Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 288: 288

"Suddenly A breeze slowly blows, and the atmosphere on the martial arts field of danmen hall is strange for a moment. Everyone was staring at the two cauldrons standing quietly on the square. On both sides of the two cauldrons stood a man and a woman.

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"Keke, no trace, this purple wood cauldron is indeed the treasure handed down from generation to generation. Even if it's a full blow from the soul king master of the soul realm, it can't shake the purple wood Dafang Ding. However, no one can ignite this tripod. Therefore, although it's a treasure, it can't be controlled by anyone... "Hua Lei, with a sound, quietly came into Wu trace's ear.

"No trace boss, it's said that this purple wood cauldron belongs to a great master of Dan Dao. Only natural fire can ignite it, but the alchemists of Tianyun sect can't control it. Therefore, although the purple wood cauldron is the most precious, it has not been able to give full play to its strength! " It's another sound, and Zhen Youcai, a little fat man, is also worried about Wu trace.

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"Natural fire?" Traceless brow slightly wrinkled, some doubt muttered to himself.

Smell speech, opposite Li weak water eye cold light obviously a flash, with the corner of the eye remaining light ruthlessly stare at the flower bud beside the eye. Then, seeing Li weak water smile coldly, he said to Wu Chen again: "ha ha, it seems that you already know. That's right. The purple wood cauldron is the top treasure. Naturally, it needs a natural fire to ignite it. The seventeen kinds of natural fire in the world are only recorded in the hearsay

"If you think it's unfair, you can change a cauldron. However, any other cauldron in our danmen hall is not as good as the quality of the cauldron in my hand! Don't wait for you to lose. You're not going to pay the bill

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"Why, there are seventeen kinds of heavenly fire in this world?" After listening to Li qiangshui's words, Wu Chen's eyes brightened. Traceless side good God staring at the purple wood Dafang Ding, while turning his eyes, Li weak water asked excitedly.

"Cough, you really know how to alchemy, how can you not even know these!" Li qiangshui turned his eyes and looked at Wu trace with disdain. Then, with a helpless face, Li said impatiently: "there are 17 kinds of natural fire in the world, which are ziluo extreme fire, magic gold spark, ice core magic flame, dry blue ice flame, Youluo blue fire, Phoenix purple fire, sky burning fire, fierce prison fire."

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"Jiuyouming fire, zilingwei fire, Suishi lava, taiyangjing fire, Jiuyou flame, kuanglangduyan, Taiyin fire Crack stone, melt fire, and the supreme nine heaven Xuan fire

"However, the divine fire in this world has intelligence, and it is hidden in the major mysterious forbidden areas all the year round. Even if someone is predestined to see it, there is no strength to subdue it! "

"Well, among all the forbidden areas, there is wisdom. Even if it takes ten thousand years, it will be able to breed such a magic fire." The essence in Wu Chen's eyes is shining continuously. He stares at Li weak water and continues to ask with a strong thirst for knowledge.

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"Ha ha, that's nature! These 17 kinds of natural fire have been recorded since ancient times, but now we should call them 18 kinds of natural fire! " Li qiangshui's eyes are full of pride and extremely enjoy showing off in front of traceless.

"Cough, why? "Ha ha, it seems that you are not going to hit the south wall! Since you want to die, I will help you! " Li weak water a cold smile, swept an eye to have no mark and then take back the vision. Then, I saw Li weak water is pregnant in front of the furnace momentum in vain, a continuous stream of alchemy materials from the hands of the storage ring gallop out.

These alchemy materials were pulled by Li qiangshui's Xuanli force and whirled back and forth in the void. In addition, the inner alchemy fire of the antique square cauldron below is becoming more and more powerful, and it's about to rush out of the furnace and go straight to the alchemy materials circling in the air... < br > there is no doubt that the inner alchemy fire of the square cauldron below is more and more powerful

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