force of the air out. In front of him, the ancient Ding Dan stove that was suspended trembled slightly, and then fell on the ground made of bluestone without sound.

"Ha ha, there is some truth in what elder martial Sister Li said! However, I don't have a furnace in my hand. How can I deal with this battle? " Traceless laughter, looking at Li weak water body in front of the furnace, said with envy. No trace came here to borrow Ding Dan stove, but now Li qiangshui proposed to compare the level of Dan Dao. For no trace, even if there is that heart, there is no pill oven to take advantage of. Since then, how can the competition go on!"Hum, somebody, take out the purple wood cauldron for me!" Li weakly snorted, as if he had expected that Wu Chen would reply like this. After changing hands, I saw a look in Li's eyes and a dry Dan spirit realm beside him. The later cultivation masters ran into the rear hall.

Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy

In the silent hall, there were strange sounds. As the sound became more and more intense, dozens of people carrying a purple cauldron in the hall slowly moved to the outside Martial Arts Square.

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"Boom!" Dozens of strong people in the later stage of Dan's soul state let go, and the purple wood cauldron smashed the hard blue stone at the bottom out of the four corners of the pit. As the purple wood cauldron gradually fell steadily, the whole Martial Arts Square returned to the previous silence.

"Ha ha, this purple wood cauldron is the treasure of our danmen hall. Before that, it was the sacred object of the inner door Saint Dan Hall, because after opening the outer door, it was placed in our outer door to guard. Not to mention in our tianyunzong, even if we look at the whole mainland of China, other major schools are also eyeing this treasure! "

"Today, since you and I have decided to compete fairly, I will not take advantage of you. My life Dan stove is the first sacred thing of our Dan gate hall, and the quality of this purple wood Dafang Ding is the same as it. Therefore, I'll lend it to you for the time being, and you and I can have a good fight! " Li weak water staring at no trace cold smile, words such as hunger will be clear and bright float into the presence of everyone's ears.

Hearing this, the expressions of all the disciples of danmen hall all changed and became strange. Even Hua Leilei, who was standing on the sidelines, looked into Li Qianshui's eyes again with a look of disdain.

Seeing this, no trace instantly realized that there must be something strange about it. However, traceless eyes have never left Zimu Dafang Ding, and there is a sign of evil smile on Junlang's face< br>

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